Go to your list of applicable partitions, click your left mouse button to select the partition that
you will be booting standalone diagnostics from. After the partition has been selected, click
your right mouse button to display a menu containing selectable tasks that can be done with
the partition.
Select Activate. Ensure that the partitions operating system has been shutdown before
selecting the "Activate" option.
Note: After shutting down the operating system close the VTERM window by selecting the X
box, located in the upper right corner of the window. You must close the VTERM window
before accessing SMS. You are allowed one VTERM window opened at a time and when
accessed SMS automatically opens its own VTERM window.
From the Activate Logical Partition menu select Advanced.j.
From the Activate Logical Partition (Advanced) menu, click on the Boot-mode box and select
SMS, then click the OK button located at the bottom of the screen.
From the Logical Partition menu, click on the box next to Open a Terminal Window or
Console Session, (a check mark appears in the box). Click on the OK button located at the
bottom of the screen.
The Vterm screen appears. At the bottom of the Vterm screen the Power On Self Test
(POST) indicators begin appearing one at a time. After the POST indicator word "keyboard"
displays and before the last POST indicator word "speaker" displays, press the numeric "6"
key to boot standalone diagnostics.
This is a time critical step. You must press the numeric "6" key as indicated above or
the system will boot up the operating system.
If you are unable to load the diagnostics to the point where the DIAGNOSTIC
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS display, go to . Using the HMC to load the standalone
diagnostics from CD-ROM
Press Enter, when the Diagnostics Operating Instructions menu appears.n.
From the Function Selection menu, choose the diagnostic selection that you want to perform.o.
From the Define a System Console menu either type in or select VT320.p.
To exit online diagnostics in service mode press the F10 key.q.
Online diagnostics from service mode is now complete. You can now activate the partition to
boot the operating system.
Using the HMC to load the standalone diagnostics from CD-ROM
To run the standalone diagnostics CD, assign an optical drive to the partition in which standalone
diagnostics is to be run. Ask the customer to verify that an optical drive is assigned to the correct
If the system is powered down, go to substep 3.a. If the system is powered up, shut down the
operating system loaded on the partition that will be running standalone diagnostics. Put the
standalone diagnostic CD into the optical disk drive and then go to substep 3.h.
Remove all tapes, diskettes, and optical media.a.
Ensure that the CD-ROM drive is assigned to the partition on which standalone diagnostics
will be run.
If the ASMI is not available to power on the system, go to 3.d. If the ASMI is available to
power on the system, go to Controlling the system power
Slow boot can be set using the control panel. Use panel function 02 to set the system boot
speed to S (slow). Refer to Control panel functions for more information.
Highlight the desired system by right-clicking on or selecting the system in the Server and
Partition: Server Management area. From the Server and Partition: Server Management
menu, click on Selected.
Select Power On. As soon as the optical drive has power, insert the AIX standalone
diagnostic CD into the optical drive.
Enter any passwords that are requested.g.
Go to your list of applicable partitions, click your left mouse button to select the partition that
you will be booting standalone diagnostics from. After the partition has been selected, click
Reference information
14 Loading and Using the AIX online diagnostics or the standalonediagnostics