7 SIG200 configuration
The SIG200 can be configured via following different methods:
1 Ethernet (Webserver)
2 USB (with SOPAS ET)
3 Ethernet (with SOPAS ET)
4 Ethernet (via REST API)
The integrated webserver (1) of SIG200 allows a direct access for configuration pur‐
poses through suitable web browser software from any device connected to the same
Ethernet network as SIG200.
Furthermore, the SIG200 can be configured via USB (2) using the SOPAS Engineering
Tool from SICK. The necessary cable (M8 - USB) must be ordered separately. It is also
possible to connect the SIG200 via Ethernet (3) to SOPAS ET to do the configuration.
The SOPAS Engineering Tool can be downloaded on www.sick.com.
Additionally, SIG200 offers a REST API interface to accommodate in-depth access for
high-level automation processes. A REST API is a programming interface that defines a
set of functions which allow to perform requests and receive responses via HTTP proto‐
col such as GET and POST. (REST = Representational State Transfer. API = Application
Programming Interface).
7.1 Operation via Webserver
The SIG200 can be accessed through its integrated webserver. In order to do so you
need to identify the IP address of the SIG200. Please contact the relevant network
administrator or use SOPAS Engineering Tool to read out the current IP address. Alter‐
natively SIG200 also offers its IP address via UPNP (Universal Plug & Play).
The default IP address of SIG200 is:
The following web browser software is supported:
Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 11 or higher)
Google Chrome (version 50 or higher)
Firefox (version 30 or higher)
Safari (version 9 or higher)
To access SIG200 integrated webserver start the browser on your device and enter the
SIG200 IP address.
SIG200 only supports HTTP, the HTTPS protocol is not supported.
The layout and functionality of the integrated webserver as accessed by a browser cor‐
responds to the operation via SOPAS ET (using USB or Ethernet connection), see "Oper‐
ation via SOPAS ET (USB/Ethernet)", page 12.
Operation via SOPAS ET (USB/Ethernet)
The SOPAS Engineering Tool allows configuring the SIG200 with a personal computer
running Microsoft Windows operating system.
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N | Sensor Integration Gateway - SIG200 8024482.18QY/2020-07-21 | SICK
Subject to change without notice