Antivirus 2012 User Guide 2 Configuring Settings | 11
l VIPRE Extensions: Displays the list of extensions that VIPRE will automatically
check on access. Select or deselect any of the listed extensions and click OK.
l Your Extensions: Displays the list of user-added extensions that VIPRE will auto-
matically check on access.
l New Extension: Enter a file extension limited to 10 characters and NO periods. It is
not case-sensitive. The extension will then appear in the Your Extensions list. Wild-
cards are not supported.
l Delete: Select an extension from the Your Extensions list area and click Delete.
l Add: After entering the file extension, click Add. The extension will be displayed in
Your Extensions list area.
l OK: Click to accept all changes made and close the dialog box.
l Cancel: Click to close the dialog box without retaining any changes.
About Email Protection
Note: SSL and TLS are supported in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express
What is Email Protection and how does it work?
Email Protection is a behind-the-scenes tool that protects your computer from poten-
tially harmful inbound and outbound email messages. As long as you have email pro-
tection enabled, your computer is protected with automatic email scanning of all
attachments for malware and viruses without you having to do anything.
What email programs/clients are supported by VIPRE's Email Protection?
VIPRE supports the following email programs: MS Outlook 2000+, Outlook Express 6.0+,
and Windows Mail. Any POP3/SMTP client is also supported. When using a POP3/SMTP
client, you must verify that the port settings of your email provider match VIPRE's port
settings. Please refer to your email provider's documentation for correct port settings.
VIPRE does not support the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) for non-Microsoft
email programs or encrypted email traffic.
If you use an Internet browser such as Internet Explorer (IE) or Firefox to access email,
VIPRE's Email Protection does not apply; in this case, your computer would be protected
through Active Protection.
How can I see what VIPRE's Email Protection finds?
VIPRE maintains a history of all of its detections in the View Email History screen (MAN-
AGE tab>View history link>EMAIL tab). You can also view the items put in quarantine
from the Quarantine screen (MANAGE>View quarantine link).
Configuring Email Protection
Note: If you use a POP3/SMTP client, ensure your port settings are correct.
Note: SSL and TLS are supported in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express