Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 User manual

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Reviewer’s Guide
July 10, 2012
Extend the frontiers of technical content creation and
Technical communicators have always been
tasked with providing documentation,
instructions, and eLearning that is usable,
accurate, and complete. Quality technical
documentation is an important component of
any product or service that requires
instructions for use. These products and
services pervade modern life — software,
hardware, medical devices, transportation
systems, consumer products, to name a few.
Many organizations depend on
well-documented policies and procedures that
must be consistently followed and
Now technical communicators are in a
world of rapidly-changing options for content delivery and consumption . Tablet
computers and mobile devices are exploding in
popularity. eBook readers continue to gain market
share. A mobile revolution is making a fundamental
shift in the way content is consumed. Customers
expect to access technical communication and
eLearning content in the right format, on any device.
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 is
designed for this new world of content: provides a
complete authoring and publishing solution to
multiple channels, file formats, and devices with
best-in-class applications for all your needs.
Who Should Use Adobe
Technical Communication
Suite 4? ........................... 8
Use Rich Single-Source
Publishing Capabilities
with Best-in-Class Tools13
Author and Publish Rich
Multimedia Content... 16
Publish Technical Content
to Mobile Devices....... 18
Publish Native Mobile
Applications ................ 22
Author and Publish
Content ........................ 10
Enjoy Flexible and
Powerful Graphics
Workflows ................... 23
Seamlessly Combine
eLearning and Technical
Content ........................ 25
Invoke and Manage
Collaborative Reviews 26
Improve Efficiency
Through Scripting
Automation ................. 27
Other Learning Resources
System Requirements. 28
Version Comparison
Chart ............................ 29
Pricing.......................... 32
Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4
combines the full new
versions of:
Adobe FrameMaker® 11
Adobe RoboHelp® 10
Adobe Captivate® 6
Adobe Illustrator® CS6
Adobe Acrobat® X Pro
Adobe® Presenter 8
RoboScreen Capture
RoboSource Control
Adobe Bridge CS6
Adobe Technical Communication Suite Reviewer’s Guide 2
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If you are new to the Adobe® Technical Communication Suite 4, you will discover a
powerful, integrated toolkit with single-source authoring, rich multimedia
integration, and multichannel, Multiscreen HTML5 publishing capabilities. Create
standards-compliant XML/DITA content natively with Adobe FrameMaker® 11.
Publish virtually anywhere using Adobe RoboHelp® 10. Deliver engaging,
interactive content with graphics, demos, and more using Adobe Illustrator® CS6,
Adobe Captivate® 6, and Adobe Presenter 8. Enjoy the full power of PDF
publishing, review, and collaboration with Adobe Acrobat X.
Upgrade users will discover a wealth of new features that support today’s evolving
publishing requirements. If you are upgrading, Adobe® Technical Communication
Suite 4 completely transforms your structured authoring experience and leverages
the multichannel, Multiscreen HTML5 format to publish to virtually any device.
Natively author XML/DITA content in FrameMaker® 11 with role-based views,
XSLT, XPath, and DITA 1.2 support. Take advantage of screen profiles, screen
layouts, automatic resizing, and responsive design to enable myriad user
experiences using RoboHelp® 10. Create HTML5-based mobile learning content
using Adobe Captivate® 6.
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 provides:
Efficient technical communication workflows that span print, PDF, and online
delivery on multiple devices, in 17 output formats.
Support for standards-based and structured authoring workflows.
Powerful single-source publishing features. Manage and publish document
variations to support multiple similar products or audiences. Leverage
standards-compliant, multi-channel publishing capabilities to publish to print
and multiple devices.
Link document source files across applications to automatically propagate
Technical Communication Suite 4 Output Formats
Multiscreen HTML5
EPUB 2.0.1
Amazon Book (Mobi/KF8)
Native Mobile Apps (e.g., APK)
Microsoft HTML Help (CHM)
AIR Help
Java Help
Oracle Help
•Eclipse Help
•MS Word
WebHelp Pro (with Analytics via RoboHelp
FlashHelp Pro (with Analytics via RoboHelp
Adobe Technical Communication Suite Reviewer’s Guide 3
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Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4
Customer Testimonials
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 provides just what
technical communication pros need in a global, mobile,
always-on world. What do I like the most? In addition to its
traditional strengths—single-source, multichannel XML and
DITA publishing—TCS 4 cranks it up a notch by providing
support for multiscreen HTML5 output. Now you can preview
mobile-optimized technical documentation content destined for
smartphones, eReaders, tablet computers, and other mobile
devices from within familiar authoring interfaces. Kudos,
Scott Abel, The Content Wrangler, Inc.
Companies everywhere want to push their technical
publishing and eLearning content onto mobile devices. The
question is “How?”. The answer is “Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4.” With seamless workflows to
multichannel HTML5, EPUB, and native mobile applications,
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 provides the perfect
solution for the new age of technical publishing and consumer
content consumption.
Alan Houser, Consultant/Trainer, Group Wellesley, Inc.
Adobe Captivate® is great, and now that Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4 includes Adobe Presenter 8, Adobe has
given me a companion tool for publishing ‘soft skills’ training
content as well. Adobe Presenter publishes directly from
PowerPoint, giving me direct and more complete publishing of
animations and timing of PowerPoint content. The quizzing,
skinning, and publishing features in Presenter are so similar to what
I know in Adobe Captivate, I didnt even need help getting started.
Matt Sullivan, Independent Adobe Certified Instructor
Adobe Technical Communication Suite Reviewer’s Guide 4
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Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4
Customer Testimonials
“I have clients requiring both PDF and online Help output. Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4 allows them to single-source the content and
automatically update all necessary role-based outputs from one place. Now
that Adobe Technical Communication Suite creates HTML5 output, my
clients can expand their reach to push content to all mobile devices. The
Help content queries the device, and adjusts the delivery based on screen
Matt Sullivan, Independent Adobe Certified Instructor
The powerful mix of tools in Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4 helps our clients create
the right content, for the right audience, in the
right format, and deliver it at the right time.
Adobe Technical Communication Suite enables
content creation and distribution and reduces
manual overhead. This is the way that software
should work.
Bernard Aschwanden, President and Owner, Publishing
A real bonus is the Adobe FrameMaker®
11 to Adobe RoboHelp® 10 seamless
workflow within the Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4. Here, you have a
toolbox of the best-of-breed apps for
technical writers.
John Daigle, President and Owner, Evergreen
Online Learning, LLC
The new HTML5 publishing and EPUB/Mobi
format output capabilities in Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4 put the software at the
cutting edge of the technical writing industry.
We will take advantage of the multiscreen
output capabilities to bring our online Help
and large manuals to mobile devices to reach a
larger audience.
Alexandra Duffy, Lead Technical Writer, Nemetschek
Vectorworks, Inc.
The new Adobe Captivate 6 workflow in
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4
makes it much easier to embed Adobe
Captivate content. Now, I can easily create
HTML5-based mLearning content.
Willam van Weelden, Technical Writer, Centric IT
Adobe Technical Communication Suite Reviewer’s Guide 5
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Create and manage graphics with annotations and call-outs.
Publish 3D and Adobe Flash® Player compatible content in PDF and online
Improve workgroup efficiency by sharing publishing configuration settings
among multiple authors.
Improve the efficiency of the review and approval process. Import PDF
comments into FrameMaker or RoboHelp. Host shared PDF reviews on
Microsoft Sharepoint or
Use the power of Adobe AIR™ for enhanced information delivery, including
review capabilities during the development cycle and Web 2.0 capabilities for
Deliver content to the latest generation of devices with Multiscreen
EPUB 2.0.1 and 3,
Amazon Kindle,
and native mobile
The Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 provides six major innovative tools
for creating, managing, reviewing, and publishing technical information in an
integrated software suite:
Adobe FrameMaker 11 : Adobe FrameMaker 11 software is a best-in-class
authoring and publishing solution for XML and unstructured content. Use the
new XML Code View to natively author structured content.
Use PDF-based
roundtrip reviews. Efficiently manage content with out-of-the-box CMS
Adobe RoboHelp 10: Adobe RoboHelp 10 software is an easy-to-use authoring
and multichannel, Multiscreen HTML5 publishing solution.
Deliver content
virtually anywhere using a wide variety of output formats. Use next-generation
collaboration workflows, and optimize content for relevance and search.
Adobe Technical Communication Suite Reviewer’s Guide 6
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Adobe Captivate 6: Adobe Captivate 6 software helps you rapidly author a wide
range of interactive eLearning and HTML5-based
mobile learning content.
Easily create product demos in HD, application simulations, and soft skill and
compliance training. Add quizzes, and deliver content to virtually any device.
Adobe Illustrator CS6: Adobe Illustrator CS6 for vector graphic management and
manipulation, including automation capabilities for managing image size, format,
and text layers.
Adobe Acrobat X Pro: Adobe Acrobat X Pro software lets you deliver highly
professional PDF communications. Create and edit PDF files with rich media
included, share information more securely, and gather team feedback more
Adobe Presenter 8: Adobe Presenter 8 software helps you multiscreen more
effectively with engaging videos and interactive presentations created in
Microsoft® PowerPoint. Minimize the time, effort, and cost of producing and
editing videos by doing it at your desktop. Add quizzes and deliver virtually
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 also includes:
RoboScreenCapture: Use RoboScreenCapture to capture images of applications,
user interface components, and menus. RoboScreenCapture lets you capture
screens, edit screenshots, and export images to more than 20 image file formats.
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RoboSource Control: RoboSource Control allows you to collaborate on projects,
restrict file access, view complete document histories, roll back to previous
versions, and compare two versions of a file.
Adobe® Bridge CS6: Adobe® Bridge CS6 is a powerful media manager. Available in
all Adobe Creative Suite® 6 software editions and in most of Adobes professional
creative products, Adobe Bridge provides centralized access to all your creative
About this Guide
This Reviewer’s Guide includes workflows that are enabled by the Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4. Descriptions and demonstrations in this Reviewer’s
Guide will help you to learn more about this product. Here you will learn how
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 can meet the following technical
publishing requirements:
Author and publish standards-compliant XML/DITA content.
Use Rich Single-Source Publishing Capabilities with Best-in-Class Tools to
author and deliver your content to any device
Leverage the power of Multiscreen HTML5 to publish the same content to
PDF and mobile devices.
Publish to industry-standard eBook and native mobile app formats.
Embed multimedia content in publishing workflows.
Leverage integrated graphics workflows.
Combine authoring and publishing workflows for eLearning and technical
content for greater efficiency. Automatically update technical content when
eLearning content is updated.
Launch a cloud-based PDF review workflow that supports multiple
concurrent reviewers and automatically incorporates review comments back
into source documents for approval.
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Enjoy greater efficiencies through application automation and scripting
Who Should Use Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4?
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 provides powerful capabilities to:
Technical communicators, information architects, designers, developers, web
developers, and other complex documentation specialists
Authors of complex, topic-based, structured (XML, DITA, S1000D) or
unstructured technical documentation who want to easily write, review, and
publish content for mobile, web, desktop, and print. They want a scalable
authoring and publishing solution that enables them to natively single-source
popular standards-compliant content and publish it to multiple channels, formats,
and screens.
Technical subject-matter experts and engineers
Subject-matter experts and engineers who create comprehensive technical
documentation, including test plans, designs, reports, and product specifications.
They increasingly want to include 3D models, complex graphics, and simulations
in their documents and often seek solutions with these rich media capabilities.
Help authors, knowledgebase experts, help developers for mobile applications,
user assistance designers, and content strategists
Content creators who produce help systems, professional knowledgebases,
technical support information, user guides, maintenance manuals, help content for
Adobe Technical Communication Suite Reviewer’s Guide 9
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mobile apps, and other support information for multichannel, Multiscreen
HTML5 publishing. They want a scalable authoring and publishing solution that
enables them to single-source content and publish it to multiple channels, formats,
and screens across mobile, web, desktop, and print.
Instructional designers and eLearning professionals
Instructors and trainers who create document-based learning materials for real
and virtual classrooms and self-study programs. They are looking for an authoring
and publishing tool that is comprehensive but easy to use, and integrates with
specialist tools like Adobe® Captivate®. They need to develop and maintain
instructionally sound eLearning courses that integrate with Learning Management
Systems. They work in a collaborative environment with multiple review cycles
and follow-up. Productivity is a major concern—they need to deliver more in less
time, with fewer people, at a lower cost.
Policies and procedures specialists
Content creators who produce documentation that helps government and
corporate organizations achieve compliance with accounting, privacy, accessibility,
and other regulatory statutes. They need a tool that enables them to write
structured, searchable documents that can be easily accessed by anyone in an
Adobe Technical Communication Suite Reviewer’s Guide 10
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Author and Publish Standards-Compliant Content
The ability to create content that complies with industry standards is becoming
increasingly important and popular, particularly when content must be exchanged
among stakeholders and partners, reused, and managed. Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4 allows users to create content that is compliant to popular
industry standards including XML, DITA 1.2 and S1000D.
The Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA), in particular, provides a
standards-based framework for authoring and publishing topic-oriented content.
The DITA standard is becoming increasingly popular for organizations that
require distributed content authoring, content reuse, and multi-channel
These same organizations also quickly discovered that publishing DITA content
can be challenging, especially for PDF output. Classic XML publishing solutions.
such as the DITA Open Toolkit and XSL-FO, are complex, brittle, and require
programming skills to make even simple modifications. Furthermore, these
solutions require “all-XML” input. Unfortunately, converting legacy content to
XML is typically time-consuming and expensive.
With Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4, you can combine DITA and
non-DITA content in your workflows. You can migrate your content at your own
pace, and use your own judgment about what content to migrate and what content
to leave in legacy formats.
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 provides an end-to-end authoring and
publishing solution for DITA content. The appeal of Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4 includes:
Author fully DITA-compliant content (including the DITA 1.2 specification)
in FrameMaker 11.
New and Enhanced Authoring and Publishing Features in FrameMaker 11
Extend silent publishing to Multiscreen
HTML5 and native mobile application
Support for Hotspot on Images/graphic
objects while retaining links to
internal/external destinations
Support for MP4, FLV video formats
Hyperlinks to defined seek points, play, pause
etc. in FLV
Hyperlinks to U3D views
Automated generation of 3D animation tables,
parts views
TOC and Index support in DITA map
Enhanced marker-based Pagination
Enhanced CBT Import
Support for automated line numbers in PDF
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Create rich, customizable PDF output in FrameMaker 11, without the need for
programming skills.
Work in a rich XML development environment. View and edit XML directly
in Code View
. Use Author View
to hide pagination and other
page-specific formatting while authoring. Apply XSLT/XPath 2.0
to XML content.
Use Smart Paste
to automatically convert unstructured content to valid
DITA content.
Combine DITA and non-DITA content in FrameMaker and RoboHelp.
Publish DITA to all output formats from Adobe FrameMaker 11.
Publish DITA directly to online formats through Adobe RoboHelp.
Publish DITA content to Multiscreen HTML5
, EPUB 2.0.1 and 3.0
and native mobile applications
, through RoboHelp or use Silent
for turn-key publishing from FrameMaker.
Exploring DITA Content Publishing
Many organizations have adopted the Darwin Information Typing Architecture, or
DITA, for authoring and publishing topic-oriented content. However, these
organizations often discover that publishing DITA content is challenging.
Customizing DITA output requires programming skills and knowledge of obscure,
brittle tools. Its easy to recognize the uncustomized, generic output that many
organizations choose by default for their DITA documents.
Why settle for generic DITA output when Adobe Technical Communication
Suite 4 provides an end-to-end solution for DITA authoring and publishing?
Many organizations struggle to combine DITA and non-DITA content in a
publishing workflow. Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 allows you to
publish both, without the need for expensive conversion of legacy non-DITA
content to DITA.
New XML Features in FrameMaker 11
XML code view allows you to directly inspect
the XML markup.
Author view provides formatted view of XML
content without pagination.
Support for XSLT/XPath 2.0.
Improved DITAMap publishing
Smart paste of DITA content.
Easier creation of new XML documents.
Round-trip equation and anchored frame
Prompt authors for appropriate element
content with XML banner text.
Insert OLE content in XML documents.
Adobe Technical Communication Suite Reviewer’s Guide 12
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Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 provides a complete, flexible solution for
authoring and publishing DITA content, on the desktop, leveraging existing skill
For an overview of DITA topic and map authoring in FrameMaker 11, see the
Adobe FrameMaker Reviewer’s Guide.
Try It!: DITAmap Publishing
Adobe FrameMaker allows authors to create fully DITA-compliant topic and
DITAmaps, in a familiar application interface. Choose among the standard DITA
topic types, or use the special map editor for DITA maps. You can also use the new
specialization tool to create an environment for your own DITA topic types.
FrameMaker 11 provides new capabilities for DITAmap publishing, allowing you
to automatically publish an entire book, with title page, contents, chapters, and
index, and control pagination, number, and layout.
1. In FrameMaker, open a DITAmap.
2. Choose File>Save as>Book with FM components.
FrameMaker automatically generates a book with TOC, Index, and other
generated files that you specify.
3. To configure the book, edit ditafm-output.ini in
Try It!: Silent Publishing of DITA Content in FrameMaker
Publishing DITA content is easy. FrameMaker allows you to create rich PDF
output that is easy to customize, without the need for programming skills or
knowledge of obscure tools. Use FrameMaker 11 “silent publishing” to publish
DITA and other content to online formats through FrameMaker.
1. In FrameMaker, open a DITAMap.
2. Choose File>Publish.
3. Select the output type you wish to generate.
4. Specify a .isf file (configured in and exported from RoboHelp).
Once you’ve customized your online output in RoboHelp, you can invoke those
customizations in FrameMaker. You can also distribute your publishing
customizations to multiple authors.
Try It!: Including DITA Content Directly in RoboHelp Projects
If you need richer customization of online output, you can publish DITA topics
and maps through RoboHelp. You can import DITA XML content directly into
Adobe Technical Communication Suite Reviewer’s Guide 13
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RoboHelp. You can also import DITA content from FrameMaker. RoboHelp
supports today’s popular online output formats, and provides rich customization
1. In RoboHelp, open a project.
2. Click the Project Manager pane.
3. Choose Import>DITA
Use Rich Single-Source Publishing Capabilities with
Best-in-Class Tools
The original Adobe Technical Communication Suite provided integration features
that allowed authors to choose either or both tools, as appropriate for different
publishing workflows. Live-Link, introduced with the first Adobe Technical
Communication Suite, allowed authors to link to FrameMaker documents from
RoboHelp projects, to benefit from the capabilities of both tools. Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4 continues to improve this integration, providing
FrameMaker authors with direct access to Multiscreen HTML5 and eBook
Through the integration capabilities of Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4,
Authors can publish technical content to a wide range of formats without leaving
your favorite authoring environment by invoking RoboHelp from within
FrameMaker. Retain powerful features when importing FrameMaker documents
into RoboHelp. These include Silent Publishing, Glossary pop-ups, Automap
styles, Reference Page Support, Master Pages, Graphic Styles, and more.
Organizations often need to publish technical content to multiple devices. The
ability to maintain one document file and publish content to multiple devices
allows for superior documentation consistency, tighter version control, reduced
requirements for content review, and lower documentation production costs.
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 offers numerous features that support
single-source publishing:
Ability to publish to popular output formats, such as rich PDF, Multiscreen
HTML5, Webhelp, MS HTML Help (CHM), and EPUB.
Standards-compliant publishing, including XML and DITA.
In Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4, FrameMaker allows you to publish
directly to multiple formats in a turnkey fashion; it is not necessary to switch
applications when publishing.
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You can configure and customize publishing settings in RoboHelp when you
define a project. These settings can be adjusted at any time.
In addition, you can apply local style overrides to the published result, which is not
possible in many other turnkey single-source publishing solutions.
Organizations often need to publish technical content to multiple devices. Let’s
take a look at the single-source publishing capabilities of Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4.
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 supports publishing to popular output
formats like rich PDF, Multiscreen HTML5, Webhelp, MS HTML Help (CHM),
and EPUB. Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 supports organizations that
need standards-compliant publishing, including XML and DITA, as well as EPUB
and Amazon Kindle formats.
Try it!
Let’s look at how Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 supports single-source,
turnkey publishing to multiple devices. Here we have a software technical manual.
In Adobe FrameMaker 11, we can generate PDF (show “Save as PDF menu”). New
in Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4, we can invoke publishing to multiple
devices from FrameMaker (show “File>Publish” menu and dialog box). Authors
no longer need to switch applications when publishing to multiple formats. The
publishing process is seamless, and turnkey.
You can configure and customize publishing settings in RoboHelp. This needs to
be done only once when you define a project. You can also adjust the RoboHelp
project settings at any time.
Unlike many turnkey single-source publishing solutions, Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4 allows you to apply local style overrides to the published
result. Many other turnkey single-source publishing solutions do not support
adjusting any formatting of the generated output, or any local formatting control.
New and Enhanced FrameMaker 11/RoboHelp 10 Integration Features
Improved Silent Publishing support for
turnkey online publishing from FrameMaker.
New file formats; improved configuration.
Publish FrameMaker content to Multiscreen
HTML5, EPUB 2.0.1 and 3.0, Amazon Kindle,
native mobile applications.
Automap FrameMaker formats to RoboHelp
styles for easier configuration of output
•Improved Performance.
Adobe Technical Communication Suite Reviewer’s Guide 15
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Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 gives you the simplicity of publishing
from a single application, the automation efficiency of turnkey publishing,
capabilities for rich control of automated publishing, and ability to create local
style overrides in output.
Scenario: Configuring PDF, Multiscreen HTML5 and eBook publishing
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 was designed for the age of mobile
devices. Tablets. eBooks. Technical Communication and eLearning professionals
are expected to create and publish content on these devices, which have exploded
in popularity in just a few years. TCS4 leverages technologies like HTML5 and
thez EPUB file format to make this possible, while maintaining full support for
other file formats customers still expect, like PDF and Webhelp.
FrameMaker and RoboHelp have always been strong template-driven applications.
Authors apply styles as they write. These styles are the key to publishing your
content, legacy and new, to your choice of 17 different file formats, from either
Adobe FrameMaker or RoboHelp. We just need to do some configuration work
The key to single-sourcing success is to map FrameMaker paragraph formats and
other objects to RoboHelp styles. This allows us to adjust and control our online
formatting and behaviors. For example, we may want to break up our online
output into topic chunks based on FrameMaker heading formats. We may want
different text formatting for online viewing. And we may want to remove page
numbers from online cross-references.
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 uses Adobe Acrobat Distiller for
converting images from print to online formats. This ensures that any embedded
text in graphics is sharp and legible.
Try It!
Here we have a RoboHelp project. Let’s import a FrameMaker book. We will link
the book to the project, so that the RoboHelp project will automatically update to
reflect changes in the FrameMaker book.
When we link the FrameMaker book, RoboHelp scans the FrameMaker files and
creates an internal list of paragraph, character, table, and cross-reference formats.
We can link each of these formats to the appropriate RoboHelp style.
Now lets create our mappings. This process has become much simpler and more
efficient in Adobe Technical Suite 4. TCS4 provides the option of automatically
mapping equivalent paragraph, character, and table style names in FrameMaker
and RoboHelp. Lets first let RoboHelp do an auto-mapping.
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Now lets manually adjust some mappings. Here I’ve selected a FrameMaker
heading1 format. I will tell RoboHelp to paginate, or create a new topic, when this
format is encountered. I will also tell RoboHelp to apply an H1 style to the contents
of this heading1.
Let’s do this for a few more paragraph formats.
We can also map character, cross-reference, and table styles.
When we are finished, we can generate our single-source layout, and see the result.
We can export our settings to an ISF file. This will allow us to re-use these
mappings over and over. We can share the ISF file and RoboHelp project file with
other writers who are using Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4. This will
allow them to generate output for other devices directly from Adobe FrameMaker,
without going into RoboHelp.
We have turnkey publishing with rich configuration capabilities that can be shared
across a workgroup, made possible with Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4.
Author and Publish Rich Multimedia Content
You can create an engaging experience for your customers using the rich media
capabilities of the Adobe Technical Communication Suite. The simplicity of
authoring your content once, and publishing it for multiple channels and devices
opens the floodgates to a multitude of possibilities. Never before, was it so simple
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to integrate 3D, graphics, audio, video, multimedia, and interactive content in your
publishing workflows.
Rich Media Publishing Capabilities of Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4
Rich media opens opportunities to provide various types of content within your
documentation. You can even combine various media types to create
documentation that users dont only just read, but watch, listen to, and interact
with as well. For example, you could use a camcorder to record a narration and
add the video to accompany a demo that you’ve added.
Multimedia content is playing an ever-increasing role in technical communication.
Smart organizations are using combinations of print, Web, audio, and video to
educate and inform customers.
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 provides expanded multimedia support
across authoring tools and formats:
Edit images with the best-in-class application Adobe Illustrator.
Create interactive software simulations, demonstrations, and training courses
with Adobe Captivate.
Enjoy the flexibility of more than 30 audio and video formats supported by
Adobe FrameMaker and RoboHelp, including Adobe Flash, QuickTime, FLV,
and mpeg audio and video.
Publish multimedia content to rich, interactive PDF with Adobe Acrobat.
Publish multimedia content to popular online formats, including HTML Help
and Adobe AIR Help.
Publish to Multiscreen HTML5 for delivery to devices of any screen size
Publish to the most popular eBook formats; EPUB 2.01, EPUB 3
, and
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Try It!: Exploring Multimedia Integration
Let’s look at the expanded multimedia support in Adobe Technical
Communication Suite 4.
Setting a poster file
Choose File>Import. Select a multimedia file.
Right-click the multimedia image.
Choose Set Poster.
Play the video to find a pleasing poster frame.
Specify a file name and location for the poster file.
Click Apply.
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Publish Technical Content to Mobile Devices
Never before have consumers and businesses enjoyed such a rich variety of devices
for reading technical and eLearning content. The consumers expect that content
will be available anywhere, on the consumers current device.
This explosion of devices; with different screen sizes, technical capabilities, and
constraints has been challenging for content creators. Hand-crafting content for all
possible devices is neither efficient nor feasible. Creators of technical and
eLearning content need efficient, reliable, and reusable workflows for publishing
content to multiple devices.
HTML5 provides the underlying technology for supporting multiple devices.
Content creators need only publish one collection of HTML5 files. Based on
browser detection, the device serves the appropriate cascading style sheets,
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Javascript, and HTML5 files for the device. The content is rendered appropriate on
any device size.
Responsive Design — Device-Appropriate Layout and Navigation
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 makes this process easy. Use RoboHelp
10 to define categories of devices based on device characteristics, manufacturer,
and screen dimensions. Use the RoboHelp 10 Screen Layout Editor to define
appropriate page layout and navigation for each device. Save and apply these
layouts across multiple projects.
Multiscreen HTML5 Workflow in Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4
Publish content to Multiscreen HTML5 from RoboHelp, or reuse RoboHelp
configuration files to invoke Silent Publishing directly from FrameMaker. Adobe
Technical Communication Suite 4 provides the right combination of ease-of-use
  • Page 1 1
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Adobe Technical Communication Suite 4 User manual

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User manual
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