Craig CHT973 Owner's manual

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1. Inse rt the sma ll pl ug f rom the suppl ied AC/DC ada pter into the DC IN j ack on t he r ear of t he u nit.
2. Inse rt the AC/ DC adap ter int o a conve nient ly loca ted AC out let hav ing AC 100 -240V ~; 50 or 60 Hz. The
Red Sta ndby In dicat or will l ight.
Remov e the AC/D C adapt er from w all out let whe n not usi ng a long p eriod o f time.
Inser t the AC/D C adapt er into t he wall o utlet i n verti cal and h orizo ntal di recti on only.
1. FM ANT (F M Antenn a)
2. DC IN ja ck
3. AUX IN 1 j ack
4. AUX IN 2 j acks
5. USB po rt
6. SD car d slot
7. Indi cator s
8. LED di splay
9. (Pow er On/O ff) but ton
10. /S CAN but ton
11. butt on
12. but ton
13. (M ode) button
14.EQ ( Equal izer) b utton
15.Rem ote sen sor
1. (Pow er On/O ff) but ton
2. (Mut e) butt on
3. Mode b utton
4. SCN( FM Radi o Scan) b utton
5. (Pla y/Pau se) but ton
6. EQ but ton
7. butt on
8. butt on
9. VOL( Volume )+/- bu ttons
1 2
Gener alope ratio n:
1. Pre ss and hold t he b utto n on the unit o r rem ote co ntro l appr oxim ate 1 s econd t o turn it o n.
2. Pres s the M (Mo de) but ton on th e unit or M ode but ton on th e remot e contr ol repe atedl y to chan ge the
modes .
3. Pres s and hol d the or bu ttons o n the uni t or pres s the VOL -; V OL + butt ons on th e remot e
contr ol to adj ust vol ume lev el.
4. Pre ss the EQ (Equ alize r) but ton on the un it or r emot e cont rol r epea tedl y to set or res et th e equa lize r
mod es as be llows :
nOr= Norma l
POP= Po p
rOC= Ro ck
CLA= Clas sic
Count ry
bAS= Bas s
5. Pres s the “ ” but ton on th e remot e contr ol to tur n off the s ound te mpora ry. Press a gain to r esume .
6. In BT; S D Card an d USB Dev ice pla yback m ode:
repe ate dly
Pre ss th e /SC AN bu tto n on th e uni t or th e but ton o n the r emot e con tro l to pa use ; pre ss
aga in to r esu me nor mal p lay bac k.
Pres s the or bu tton s on th e uni t or re mot e con tro l to sk ip th e tra cks.
7. When f inish ed list ening , press a nd hold t he butt on on the u nit or re mote co ntrol a pprox imate 1
secon d again t o shut it o ff.
BT (Blu etoot h) mode
The fir st time y ou use th e speak er or pai r it to a new B lueto oth Dev ice, pl ease fo llow th ese
instr uctio ns:
1. Powe r on the un it and en ter to BT m ode as pr eviou s proce dures . “bt” wi ll appe ar on the d ispla y; the
color o f the Ind icato r will tu rns to bl ue and bl ankin g.
2. Pow er o n the exte rna l Blu eto oth D evi ce an d en ter t o sea rch ing m ode . Sta rt p arin g fo llow the
scr een i nst ruc tion s fro m th e ext ern al Bl uet ooth Dev ice. Afte r pai rin g,t he Bl ue In dic ato r wil l sto p
blink ing.
When t he ex tern al Blu etoo th De vice s earc hed th e uni t, our mode l numb er “CH T973 ” wil l appe ar
on th e disp lay of ex terna l Bluet ooth De vice.
Pairi ng code “ 0000” may nee d to ente r.
or "123 4"
Notes :
1. Turn on t he BT fun ction o f the ext ernal B lueto oth Dev ice.
2. Pow er on t he uni t and e nter t o BT mo de as p revi ous pr oced ure, wait u ntil t he Bl ue Ind icat or st op
blink ing. (I t needs t ake a few s econd s).
3. Play s the mus ic in the p aired B lueto oth Dev ice as us ual.
Norma l opera tion af ter pai ring:
Radio m ode:
1. Po wer on t he u nit and pre ss t he M (Mo de) but ton on t he u nit or t he M ode but ton on t he
r emo te c ont ro l re pea ted ly t o en ter to R adi o mo de a s pr evi ous proce dure, F M frequ ency
“XXX. X MHz” wi ll appe ar on the d ispla y.
2. In fir st time u se or ret une the F M stati ons, pr ess and h old the / SCAN bu tton on t he unit o r the
SCN button on th e remote con trol to sear ch and store al l the availa ble FM stati ons. (Total 60 sta tions can
be stor ed).
3. Pres s the or bu tton on t he unit o r remot e contr ol repe atedl y to searc h and pla ys the de sired
store d stati on.
FM Anten na:
The Ante nna wir e on the re ar of uni t is for ra dio rec eptio n. If rec eptio n is weak , unwou nd and ex tende d
the wir e or relo catio n the wir e to impr ove the r adio re cepti on.
USB Dev ice or SD C ard pla yback m ode:
1. In pow er off mo de, ins ert the U SB Devi ce or SD Ca rd (not i nclud ed) int o the USB p ort/S D card sl ot as
the fig ure bel ow:
2. Pow er o n the unit and p res s the M (Mo de) butt on o n the unit or th e Mo de bu tto n on t he re mot e
co ntr ol re pea ted ly to ente r to U SB/ SD pl ayb ack m ode a s pre vi ous pro ced ure , in dic ato rs “ USB ”
o r “S D” o n th e di spl ay w ill lig ht a nd p la yba ck w ill sta rt aut omati cally.
Notes :
Up to 1 6GB U SB De vice or SD C ard ( not i nclu ded ) the u nit s upp ort t o play .
Befo re re pla cin g USB D evic e or S D Card , mak e sur e the u nit h as be en po wer ed off .
When inse rti ng th e SD Ca rd, m ake s ure t he di rect ion y ou se lec ted i s corr ect . Nev er in sert
vio lent ly to avoi d dam agi ng th e USB D evic e or S D Card or th e uni t. If i t doe sn’t work , ple ase
che ck if t he di rect ion i s cor rec t.
You a ls o ne ed t o do wn loa d th e de si red mu sic in M P3 i nt o th e US B De vi ce o r SD C ard
bef ore i nsta lli ng in to th e uni t.
AUX 1 Mod e:
1. In po wer o ff mod e, con nect the 3. 5mm s tere o jack f rom t he sup plie d aud io con nect ion ca ble t o the
AUX ou t/Li ne out /Pho ne ja ck on th e ext erna l audi o pla yer. Co nnec t the o ther plug t o the AU X IN 1
jack on t he rear o f unit as t he figu re belo w:
2. Power on th e unit and pre ss the M (Mode) bu tton on the uni t or the Mode but ton on the remo te contro l
repeated ly to enter to AUX mod e as previou s procedu re, “LIN E” will a ppear o n the dis play.
3. Play s the mus ic on the c onnec ted aud io play er as usu al. (Ma ke sure t he volu me leve l of the
conne cted au dio pla yer is in h igh lev el. Oth erwis e, soun d from th is unit i s weak) .
Note: W hen 3.5 mm jack w as inse rted, AU X IN 2 soun d will be a uto cut o ff.
AUX 2 Mod e:
1. In po wer o ff mod e, con nect the RC A jack s from t he RC A audio conn ecti on cab le (n ot inc lude d) to
the A UX out /Line o ut jack o n the ext ernal v ideo/ audio p layer. C onnec t the oth er end to t he AUX
IN 2 jack s on the re ar of uni t as the fi gure be low:
2. Po wer on t he u nit and pre ss t he M ( Mode) b utton o n the uni t or the Mo de butt on on the r emote
contr ol re pea ted ly t o en ter to A UX m ode as p rev iou s proc edure ,“LIN E” will a ppear o n the dis play.
3. Play s the mus ic or vid eo on the c onnec ted aud io or vid eo play er as usu al. (Ma ke sure t he volu me
level o f the con necte d playe r is in hig h level . Other wise, s ound fr om this u nit is we ak).
IMPO RTAN T: Make s ure th e 3.5 mm ja ck had N OT in sert ed to t he AUX IN 1 jac k. Ot herw ise , only
the so und f orm AU X IN 1 ja ck ca n be he arin g.
Troubl eshoo ting Gu ide:
Check t he foll ows bef ore req uesti ng serv ice:
No powe r
AC/DC Ad aptor h ad not pl ug in
wall ou tlet
Small p lug fro m the sup plied
AC/DC Ad aptor h ad not
conne cted to t he unit
The uni t in stan dby mod e
Inser t the sma ll plug f rom the
suppl ied AC/D C Adapto r to the
DC IN jac k on the re ar of uni t
No Soun d
Volume i n minim um posi tion R ise vol ume lev el by pre ss and
hold th e butto n on the un it
or VOL + but ton on th e remot e
contr ol
Plug it t o the wal l outle t prope rly
Press a nd hold t he butt on on
the uni t or remo te cont rol app rox.
1 secon d to powe r on the un it
The con necte d devic e is not in
playb ack mod e
Plays t he musi c/vid eo in the
conne cted de vice
Sound o utput o f the con necte d
devic e weak
Rise th e volum e level o f the
conne cted de vice
Input s ource i ncorr ect
Set the i nput so urce as t he
conne cting
Sound d istor tion
Volume l evel to o high Reduc e the vol ume lev el by
press a nd hold t he butt on
on the un it or pre ss the VO L -
butto n on the re mote co ntrol
Volume l evel of t he conn ected
devic e too hig h
Reduc e the vol ume lev el of the
conne cted de vice
EQ was se t to supe r bass or
other s mode
Set the E Q to othe rs mode
The ext ernal B T devic e too far
from th e unit
Place t he exte rnal BT d evice
close t o the uni t
BT not fu nctio ning
Remot e not fun ction ing
The bat tery in t he remo te cont rol
consu med
Repla ce by new b atter y.
Gener al Spec ifica tion:
Power source DC 12V; 2.5A,
Radio Frequ ency: 87.5 – 108MH z
Audio Power ( Total 2 5W):
Loud S peake r: 5W ( RMS) per channe l
Woofe r: 15W (RM S)
Speak er Imp edanc e:
1 x User ’s Manua l
1 x Remot e Contr ol (Use s 1 x DC 3V CR 20 25 butt on cell , inclu ded)
1 x AC/ DC Adap tor (In put: AC 10 0-240 V~; 50/ 60 Hz; 0. 8A Max.
Outpu t: DC 12V ; 2.5A, )
1 x Audio Co nnect ion Cab le with 3 .5mm st ereo ja cks
Acces sorie s:
SIZ E: 148x 210mm
Before using the unit, be sure to read all operating instructions
carefully. Please note that these are general precautions and
may not pertain to your unit. For example, this unit may not
have the capability to be connected to an outdoor antenna.
1. Read these instructions
All the safety and operating instructions should be read before
the product is operated.
2. Keep these instructions
The safety and operating instructions should be retained for
future reference.
3. Heed all warning
All warnings on the product and in the operating instructions
should be adhered to.
4. Follow all instructions
All operating and use instructions should be followed.
5. Do not use this apparatus near water
Do not use the product near water and moisture. For example,
near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink and laundry tub, in a wet
basement, or near a swimming pool.
6. Clean only with dry cloth
Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not
use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a dry cloth for
7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance
with the manufacturer`s instructions.
Slots and openings in the cabinet and in the back or bottom are
provided for ventilation, to ensure reliable operation of the
product and to protect it from overheating. These openings must
not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked
by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug or other similar surface.
This product should never be placed near or over a radiator or
hear source. This product should not be placed in a built-in
installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation
is provided or the manufacturer`s instructions have been
adhered to.
8. Do not install near any hear sources such as radiators, hear
registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers)
that produce heat.
9. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or
grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with
one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two
blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the
third prong is provided for your safety. If the provided plug
does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for
replacement of the obsolete outlet.
10. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched
particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the
point where they exit from the apparatus.
11. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the
20. Service
Do not attempt to service this product yourself as opening or
removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other
hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
21. Replacement parts
When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician
uses replacement parts specified by the manufacturer of those that
have the same characteristics as the original part. Unauthorized
substitutions may result in fire or electric shock or other hazards.
22. Safety check
Upon completion of any service or repairs to this product ask the
service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the
product is in proper operation condition.
23. Wall or ceiling mounting
The product should be mounted to a wall or ceiling only as
recommended by the manufacturer.
24. Damage requiring service
Unplug the product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified
service personnel under the following conditions:
25. Note to CATV system installer
This reminder is provided to call the CATV system installer`s attention
to Article 820-40 of the NEC that provides guidelines for proper
grounding, and in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be
connected to the grounding system of the building as close to the
point of cable entry as practical.
a . When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged.
b . If liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the
c . If the product has been exposed to rain or water.
d . If the product does not operate normally by following the
operating instructions.
Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating
instructions, as an adjustment of other controls may result in
damage and will require extensive work by a qualified
technician to restore the product to its normal operation.
e . If the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been
f . When the product exhibits a distinct change in
performance-this indicates a need for service.
Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is
required when the unit has been damaged any way such as the
following: the power-supply cord or plug has been damaged,
liquid has been spilled into the unit, the unit has been exposed to
rain or moisture, the unit has been dropped or the unit does not
operate normally.
12. Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket,
or table specified by the manufacturer,
or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is
used, use caution when moving the
cart/apparatus combination to avoid
injury from tip-over.
13. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when
unused for long periods of time.
14. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing
is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any
way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid
has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus,
the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture does
not operate normally, or has been dropped.
15. Power Source
The product should be operated only from the type of power
source indicated on the marking label If you are not sure of the
type of power supply to your home, consult your appliance dealer
or local power company. For products intended to operate from
battery power, or other sources, refer to the operating instruction.
16. Power lines
An outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of
overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits, or
where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. When installing
an outside antenna system, extreme care should be taken to keep
from touching such power lines or circuits as contact with them
night be fatal.
17. Overloading
Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords as this can result
in a risk or fire or electric shock.
18. Object and liquid entry
Never push objects of any kind into the product through as they
may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could
result in fire or electric shock.
Never spill or spray any type of liquid on the product.
19. Outdoor antenna grounding
If an outside antenna is connected
to the product, be sure the
antenna system is grounded so
as to provide some protection
against voltage surges and built
up static charges. Section 810 of
the National Electrical Code,
ANSI/NFPA 70, provides information
with respect to proper grounding of the mast and supporting
structure, grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna discharge
product, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna
discharge product, connection to grounding electrodes and
requirements for the grounding electrodes.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
residential protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates uses and
can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one
or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitry
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
To assure continued compliance, follow the attached
installation instructions and use only shielded cables when
connection to other devices. Modifications not authorized by
the manufacturer may void user’s authority to operate this
When th e batte ry is con sumed , repla ce the ba ttery a s below :
1. Use on ly the si ze and ty pe of bat tery sp ecifi ed.
2. Be sur e to foll ow the co rrect p olari ty when i nstal ling th e batte ry as ind icate d in the ba ttery
compa rtmen t. A revers ed batt ery may c ause da mage to t he devi ce.
3. Do not m ix diff erent t ypes of b atter ies tog ether ( e.g. Alk aline a nd Carb on-zi nc) or ol d
batte ries wi th fres h ones.
4. If the b atter ies in th e devic e are con sumed o r the dev ice is no t to be use d for a lon g perio d
of time , remov e the bat terie s to prev ent dam age or in jury fr om poss ible ba ttery l eakag e.
5. Do not t ry to rec harge t he batt ery not i ntend ed to be ec harge d; it can o verhe at and ru pture .
(Foll ow batt ery man ufact urer ’s instr uctio ns.)
6. Do not d ispos e of batt ery in fi re. Bat tery ma y explo des or le ak.
7. Clea n the bat tery co ntact s and als o those o f the dev ice pri or to bat tery in stall ation .
8. This p roduc t conta ins a coi n/but ton cel l batte ry. If the co in/bu tton ce ll batt ery is sw allow ed,
it can ca use sev ere int ernal b urn in ju st 2 hour s and can l ead to de ath. Ke ep new an d used
batte ries aw ay from c hildr en. If th e batte ry comp artme nt does n ot clos e secur ely, sto p using
the pro duct an d keep it a way fro m child ren. If y ou thin k batte ries mi ght hav e been sw allow ed
or plac ed insi de any pa rt of the b ody, see k immed iate me dical a ttent ion.
Follo w these p recau tions w hen usi ng a batt ery in th is devi ce:
1. Push t he tab on t he batt ery tra y and sli de it out a s the fig ure bel ow:
2. Inst all a new C R 2025 bu tton ce ll to the b atter y tray as t he pola rity ma kings o n the
rear of r emote c abine t.
3. Clos e the bat tery tr ay.
BATTE RY INST ALLAT ION (Re mote Co ntrol ):
In firs t time us e, slid e the ins ulati on film f rom the b atter y door an d disca rd it
as the fi gure on r ight:
When th ere is an o bstac le betw een the u nit and
the tra nsmit ter, the t ransm itter m ay not op erate .
When di rect su nligh t, an inc andes cent la mp,
fluor escen t lamp or a ny othe r stron g light
shine s on the RE MOTE SE NSOR of t he
unit, t he remo te oper ation m ay be uns table .
8W x 2Speak er: Loud 4Ohm,
Woofe r: 4Ohm, 2 0W
To Wall Outl et
SD Card
USB Dev ice
White Red
(Conn ectio n cable s not inc lude)
AUX out /Line o ut
jacks o n the