SW-Motech KFT.05.158.70000/S Mounting instructions

  • Hello! I've analyzed the SW-MOTECH mounting instructions document. This document provides guidelines for installing side carriers on motorcycles, including the KFT.05.158.200, KFT.00.152.200, ALK.00.733.11000L/S, ALK.00.733.11000R/S, and QLS.00.046.15100 models. It details safety requirements, torque specifications, load limits, and the use of thread-locker. I'm ready to answer any questions you may have about the installation process or the product's features.
  • What is the maximum load per side carrier?
    What is the maximum speed when using the mounted side carriers?
    What should be used to secure screws, bolts and nuts?
mounting instructions • instructions de montage • instrucciones de montaje • istruzioni di montaggio
beinhaltet • contains • contient • contiene • contiene
This product is de s ig ne d o nly for
mo unting o n ve hicle s in the ir orig inal
condition. We do not g uarante e
compatibility with acce s s orie s from
other manufacture rs.
Ge rman safety regulation s require tha t
no meta l e d ge with a ra d ius of less
th a n 2.5 mm be e xposed while d riving
a moto rcycle. The s id e ca rriers should
not b e used when lugga ge is not
attached to them.
SW-MOTECH p roducts should be
installed b y a q ualified , experie nce d
motorcycle tech nicia n. If yo u a re uns u re
of your ab ility to prop e rly insta ll a
prod uct, p le a s e have the product
installed b y your loca l motorcycle d ealer.
SW-MOTECH take s n o responsibility for
damage s ca used b y imp roper
installation .
All scre ws , bolts and nuts, includ ing
all rep la cement hard wa re provid e d by
SW-MOTECH, s h o uld b e tightened to
th e to rq u e specified in the OEM
maintenance manual for yo ur
motorcycle . If no to rq ue specifica tions
are p rovided in the OEM ma intena nce
manua l, the following torq ues may b e
All scre ws , bolts and nuts s hould b e
checked re gularly to ensure tha t a ll a re
tightened to the prop e r torque.
Me d ium strength liq uid thread-locke r
(i.e., " Locktite " ) s h o uld b e used to
secure all scre ws , bolts and nuts.
Maximum load: 12 .5 kg (2 7 .5 lbs ) per
s ide carrie r (inclus ive cas e and adapte r
kit). The manufacture r's maximum load
of the mo to rbike is s till valid. Maximum
s pe e d w ith mo unte d cas e s : 13 0 km/h
(8 0 mph).
Subject to change . Not re s pons ible for
typo s .