Part I ✦ Illustrator Basics
Tips for Using Menus Effectively
If you can never remember what is on which menu and you are constantly holding down
the mouse button while slowly running along the menu bar, reading every menu item and
looking for a certain command, you have a disease. Every year millions of people become
afflicted with Menu Bar Scanning Syndrome (MBSS), defined as “the pathological need of
users to continually search and hunt for special menu items that they just can’t remember
the locations of.”
MBSS is a disease that can be treated fairly easily, but it wastes valuable production time,
costing companies billions of dollars a year. Don’t be surprised if the next time you flip to
60 Minutes, Steve Kroft is doing an inside investigation into the mysteries of MBSS.
MBSS is deadly not only because it wastes time, but because the user is forced to read
every single menu and pop-up menu. Sure, in the File menu you know that Document
Setup is where to go to change the size of the page, but as you work your way over, things
begin to get a little fuzzy. By the time you get to the Filter menu, your mind is mush. You see
the Distort category and figure that all the submenu items are legal functions. If you can
manage to get to the Windows menu, thewordswouldjustruntogether, making no sense
You can help prevent MBSS by doing one of two things:
✦ Memorize what is in each menu. This is the hardest thing to do, but a few hours
spent memorizing each menu item and where it goes will eventually prevent count-
less MBSS-related searches. Make sentences out of the first letters of each menu
item, if it helps. The File menu is either, “New, Open, Open Recent Files, Revert,
Close, Save, Save As, Save a Copy, Save for Web, Place, Export, Preview AlterCast in
Browser, Manage Workgroup, Scripts, Document Setup, Document Color Mode, File
Info, Separation Setup, Print Setup, Print, Exit” or “Nine Old Odd Red Cats See Seven
Severely Silly People Eating Purple Mashed Sour Damp Danish Flowered Soggy
Pieces of Pruned Eggplant.” (Yeah, yeah — you’re not supposed to eat pruned egg-
plant when it’s damp. That’s why these seven people are silly.) Of course, having to
learn a new crazy sentence like this every time a new version is released becomes
more and more difficult as new commands are added.
✦ Use the menus as little as possible. Instead, memorize key commands. Most of
the menu items have them, so you only need to go up to the menu bar when a
menu item doesn’t have a key command. If you set your own keyboard commands
using the Keyboard Shortcuts command (choose Edit ➪ Keyboard Shortcuts), you
can set a keyboard command for every menu item in Illustrator.
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