5. Only on housing with heater system.
Perform the input and output (to the camera)
voltage connections using the PCB installed
inside the housing near the rear flange.
6. Only on housing with wiper system
Perform wiper electrical connections through the
three coloured wires connected to the wiper
mechanism mounted on the rear flange.
Model with wiper voltage 110-240 VAC
Permanent 110-240VAC voltage must be connected be-
tween the RED wire (line) and the WHITE wire (neutral).
To activate the wiper, connect the BROWN wire to the
RED wire. An external switch (normally open), con-
nected between BROWN and RED, can be used for this
When the voltage is connected to the BROWN wire, the
wiper works and continues to work until the voltage is
disconnected, then it goes back to its initial position.
Model with wiper voltage 24 VDC (default model)
Permanent 24VDC voltage must be connected between
the GREEN wire (+24V) and the GREY wire (GND). To
activate the wiper, connect the BLUE wire to the GREY
wire (GND). An external switch (normally open), con-
nected between GREY and BLUE, can be used for this
When the BLUE wire is connected to GND (GREY), the
wiper works and continues to work until the wire is dis-
connected, then it goes back to its initial position.
Measure available for “A” (see drawing next page)
A = 70, 110, 145 mm for the first 4 models (see MODELS list on page 1).
A = 120 mm for SSH204WW120 and SSH204WW120–L.
A = 140 mm for SSH204WW140 and SSH204WW140-L.
A = 70 mm for SSH204IRGE80 and SSH204IRGE80-L (germanium Window).
A = 110 mm SSH204IRGE120 and SSH204IRGE120-L (germanium Window).
A = 145 mm SSH204IRGE155 and SSH204IRGE155-L (germanium Window).
Issue 2 01/04/2008