Revision 0Service Manual - EDS
1.1 General
The new EDS ductable pressurized system basic on comapct indoor and outdoor unit, it range
comprise the A (cooling only) ,B(cooling only with supplementart heater) ,H (heat pump) ,D(heat
pump with supplementare heater),Dual and Trio, models as follows:
Cooling Only:
EDS25A/GCN9 R22 ST; EDS35A/GCN12 R22 ST;EDS52A/ONG3-17 R22 ST;
EDS73A/GCZ R22 ST; EDS100A/GC10-34 R22 ST;EDS120A/GC45 R22 ST;
EDS25A/GCN9 R22 ST; EDS35A/GCN12 R22 ST;EDS52A/ONG3-17 R22 ST;
EDS73A/GCZ R22 ST; EDS100A/GC10-34 R22 ST;EDS120A/GC45 R22 ST;
Cooling Only with supplementary heater:
1.2 Main Features
R22 models.
Microprocessor control.
Infrared remote control with liquid crystal display.
Supports Indoor Air Quality features, such as –.
,QGRRUODUJHGLDPHWHUFURVVÀRZIDQ, allowing low noise level operation.
Bended indoor coil with treated alumLQXP¿QVDQGFRDWLQJIRULPSURYHGHI¿FLHQFy.
Easy access to the interconnecting tubing and wiring connections, so that removing
the front grill or casing is not necessary.
Refrigerant pipes can be connected to the indoor unit from 5 different optional
Low indoor and outdoor noise levels.
Easy installation and service.
New package design for indoor unit, it should be based on open sleeve and open
Installation manual to be printed on one page with back and front printing
One RC simply manual printing on two side as the standard
EDS25H/GCN9 R22 RC; EDS35H/GCN12 R22 RC;EDS52H/ONG3-17 R22 RC;
EDS73H/GCZ R22 RC; EDS100H/GC10-34 R22 RC;EDS120H/GC45 R22 RC;
Heat pump:
EDS25D/GCN9 R22 RC; EDS35D/GCN12 R22 RC;EDS52D/ONG3-17 R22 RC;
EDS73D/GCZ R22 RC; EDS100D/GC10-34 R22 RC;EDS120D/GC45 R22 RC;
Heat pump with supplementary heater:
EDS25x2 A(B,D,H)/GC9+9 ST(RC); EDS35x2 A(B,D,H)/GC12+12 ST(RC);
EDS52x2 A(B,D,H)/GC17+17 ST(RC);
EDS25x2+35A(B,D,H)/GC9+9+12 ST(RC);EDS25x2+52A(B,D,H)/GC9+9+17 ST(RC);
EDS25+35+52A(B,D,H)/GC9+12+17 ST(RC);EDS35x3A(B,D,H)/GC12+12+12 ST(RC)