PAG. 20
rev 1.1
2.25. REC
To start the recording (OSD 14).
If you would like to record a programme immediately, press the
Key REC. A new window will appear on the screen, where you
can select the length of the recording (from 15 to 180 minutes
in a range of 15 minutes interval).
The rest of the data that appear in this window inform you about
the recording channel, the date, the time and the free space on
the hard disk. Once the minutes length is settled, confi rm again
by pressing the REC key and it will start to record.
Press [Exit] to cancel the recording.
Note: If the hard disk is full, a warning message will be shown
on the screen. Please, delete some fi les in order to be able to
record again (chapter 7.1.4).
Note: If during the recording, the hard disk fi lls up, the recording
stops and will only store the data recorded until that moment
(without losing the previously stored data).
In case you execute a fast recording and fi xing the duration,
this will get in confl ict with a timer, an alert message will be
shown in the screen. This message informs with the fi rst timer
that would be in conflict in the fast recording, and it requests the
confirmation that you want to do in the moment of the timer.
- If you push again “Rec”: it will keep the event programmed.
The receiver will carry out the fast recording until the moment of
the programmed event, when it will do it, obviating the selected
duration in the fast recording.
- If you push “Exit”: it will make the fast recording and will
obviate the temporised events that will get in conflict. Anyway,
in the moment of the temporised event the user are inquired
again about if he wants to carry out the programmed event. In
case of no response, it will continue with the fast recording.
2.26. PVR
It opens directly the recording menu (Chapter 7.1).
On a current reproduction, press the keys [
] or [
] to
go forward or reward in a period of the reproduction.
This period is confi gurable using the receiver menu and they
can be of: 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 minutes. If it is confi gured in
every 10 minutes, each time that you press this key, it will jump
automatically 10 minutes forward/reward of the reproduction.
2.28. GOTO
On a current reproduction, press the key [GoTo] to go to a
certain point of the reproduction. When you press this key, a
window appears where you can introduce, using the numbers
on the remote control, the hour: minute: second you want to go
to.If the introduced value is higher to the reproduction limit, an
error window will be shown.
OSD 14