Moving to InDesign?
InDesign CS5 has a host of new features (and features introduced in previous ver-
sions of InDesign) that may help you in your day-to-day operations. The ability to
place native PhotoShop (.psd) and Illustrator (.ai) fi les as well is InDesign (.ind) fi les
into your page layout is still supported which comes in very hand during the initial
design phases before all of the decisions are made. How many times have you fl at-
tened that PhotoShop document to get it into a layout just to have to go back in and
recreate because something you forgot to save it in layers as a .psd along the way?
Or, you have an order form that is included in your catalog but it was created as a
stand alone piece? Place the InDesign fi le in your layout–no recreation!
Some of the new productivity features of InDesign CS5 are pretty astounding and
have been long awaited! From Adobe’s website we fi nd, “Produce sophisticated
page layouts using customer-inspired productivity features such as smart guides, rapid table creation, multiple-fi le placement,
the ability to create pages of different sizes in a single fi le, and streamlined object selection and editing.” Yes, you did read
that correctly! InDesign CS5 now has the ability to create multiple page sizes in one document! Doing extensive math and
hoping that it is correct on things such as roll folds, gate folds, spines and front covers of perfect bound pieces with an image
that crosses over on both is a thing of the past!
Adobe also tells about some of the new composition tools available to us now, “Create beautiful, sophisticated text for virtu-
ally any medium with professional typography features including styles, text wrap, the Paragraph Composer, OpenType®
support and drop caps. Include headlines that span or split columns without a separate text frame.”
You’ll also notice that when you export your PDF in InDesign CS5, you don’t have to wait for the export window to clear
before you can continue working. (I know, no more trips to the coffee machine under the premise of, “Well, I’m export-
ing!”) InDesign CS5 performs this now as a background task. Once you’ve set your export settings and the page range, it
will handle this in the background and let you get back to work.
For the entire listing of features in InDesign CS5, please visit http://www.adobe.com/products/indesign/features/
What you’ll nd in this document
Setup Steps Special Features
Step 1—Setup Color Management, Page 3 Working In Color, Pages 10-11
Step 2—InDesign Setup, Pages 4-9 Working In Position, Pages 12-13
Step 3—Export PDF’s
Step 4—Check PDF’s