Receive data 136
Example: Receive analog data 149
Requirements 150
Connect the components 150
Configure the XBee devices 150
Create a Java project 151
Link libraries to the project 152
Add the source code to the project 153
Set the port name and launch the application 154
What have you learned? 155
Extend the example 155
Troubleshooting 156
How XBee modules control devices 165
How to configure a pin as an output 165
How to send actuations 166
Example:Send digital actuations 166
Requirements 166
Connect the components 167
Configure the XBee devices 167
Create a Java project 168
Link libraries to the project 168
Add the source code to the project 169
Set the port name and launch the application 170
What have you learned? 170
Step 9: Do more with sending digital actuations 171
Extend the example 171
Troubleshooting 171
Lab: Send analog actuations 181
Requirements 181
Connect the components 181
Configure the XBee devices 181
Create a Java project 182
Link libraries to the project 183
Add the source code to the project 184
Set the port name and launch the application 185
What have you learned? 185
Extend the example 185
Troubleshooting 186
Signal strength and radio frequency range
Distance and obstacles 196
Factors affecting wireless communication 197
Signal strength and the RSSI pin 198
Is RSSI the best indication of link quality? 200
Range test 201
perform a range test 203
Requirements 204
Connect the components 204
Step 3:Configure the XBee Zigbee modules 204
Connect the loopback jumper 205
Perform a range test 206
What have you learned? 207
Troubleshooting 207
Wireless Connectivity Kit Getting Started Guide