Editing audio in Slice Edit mode 195
Audio clip elements in Slice Edit mode 195
Slice Edit mode tools 195
Selecting Slices and Slice Markers 196
Adding Slice Markers 197
Deleting Slice Markers 198
Repositioning Slice Markers 198
Moving/stretching Slices 198
Nudging Slices 200
Quantizing audio 200
Split at Slices 201
Bounce Clip to REX Loop 201
Revert All Slices 202
Editing audio in Pitch Edit mode 203
Pitch Editor elements 203
Selecting notes 204
Auditioning notes 204
Correcting pitches 205
Changing transposition 205
Resetting pitches 205
Splitting the clip at notes 205
Reverting all notes 205
Attenuating pitch drift/vibrato 206
Editing transition times 206
Moving notes and changing note lengths 207
Quantizing notes 208
Splitting and joining notes 208
About switching from Pitch Edit mode to Slice Edit mode
Audio pitch editing in the Inspector 209
Editing audio in the Comp Editor 211
Audio clip elements in the Comp Editor 211
The relationship between Clips, Comp Rows and
Recordings 215
Comp Editor window handling 217
Comp Editor audio editing tools 217
Selecting a Comp Row for playback in a Single Take clip
Selecting Comp Rows 219
Deleting Comp Rows 220
Moving Comp Rows 220
Duplicating Comp Rows 220
Cutting, copying and pasting Comp Rows 221
Adjusting the Comp Row Level 221
Adjusting the Recording Offset 222
Comping audio 223
Adding Cuts 223
Adding Segments 224
Adding Crossfades to Cuts 224
Deleting Cuts 225
Moving Cuts 225
Changing Comp Row assignments 226
Bounce Clip(s) to New Recording(s) 227
Creating a comped audio clip 228
Common audio editing functions 232
Delete Unused Recordings 232
Bounce Clip(s) to New Sample(s) 232
Bouncing audio to MIDI notes 232
Normalizing audio clips 234
Reversing audio clips 235
Changing the tempo and transposition of
the audio 236
Tempo scaling Clips 236
Transposing Audio Clips 237
Audio and tempo matching 239
Matching imported audio to the song tempo 239
Editing audio using the Inspector 240
Editing recordings and cuts in the Inspector 240
Matching audio values using the "Match Values"
function 240
Note and Automation Editing
About this chapter 244
The Edit Mode 244
Selecting what to edit 245
Opening note and automation clips for editing 245
Edit Mode elements 247
Edit Mode window handling 249
Note Edit Modes 249
Creating empty clips 252
Tool Window editing tools 253
Note editing 254
Selecting notes 254
Drawing notes 255
Deleting notes 257