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D351977X012 / MX70 (H:) / Dec11
FIELDVUE Performance Diagnostics support the users ability to troubleshoot their valve assembly with on-line / in-
service predictive diagnostics which help to identify faults, list possible causes, and recommended corrective actions
for each. Green, yellow, red indicators provide visual indication of control valve assembly performance.
Performance Diagnostics monitor the health of
the valve assembly while it is at work, without
introducing intrusive test signals that could disrupt
the process.
Corrective action can be more rapidly
determined with the support of the
Possible Cause and a Recommended
Action to the fault.
A Green, Yellow, or Red light indicates
the level of urgency of the fault.
• Green light - OK
• Yellow light - maintenance soon
• Red light - maintenance required
D351977X012_Dec11_A4.indd 2 12/2/2011 12:01:43 PM