Avaya Call Center SUOG 2003 User manual

User manual
Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server
compatibility - Addendum
Required Settings in IIS 6 for RCC 3.6, RCC 3.7 and RCC
on CallPilot 3.0
© 15-03-2005
Issue 01 (05)
able of Contents
Issue 01 (05) Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum
Table of Contents
Change History...................................................................................1
How to use this guide ........................................................................2
What this document provides ................................................................................. 2
How this guide is organized ................................................................................... 2
Introduction ........................................................................................3
Internet Information Services 6 .............................................................................. 3
Compatibility Testing Statement............................................................................. 3
RCC CP3 Stream .............................................................................................. 3
RCC BCM 3.6 Stream ....................................................................................... 3
RCC BCM 3.7 Stream ....................................................................................... 3
Required Changes.................................................................................................. 3
Required Changes..............................................................................4
IIS 6 Settings .......................................................................................................... 4
Change 1: Enable Active Server Pages............................................................ 4
Change 2: Allow IIS 6 to see the Path to the RCC Folder ............................... 4
Change 3: Allow RCC to access its .dat data files............................................ 7
Change 4: Create a new Application pool and add RCC to it ........................... 8
Upgrading Reporting for Call Center..............................................11
Allow IIS 6 to see the Path to the RCC Folder ..................................................... 11
able of Figures
Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum Issue 01 (05)
Table of Figures
Figure 1: IIS Main Window with Web Service Extensions Highlighted.......................................................................4
Figure 2: IIS Manager with the RCC Folder highlighted ..............................................................................................5
Figure 3: RCC Properties Page......................................................................................................................................5
Figure 4: Application Configuration Window...............................................................................................................6
Figure 5: Options Page with the Enable parent paths option selected ...........................................................................6
Figure 6: IIS Manager with the Local Computer entry highlighted...............................................................................7
Figure 7: Local Computer properties page showing the Mime Types button................................................................7
Figure 8: Mime Types Window.....................................................................................................................................8
Figure 9: New Mime Type settings ...............................................................................................................................8
Figure 10: Configuring Application Pool ......................................................................................................................9
Figure 11: Application Pool Identity .............................................................................................................................9
Figure 12: RCC Website Properties.............................................................................................................................10
Figure 13: RCC Properties - Application Pool ............................................................................................................10
hange History 1
Issue 01 (05) Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum
Change History
Issue 01 (04) – 13-March-2005
1. First circulated release.
Issue 01 (05) – 15-March-2005
1. Title changed.
2. Front Page changed (logo etc)
ow To Use This Guide 2
Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum Issue 01 (05)
How to use this guide
What this document provides
This guide is designed to describe the changes that must be made to Microsoft Internet
Information Services version 6 in order to operate with Reporting for Call Center 3.6 and 3.7 and
Reporting for Call Center on CallPilot 3.0.
This chapter tells you what to expect as you read this guide and how information in this guide is
How this guide is organized
The Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum guide is organized
according to the following chapters:
How to use this guide Provides a brief overview identifying the organization of
this guide.
Introduction Gives a short introduction to the changes that must be
made to IIS 6.
Required Changes Describes the changes that must be performed in order to
allow Reporting for Call Center to operate with IIS 6.
References List of documents referred to within the body of this
Index A cross-reference of terms used within this document.
Introduction 3
Issue 01 (05) Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum
Internet Information Services 6
Internet Information Services 6 is the default version of IIS in Windows 2003 Server Standard
Compatibility Testing Statement
The versions of Reporting for Call Center which have been compatibility tested against
Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition (and therefore Internet Information Services version 6)
are as follows.
RCC CP3 Stream
APP server
RCC Build 2.2.112
RCC BCM 3.6 Stream
BCM 3.6 2.2C
RCC Build 2.1.046
RCC BCM 3.7 Stream
BCM 3.7 B14 (Beta Candidate)
RCC Build 2.3.200
For further information regarding the compatibility testing that was conducted, please refer to the
document: RCC/2003 Server Compatibility Test Cases.
Required Changes
To Configure Internet Information Services 6 to allow Reporting for Call Center to operate,
certain settings must be configured. These settings allow:
ASP to be used (Active Server Pages is a standard web site technology)
The RCC Web Site folder to be recognized by IIS 6 and used as a web site
The RCC website to open .dat files
The RCC website to Zip up the log files when deactivating them
All of the changes are made through the use of the Internet Information Services manager, which
is accessed through Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Internet Information
Required Changes
Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum Issue 01 (05)
Required Changes
IIS 6 Settings
The changes required in order for Reporting for Call Center to operate on Internet Information
Services 6 are detailed below.
Change 1: Enable Active Server Pages
1. Open IIS Manager
2. Highlight Web Service Extensions
Figure 1: IIS Main Window with Web Service Extensions Highlighted
3. In the list on the right hand side of the Manager window highlight Active Server Pages
4. click the Allow button
Change 2: Allow IIS 6 to see the Path to the RCC Folder
1. Open IIS Manager
2. Double click on Web Sites
3. Double Click Default Web Site
Required Changes 5
Issue 01 (05) Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum
Figure 2: IIS Manager with the RCC Folder highlighted
4. Right click on RCC and select Properties
Figure 3: RCC Properties Page
5. Click on the Configuration button
Required Changes
Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum Issue 01 (05)
Figure 4: Application Configuration Window
6. Click on the Options tab
Figure 5: Options Page with the Enable parent paths option selected
Required Changes 7
Issue 01 (05) Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum
7. Check the Enable parent paths option
8. Click OK
9. Click OK
Change 3: Allow RCC to access its .dat data files
1. Open IIS Manager
2. Right click the Local Computer entry in the tree
Figure 6: IIS Manager with the Local Computer entry highlighted
3. Select Properties
Figure 7: Local Computer properties page showing the Mime Types button
Required Changes
Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum Issue 01 (05)
4. Click on the Mime types button
Figure 8: Mime Types Window
5. Click on the New button and complete the MIME Type dialog as shown below.
Figure 9: New Mime Type settings
6. Click OK
7. Click Apply
8. Click OK
Change 4: Create a new Application pool and add RCC to it
1. Open the IIS Manager
2. Right click on Application Pools and select New -> Application Pool
3. Enter Nortel into the Application ID field and select the Use existing application pool
as template radio button
4. In the drop down box select DefaultAppPool
Required Changes 9
Issue 01 (05) Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum
Figure 10: Configuring Application Pool
5. Click OK
6. Right click on the newly created application pool Nortel and select Properties
7. Click on the Identity tab
8. If the Predefined radio button is not selected, do so and select Local System in the
drop down box beside it.
Figure 11: Application Pool Identity
Required Changes
Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum Issue 01 (05)
9. Click OK and then click Yes on the confirmation dialogue box that appears.0
10. Right click on the RCC item under Web Sites and select Properties.
Figure 12: RCC Website Properties
11. In the drop down box next to Application pool select Nortel
Figure 13: RCC Properties - Application Pool
12. Click OK
Required Changes 11
Issue 01 (05) Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum
Upgrading Reporting for Call Center
Allow IIS 6 to see the Path to the RCC Folder
Following an upgrade from one release of Reporting for Call Center to another, you must repeat
Step 2: Allow IIS 6 to see the Path to the RCC Folder as described in Chapter 3.
The other steps do not need repeating.
Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum Issue 01 (05)
1 James Hughes, RCC/2003 Server Compatibility Test Cases.
References 13
Issue 01 (05) Reporting for Call Center SUOG 2003 server compatibility - Addendum
Change History, 1
Control Panel, 3
How this guide is organized, 2
How to use this guide, 2
Internet Information Services, 2, 3, 4
Introduction, 2, 3
Microsoft, 2
Nortel Networks Reporting for Call Center,
2, 3, 4, 11
Upgrading, 11
Windows, 3
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  • Page 11 11
  • Page 12 12
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Avaya Call Center SUOG 2003 User manual

User manual

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