Roche Diagnostics
User Manual · version 8 5
cobas IT middleware
o Quality Control
The management of Quality Control supports the technical validation by
handling QC data obtained from instruments. The solution administrates active
and in-active control materials, manages Roche- and Non-Roche- control
materials, enables the analysis of QC results with support of graphics and allows
exporting quality control results to commercial benchmarking tools.
Quality Control functionality enables the solution to detect, reduce, and correct
deficiencies in a laboratory's internal analytical process prior to the release of
patient results and improve the quality of the results reported by the laboratory.
Quality control is a measure of how well the measurement system reproduces the
same result over time and under varying operating conditions. Laboratory quality
control material is usually run at the beginning of each shift; after an instrument
is serviced; when reagent lots are changed; after calibration; and when patient
results seem inappropriate.
o Sample archiving
After processing the sample, archiving is a structured option to retain samples for
an assigned period. The duration of the archiving period is subject to customers'
configuration. The cobas
IT middleware solution is able to support manual and
automatic archiving of samples.
The sample storage and retrieval options allow the user to locate samples at any
moment, e.g. if an additional test is requested whether the sample is being
processed or stored in the archive.
Information Management o Rule Engine
The rule engine enables the user to define algorithms supporting the technical
The rules use the results provided by the instrument(s) and order or patient
related information. Rules trigger standard validation actions including rerun of
test with dilution, request of additional test, comment, release.
No pre-defined rules are loaded by default. The implementation, modification
and validation of the rules are under the customer's responsibility.
o System Overview
Notifications are shown on the screen of the solution if any action is required on
samples, results, QC or instruments or if a sample is missing means order for a
sample has been received in the system, but sample has not been identified in the
lab yet. The notifications display a message whenever a predefined event occurs.
Definition of events that shall trigger the display of a notification is under the
customer's responsibility.
o Turn Around Time management
The production monitor allows tracking the timespans between each step of the
workflow which can be displayed in real-time and trigger alerts in case of delays
o Live View (Production statistics)
Statistics generated by the cobas
IT middleware solution can be extracted and
displayed on monitors, wallboards and mobile devices (accessible only within the
intranet). The statistics is calculated on production performance data, like Late
sample tracking, Turn-Around-Time, throughput, system efficiency and
connectivity status.