Froling SP Dual compact Owner's manual

  • Hello! I've carefully reviewed the operating instructions for the Froling SP Dual compact dual fuel boiler. It's designed for both firewood and wood pellet heating, and also supports wood briquettes under certain conditions. The document covers everything from installation to maintenance, including safety precautions and troubleshooting. I'm ready to answer your questions about this dual fuel boiler and its operation.
  • What type of fuels can be used in the Froling Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact?
    What safety devices are included in this boiler?
    Can the boiler be operated in a smoke control area?
Operating instructions
Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact
Translation of original German version of operating instructions for operators.
Read and follow all instructions and safety instructions.
All errors and omissions excepted.
B1500423_en | Edition 07/09/2023
ii B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact
1 General ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 SP Dual compact Product Overview ..................................................................................................... 5
2 Safety............................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Hazard levels of warnings ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Pictograms used ................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 General safety information .................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Permitted uses ...................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 The Clean Air Act 1993 and Smoke Control Areas.................................................................... 9
2.4.2 Permitted fuels ........................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.3 Fuels permitted under certain conditions ................................................................................... 12
2.4.4 Non-permitted fuels.................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 Qualification of operating staff............................................................................................................... 12
2.6 Protective equipment for operating staff ............................................................................................... 12
2.7 Safety Devices ...................................................................................................................................... 14
2.8 Residual risks........................................................................................................................................ 15
2.9 Emergency procedure........................................................................................................................... 16
2.9.1 Overheating of the system ......................................................................................................... 16
2.9.2 Smell of flue gas ........................................................................................................................ 16
2.9.3 Power failure / induced draught fan failure ................................................................................ 17
2.9.4 Fire in the system....................................................................................................................... 17
3 Notes for operating a heating system ....................................................................................................... 18
3.1 Installation and approval ....................................................................................................................... 18
3.2 Installation site ...................................................................................................................................... 18
3.3 Combustion air ...................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.1 Combustion air supply at the installation room .......................................................................... 19
3.3.2 Simultaneous operation with other air-drawing systems............................................................ 20
3.4 Domestic hot water ............................................................................................................................... 21
3.5 Pressure maintenance systems ............................................................................................................ 22
3.6 Return lift............................................................................................................................................... 23
3.7 Combination with storage tank.............................................................................................................. 23
3.8 Chimney connection/chimney system................................................................................................... 23
4 Operating the system.................................................................................................................................. 24
4.1 Assembly and initial startup .................................................................................................................. 24
4.2 Notes on filling the fuel stores ............................................................................................................... 25
4.3 Switching on the power supply.............................................................................................................. 26
4.4 Before heating up the boiler .................................................................................................................. 26
4.4.1 Clean the heat exchanger pipes ................................................................................................ 26
4.4.2 Reloading intervals when operating with storage tank............................................................... 27
4.4.3 Reload quantity calculation ........................................................................................................ 28
4.4.4 Determining the right amount of fuel.......................................................................................... 29
4.4.5 Reloading intervals when operating without storage tank or if the storage tank is too small..... 30
4.5 Filling the boiler with firewood ............................................................................................................... 31
4.6 Heat up firewood manually.................................................................................................................... 33
4.7 Ignite firewood with pellet unit once ...................................................................................................... 34
4.8 Operate the boiler using the touch display............................................................................................ 35
4.8.1 Overview of the touch display .................................................................................................... 35
4.8.2 Select information displays ........................................................................................................ 41
4.8.3 Switch pellet unit ON/OFF ......................................................................................................... 43
4.8.4 Change boiler mode................................................................................................................... 44
4.8.5 Change date and time................................................................................................................ 44
B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact iii
4.8.6 Change desired DHW tank temperature.................................................................................... 45
4.8.7 One-time extra loading of an individual DHW tank .................................................................... 45
4.8.8 One-time extra loading of all existing DHW tanks...................................................................... 46
4.8.9 Set the heating curve of a heating circuit................................................................................... 46
4.8.10 Change room temperature (heating circuit without room temperature sensor) ......................... 47
4.8.11 Change room temperature (heating circuit with room temperature sensor) .............................. 48
4.8.12 Switch heating circuit mode ....................................................................................................... 48
4.8.13 Lock display/switch user level.................................................................................................... 49
4.8.14 Change the name of the components........................................................................................ 49
4.8.15 Configure the holiday program................................................................................................... 50
4.9 Switch the boiler ON/OFF on the room console.................................................................................... 51
4.10 Reloading firewood ............................................................................................................................... 52
4.11 Switching off the power supply.............................................................................................................. 52
4.12 Boiler in combi mode............................................................................................................................. 54
4.12.1 Switching on the boiler............................................................................................................... 54
4.12.2 How combi mode works............................................................................................................. 54
4.12.3 Switching off the boiler............................................................................................................... 54
4.13 Checking the ash level in the boiler ...................................................................................................... 55
4.13.1 Removing ash ............................................................................................................................ 55
4.13.2 Cleaning the combustion grate .................................................................................................. 56
4.13.3 Empty the ash drawer of the pellet unit...................................................................................... 56
5 Servicing the system .................................................................................................................................. 57
5.1 General information on servicing .......................................................................................................... 57
5.2 Required tools ....................................................................................................................................... 58
5.3 Maintenance work by the operator........................................................................................................ 59
5.3.1 Inspection................................................................................................................................... 59
5.3.2 Periodic inspection and cleaning ............................................................................................... 60
5.4 Maintenance work by technicians ......................................................................................................... 68
5.4.1 Checking and cleaning the combustion grate ............................................................................ 69
5.4.2 Cleaning the measurement line of the underpressure controller ............................................... 71
5.4.3 Cleaning the Lambda probe....................................................................................................... 71
5.5 Emissions measurement by chimney sweep or regulatory body .......................................................... 72
5.5.1 Starting the emissions measurement in pellet mode ................................................................. 73
5.5.2 Performing the emissions measurement in firewood mode ....................................................... 73
5.6 Replacement parts ................................................................................................................................ 75
5.7 Disposal information.............................................................................................................................. 75
5.7.1 Disposal of the ash .................................................................................................................... 75
5.7.2 Disposal of system components ................................................................................................ 75
6 Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................................... 76
6.1 Carbonisation gas duct flap is stiff ........................................................................................................ 76
6.2 General fault with power supply ............................................................................................................ 77
6.2.1 Behaviour of system after a power failure.................................................................................. 77
6.3 Extra cleaning of flue gas paths ............................................................................................................ 77
6.4 Excessive temperature.......................................................................................................................... 79
6.5 Faults with fault message...................................................................................................................... 80
6.5.1 Procedure for fault messages .................................................................................................... 81
1 | General
4 B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact
1 General
Thank you for choosing a quality product from Froling. The product features a state-of-
the-art design and conforms to all currently applicable standards and testing
Please read and observe the documentation provided and always keep it close to the
system for reference. Observing the requirements and safety information in the
documentation makes a significant contribution to safe, appropriate, environmentally
friendly and economical operation of the system.
The constant further development of our products means that there may be minor
differences from the pictures and content. If you discover any errors, please let us
Subject to technical change.
Warranty and Guarantee Conditions
Our sale and delivery conditions will be applicable. These conditions have been made
available to customers, and customers have been made aware of them at the time of
order completion.
You can also find the guarantee conditions on the enclosed guarantee certificate.
General | 1
B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact 5
1.1 SP Dual compact Product Overview
1Firewood boiler insulated door
1.1 Maintenance overview for firewood boiler
2Firewood boiler fuel loading door
3Firewood boiler combustion chamber door with inspection glass
4Pellet unit insulated door
5Pellet unit ash drawer
6Lambdatronic P 3200 controller
Ü "Overview of the touch display" [}35]
7Inspection opening for inspecting the automatic quick vent valve
8Pellet unit cover
9Lever of the heat exchanger cleaner (WOS system)
10 Heat exchanger cover: maintenance opening for cleaning the WOS system and heat
11 STL high-limit thermostat
12 Service port
13 Main switch
14 Back insulating cover of firewood boiler
2 | Safety
6 B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact
2 Safety
2.1 Hazard levels of warnings
This documentation uses warnings with the following hazard levels to indicate direct
hazards and important safety instructions:
The dangerous situation is imminent and if measures are not observed it will lead
to serious injury or death. You must follow the instructions!
The dangerous situation may occur and if measures are not observed it will lead to
serious injury or death. Work with extreme care.
The dangerous situation may occur and if measures are not observed it will lead to
minor injuries.
The dangerous situation may occur and if measures are not observed it will lead to
damage to property or pollution.
Safety | 2
B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact 7
2.2 Pictograms used
The following symbols are used in the documentation and/or on the boiler to show what is
required and forbidden and to give warnings.
In accordance with the Machinery Directive, signs fitted directly within the danger area of
the boiler indicate immediate hazards or safety procedures. These stickers must not be
removed or covered.
Refer to the operating instructions Wear safety shoes
Wear protective gloves Turn off the main switch
Keep the doors closed Wear a dust mask
Work under the supervision of a
second person
Unauthorised access prohibited No fire, open flames or smoking
Warning - hot surface Warning - hazardous electrical
Warning - hazardous or irritant
Warning - automatic boiler startup
Warning of injury to fingers or
hands, automatic fan
Warning of injury to fingers or
hands, automatic screw
Warning of injury to fingers or
hands, gear/chain drive
Warning of injury to fingers or
hands, cutting edge
Hand injury warning Warning of injury from being pulled
into rotating shafts
Increased CO concentration
Slipping hazard warning
2 | Safety
8 B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact
2.3 General safety information
If the device is used incorrectly:
Incorrect use of the system can cause severe injury and damage.
When operating the system:
rObserve the instructions and information in the manuals
rObserve the details on procedures for operation, maintenance and cleaning, as well
as troubleshooting in the respective manuals.
rAny work above and beyond this (e.g. servicing) must be carried out by a heating
engineer approved by Fröling Heizkessel- und Behälterbau GesmbH or by Froling
customer services
External influences:
Negative external influences, such as insufficient combustion air or non-standard
fuel, can cause serious faults in combustion (e.g. spontaneous combustion of
carbonisation gases or flash fires) which can in turn cause serious accidents!
When operating the boiler, please note the following:
rInstructions and information regarding versions and minimum values, as well as
standards and guidelines for heating components in the instructions must be
Severe injuries and damage can be caused by an inadequate flue gas system.
Problems with the flue gas system, such as poor cleaning of the flue pipe or
insufficient chimney draught, can cause serious faults in combustion (such as
spontaneous combustion of carbonisation gases or flash fires).
Take the following precautions:
rOptimum boiler performance can only be guaranteed if the flue gas system is
functioning correctly.
Safety | 2
B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact 9
2.4 Permitted uses
The Froling Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact is designed solely for heating domestic
water. Only the fuels specified in the "Permitted fuels" section may be used.
Ü "Permitted fuels" [}10]
The unit should only be operated when it is in full working order. It must be operated in
accordance with the instructions, observing safety precautions, and you should ensure
you are aware of the potential hazards. The inspection and cleaning intervals in the
operating instructions must be observed. Ensure that any faults which might impair safety
are rectified immediately.
The manufacturer or supplier is not liable for any damage resulting from non-permitted
Only original spare parts or specific alternative spare parts authorised by the
manufacturer may be used. Any kind of change or modification made to the product will
invalidate the manufacturer’s conformity with the applicable guideline(s). In such cases,
the product will need to undergo new hazard evaluation procedures by the operator. The
operator will then be fully responsible for the declaration of conformity according to the
valid guideline(s) for the product and will need to issue a corresponding declaration for
the device. This person will then assume all of the rights and responsibilities of a
2.4.1 The Clean Air Act 1993 and Smoke Control Areas
Under the Clean Air Act local authorities may declare the whole or part of the district of
the authority to be a smoke control area. It is an offence to emit smoke from a chimney of
a building, from a furnance or from any fixed boiler if located in a designated smoke
control area. It is also an offence to acquire an „unauthorised fuel“ for use within a smoke
control area unless it is used in an „exempt“ appliance („exempted“ from the controls
which generally apply in the smoke control area). The Secretary of State for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs has powers under the Act to authorise smokeless fuels or exempt
appliances for use in smoke control areas in England. In Scotland and Wales this power
rests with Ministers in the devolved administrations for those countries. Separate
legislation, the Clean Air (Northern Ireland) Order 1981, applies in Northern Ireland.
Therefore it is a requirement that fuels burnt or obtained for use in smoke control areas
have been „authorised“ in Regulations and that appliances used to burn solid fuel in
those areas (other than „authorised“ fuels) have been exempted by an Order made and
signed by the Secretary of State or Minister in the devolved administrations.
Further information on the requirements of the Clean Air Act can be found here: http://
Your local authority is responsible for implementing the Clean Air Act 1993 including
designation and supervision of smoke control areas and you can contact them for details
of Clean Air Act requirements.
The Froling SP Dual compact 15 and SP Dual compact 20 have been recommended as
suitable for use in smoke control areas when burning fuels as listed under "Permitted
2 | Safety
10 B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact
2.4.2 Permitted fuels
Firewood up to max. 55 cm long.
Water content Water content (w) greater than 15% (equivalent to wood moisture u > 17%)
Water content (w) less than 25% (equivalent to wood moisture u < 33%)
Note on standards EU: Fuel as per EN ISO 17225 – Part 5: Firewood class A2 / D15 L50
Additional for
Germany: Fuel class 4 (§3 of the First Federal Emissions Protection Ordinance
(BimSchV) in the last amended version)
Tips for
storing wood Use wind-exposed areas where possible for storage (e.g. store at edge of forest instead of in
Walls of buildings facing the sun are ideal
Create a dry underlay, where possible with air access (line with round timber, pallets, etc.)
stack split wood and store in such a way that it is protected from the elements
If possible, stock fuel for the day in a warm place (e.g. in boiler room) (pre-heats the fuel!)
Safety | 2
B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact 11
Storage time dependent upon water content
Wood type Water content
15 – 25% less than 15
Storage in heated and ventilated room
(approx. 20°C)
Soft wood (e.g.
from 1 year
Hardwood (e.g.
1 – 1.5 years from 2 years
Outdoor storage (protected from elements,
exposed to wind)
Soft wood (e.g.
2 summers from 2 years
Hardwood (e.g.
3 summers from 3 years
Freshly cut wood has an approximate water content of 50 to 60% depending on when it
was harvested. As the above table shows, the water content of the firewood decreases
the longer the wood is stored depending on how dry and warm the storage location is.
The ideal water content of firewood is between 15 and 25%. If the water content falls
below 15%, we recommend you adjust the combustion control to the fuel.
Wood pellets
Wood pellets made from natural wood with a diameter of 6mm
Note on standards EU: Fuel acc. to EN ISO 17225 - Part 2: Wood pellets class A1 / D06
and/or: ENplus / DINplus certification scheme
General note:
Before refilling the store, check for pellet dust and clean if necessary.
TIP: Fit the Froling PST pellet deduster for separating the dust particles contained in the
return air
2 | Safety
12 B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact
2.4.3 Fuels permitted under certain conditions
Wood briquettes
Wood briquettes for non-industrial use with a diameter of 5-10 cm and 5-50 cm long.
Note on standards EU: Fuel as per EN ISO 17225 - Part 3:
wood briquettes class B / D100 L500 Form 1 - 3
Additional for
Germany: Fuel class 5a (§3 of the First Federal Emissions Protection Ordinance
(BImSchV) - applicable version)
Notes on
use When burning wood briquettes use the settings for extremely dry fuel
Wood briquettes must be heated up with firewood as per EN ISO 17225-5
(at least two layers of firewood under the wood briquettes)
The fuel loading chamber must not be filled more than 3/4 full, as the wood briquettes expand
during combustion
Even when using the settings for dry fuel, burning wood briquettes can cause combustion
problems. In such cases, repairs must be carried out by qualified staff. Please contact Froling
customer services or your installer.
2.4.4 Non-permitted fuels
The use of fuels other than those defined in the "Permitted fuels" section, and particularly
the burning of refuse, is not permitted
In case of use of non-permitted fuels:
Burning non-permitted fuels increases the cleaning requirements and leads to a
build-up of aggressive sedimentation and condensation, which can damage the
boiler and also invalidates the guarantee! Using non-standard fuels can also lead
to serious problems with combustion!
For this reason, when operating the boiler:
rUse only the permitted fuels
2.5 Qualification of operating staff
If unauthorised persons enter the Installation room:
Risk of personal injury and damage to property
rThe operator is responsible for keeping unauthorised persons, in particular children,
away from the system.
Only trained operators are permitted to operate the unit. The operator must also have
read and understood the instructions in the documentation.
2.6 Protective equipment for operating staff
You must ensure that staff have the protective equipment specified by accident
prevention regulations!
Safety | 2
B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact 13
For operation, inspection and cleaning:
- suitable work wear
- protective gloves
- sturdy shoes
- dust mask
2 | Safety
14 B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact
2.7 Safety Devices
1 PELLET UNIT OFF (switches off pellet unit when overheating)
rTap “Pellet unit OFF”
ÄAutomatic mode is switched off
ÄControl follows the boiler shutdown procedure
ÄThe pumps continue to run
2 MAIN SWITCH (switches off the power supply)
Before carrying out work on/in the boiler:
rPress the standby key
ÄAutomatic mode is switched off
ÄControl system follows the boiler shutdown procedure
rSwitch off the main switch and let the boiler cool down
3 SAFETY TEMPERATURE LIMITER (STL) (protection against overheating)
The STL switches off the combustion system at a maximum boiler temperature of 105 °C.
The pumps continue to run. Once the temperature falls below approx. 75°C, the STL can
be reset mechanically.
TV THERMAL DISCHARGE VALVE (protection against overheating)
The thermal discharge valve opens at approx. 100°C and feeds cold water to the safety
heat exchanger to lower the boiler temperature
SV SAFETY VALVE (protection against overheating/excess pressure)
When the boiler pressure reaches a maximum of 3 bar, the safety valve opens and the
heated water is blown off in the form of steam.
Safety | 2
B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact 15
2.8 Residual risks
When the main switch is switched off in heating mode:
The boiler is placed in an uncontrolled state. Any resulting boiler malfunctions can
cause serious injury and damage.
rAllow the fire to burn out completely and let the boiler cool, only then switch off the
main switch.
ÄID fan switches off when "Off" status has been reached
(flue gas temperature < 80 °C, boiler temperature < 65 °C)
When touching hot surfaces:
Severe burns are possible on hot surfaces and the flue gas pipe!
When work is carried out on the boiler:
rShut down the boiler according to procedure (“Off” operating status) and allow it to
cool down
rProtective gloves must usually be worn for work on the boiler, and it should only be
operated using the handles provided
rInsulate the flue gas pipes and do not touch them during operation
If non-permitted fuel types are used:
Non-standard fuels can cause serious faults in combustion (e.g. spontaneous
combustion of carbonisation gases / flash fires) which can lead to serious
Take the following precautions:
rOnly use fuels specified in the "Permitted fuels" section of these operating
When inspecting and cleaning the boiler with the main switch on:
Serious injuries possible due to automatic boiler startup!
Before inspection and cleaning work in/on the boiler:
rSwitch the boiler off by tapping “Boiler off”
The boiler follows the shutdown procedure and switches to "Off“ mode
rAllow the boiler to cool for at least 1 hour
rSwitch off the main switch and take precautions to prevent accidental switching on
2 | Safety
16 B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact
If you open the combustion chamber door/fuel loading door during operation:
This could result in injury, damage or flue gas generation!
rNever open the combustion chamber door during operation
rThe fuel loading door must be kept closed during operation and may only be opened
briefly during reloading intervals
2.9 Emergency procedure
2.9.1 Overheating of the system
If the system overheats and the safety devices fail to operate, proceed as follows:
NOTICE!Do not under any circumstances switch off the main switch or disconnect
the power supply.
rKeep all the doors on the boiler closed
rOpen all mixing valve taps, switch on all pumps.
ÄThe Froling heating circuit control takes on this function in automatic operation.
rLeave the boiler room and close the door
rOpen any thermostatic valves on the radiator and ensure sufficient heat dissipation
from the rooms
If the temperature does not drop:
rContact the installer or Froling customer services
2.9.2 Smell of flue gas
If you smell flue gas in the boiler room:
Inhaling toxic flue gas can potentially be fatal!
If you smell flue gas in the room where the boiler is installed:
rKeep all the doors on the boiler closed
rVentilate the room where the boiler is installed
rClose the fire door and doors to living areas
rAllow the fire to burn out completely and let the boiler cool
Recommendation: Do not install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors near the
Safety | 2
B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact 17
2.9.3 Power failure / induced draught fan failure
A power failure, among others, can be identified based on the following points:
Display remains dark despite touching it
LED status does not flash / light up
No noise from the units (e.g. induced draught fan) can be heard
If the induced draught fan fails when there is power supply, the display shows the error
message “ID fan does not rotate, in spite of full activation”.
In the event of a power failure or induced draught fan failure during heating mode:
The boiler is placed in an uncontrolled state. Life-threatening injury is possible
when opening the doors.
What to do in the event of a power failure / induced draught fan failure:
rKeep all the doors on the boiler closed
rVentilate the room where the boiler is installed
rClose the fire door and doors to living areas
rAllow the fire to burn out completely and let the boiler cool
Recommendation: Equip the boiler with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). This
ensures correct combustion of the firewood and prevents possible uncontrolled conditions
(tarring of the heat exchanger etc.).
Please refer to section entitled “Technical specifications” in the installation instructions for
the boiler on how to design an uninterruptible power supply.
Recommendation: Do not install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors near the
2.9.4 Fire in the system
In case of fire in the system:
Risk of death by fire and poisonous gases
Emergency procedure in case of fire:
rLeave the room in which the boiler is installed and close the doors
rPress the on-site EMERGENCY STOP button
rInform the fire department
3 | Notes for operating a heating system
18 B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact
3 Notes for operating a heating system
Carrying out modifications to the system and changing or disabling safety equipment is
Always comply with all fire, building and electrical regulations when installing or operating
the system, in addition to following the operating instructions and mandatory regulations
that apply in the country in which the tank is operated.
3.1 Installation and approval
The boiler should be operated in a closed heating system. The following standards
govern the installation:
Note on standards EN 12828 - Heating Systems in Buildings
IMPORTANT: Every heating system must be officially approved.
The appropriate supervisory authority (inspection agency) must always be informed when
installing or modifying a heating system, and authorisation must be obtained from the
building authorities:
Austria: report to the construction authorities of the community or magistrate
Germany: report new installations to an approved chimney sweep / the building
3.2 Installation site
Requirements for the load bearing substrate:
Flat, clean and dry
Non-combustible and with sufficient load-bearing capacity
Conditions at the installation site:
▪ Frost-free
Sufficiently well lit
Free of explosive atmospheres such as flammable substances, hydrogen halides,
cleaning agents and consumables
Installation at altitude higher than 2000 metres above sea level only after consultation
with the manufacturer
The system must be protected against gnawing and nesting by animals (such as
No flammable materials in proximity to the system
Observe national and regional regulations regarding the installation of smoke and
carbon monoxide detectors
Notes for operating a heating system | 3
B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact 19
3.3 Combustion air
1Boiler in room air-dependent operation
2Air extraction system (such as centralised dust extraction system, room ventilation)
3Under-pressure monitoring system
4Combustion air supply from outside
3.3.1 Combustion air supply at the installation room
The system is operated in open flue mode, i.e. the combustion air required to operate the
boiler is drawn from the installation room.
Opening to the atmosphere
Weather conditions must not affect the air flow in any way (e.g. snow and foliage)
Cross-section area free of obstructions such as cover gratings and slats
Air supply lines
For air supply lines longer than 2 metres and where mechanical means are used
to feed combustion air, the flow rate must be calculated (maximum flow rate = 1 m/
Note on standards ÖNORM H 5170 - Construction and fire protection requirements
TRVB H118 - Technical directives on fire protection/prevention
3 | Notes for operating a heating system
20 B1500423_en | Operating instructions Dual fuel boiler SP Dual compact
3.3.2 Simultaneous operation with other air-drawing systems
Where the boiler is operated in room air-dependent mode with simultaneous operation of
other air-drawing systems (such as room ventilation), safety devices are necessary:
Air pressure monitor
Flue gas thermostat
Window-tilting drive system, window-tilting switch
NOTICE!Clarify the safety devices with appropriate flue sweep / chimney sweep
Recommendation for room ventilation:
Use “intrinsically-safe” room ventilation systems with F classification
As a basic rule:
Room under-pressure max. 8Pa
Air-drawing systems must not exceed the room under-pressure value
If the room under-pressure value is exceeded, safety equipment (under-pressure
monitoring system) is necessary
In Germany, the following additional requirement must be observed:
A gauge that monitors the negative pressure gauge (e.g. air pressure sensor P4) and is
approved by the DIBt (German Technical Authority in the Construction Sector) must be
used. This monitor tracks the maximum negative pressure of 4 Pa at the installation site.
In addition, at least one of the following three requirements must be met:
(Source: Section 4 MFeuV 2007 / 2010)
Dimension the cross-section of the combustion air opening so that when the boiler is
in operation the maximum under-pressure is not exceeded (simultaneous operation)
Use safety equipment that prevents simultaneous operation (alternate operation)
Monitor the flue gas outlet using safety devices (such as a flue gas thermostat)
Simultaneous operation
An approved safety system (such as an air pressure monitor) ensures that during
simultaneous operation of the boiler and the air-drawing appliance the pressure
conditions are maintained. In the event of a fault, the safety system will switch off one of
the air-drawing systems.
Alternating operation
An approved safety system (such as a flue gas thermostat) ensures (e.g. by switching off
the power supply) that the boiler cannot be operated simultaneously with the air-drawing