19 Oct 01, Rev 1
Ammonia water test
Customer: Date:
Plant: Order no:
Use only approved test tubes part no 1226.031, gloves and mask must be used when draining refrigerant.
The sample must be taken from the evaporator side. That is, from the separator, pump forward, or oil draining on the
evaporator, after the oil has been drained.
Sampling from the receiver is unsuitable, as the water content is several times higher on the evaporator side. The plant
must be running in normal operation when the sample is taken. There must be no ice or condensation at the drain valve
as the sample will then show too high water content.
The test tube is filled with 50 ml ammonia and placed securely for evaporation to prevent unauthorised persons getting
No water/moisture must access the test tube during evaporation as ammonia easily absorbs moisture and makes the test
Evaporation takes 3 or 4 hours and should not be accelerated by increased heat induction to the test tube, as excessive
boiling of the ammonia sample will generate ammonia vapours, which will entrain part of the water content from the
Increase of heat induction by means of a piece of welding rod placed in the test tube is, however, possible.
After drainage the ammonia colour and clarity are observed to estimate impurity and decomposition content.
After evaporation the glass sides are checked for deposits. Brown deposits indicate decomposition products in the
ammonia refrigerant.
After evaporation the water content in ml is read and the water content determined.
Water content is calculated according to the following formula:
Readings of water content in ml x water density in g / cm3
Sample amount inml x ammonia density in g / cm3 x100 % water content
Example: 0.3 ml water reading after evaporation: water.0.92%100x
Rule-of-thumb: Readings of water content in ml x 3 = % water content.