ISO/TS 16949
CD x 10
103 0089 · 9789042808379 · 08.TAN.EUR.VDO.2010_2011_CD
Tele Atlas is unique in being
certified to the ISO/TS 16949
standard for its map quality.
©2010 Tele Atlas. All rights reserved.
*Availability depends on the navigation system
**Availability depends on the country For price: Please refer to the General order form.
Details with regards to additional content are compared to the previous product 2009/2010.
(10 CD pack)
Product Highlights
■ Unlimited navigation through 42
countries of Europe on 10 CDs.
■ Enjoy ~100 % detailed street net-
work for 29 European countries and
more than ~50 % detailed street
network for Bulgaria, Greece and
■ Starting at your home and arriving
at your exact destination. Door-
to-door guidance in 27 countries
available. In 18 countries even
more than ~90 % of the population
can be reached by house number
■ Enjoy local knowledge every-
where you go. Count on more then
~2 100 000 Points of Interests (POI)
such restaurants, car parks and
petrol stations.
■ Never get stuck and stay one step
ahead of traffic jams and road
works in Europe. Updated official
TMC code lists helps you to navigate
to your destination (CH, CZ, I, NL,
■ Locate your destination faster. You’ll
be able to find your destination
simply by inserting a postal code or
even quicker by entering the street
name directly.**
Country details
Detailed street network House numbers
Postal code
A Austria ~100 % ~100 %
✓ ✓
B Belgium ~100 % ~100 %
✓ ✓
BG Bulgaria
~53 % ~56 % (+3 %) – –
CH Switzerland ~100 % ~99 %
✓ ✓
CZ Czech Republic ~100 % ~44 %
✓ ✓
D Germany ~100 % ~100 % –
DK Denmark ~100 % ~100 %
✓ ✓
E Spain ~100 % ~96 % (+3 %) –
EST Estonia ~100 % ~100 % (+28 %)
F France ~100 % ~96 % (+4 %) –
FIN Finland ~100 % ~99 %
✓ ✓
GB Great Britain & Northern
~100 % ~100 % + Belfast
GR Greece ~85 % (+7 %) ~70 % (+10 %)
H Hungary ~100 % ~100 %
HR Croatia ~42 % ~28 % – –
I Italy ~100 % ~88 %
✓ ✓
IRL Ireland ~100 % ~100 % (+30 %) only Dublin –
L Luxembourg ~100 % ~100 %
LT Lithuania ~100 % ~100 % (+23 %)
LV Latvia ~63 % ~63 %
N Norway ~100 % ~100 %
✓ ✓
NL The Netherlands ~100 % ~100 %
✓ ✓
P Portugal ~100 % ~70 % – –
PL Poland ~100 % ~62 % (+7 %) – –
RO Romania
~9 % – – –
S Sweden ~100 % ~97 %
✓ ✓
SK Slovakia ~100 % ~45 % – –
SLO Slovenia ~100 % (+32 %) ~100 % (+60 %)
+ AND Andorra, FL Liechtenstein, GBZ Gibraltar, MC Monaco, RSM San Marino, V Vatican city.
+ Connector network (connecting roads between capitals): AL Albania, BIH Bosnia & Herzegovina, BY Belarus,
MD Moldova, MK Macedonia, MNE Montenegro, SRB Serbia, UA Ukraine.
Additional information
Points of Interest
~2 100 000 POIs
CD1: Austria • Switzerland • Czech Republic
CD2: Benelux
CD3: Eastern Europe
CD4: Germany
CD5: Spain • Portugal
CD6: France
CD7: Italy
CD8: Scandinavia/Nordic
CD9: United Kingdom • Ireland
CD10: Major Roads of Europe (A, AND, B, CH, CZ, D, DK, E, F,
FIN, FL, GB, GBZ, I, IRL, L, MC, N, NL, P, PL, RSM, S, V)
VDO Dayton: MS 3100 • MS 4000 • MS 4050 • MS 4100 • MS 4200 • MS 5000 • MS 5100 •
MS 6000 and other VDO Dayton compatible non C-IQ systems (BMW, Renault, Opel and