ISO/TS 16949
DVD x 1
102 7714 · EAN 9789042807617
Tele Atlas is unique in being
certified to the ISO/TS 16949
standard for its map quality.
©2009 Tele Atlas. All rights reserved.
* availability depends on the device and country.
For price: Please refer to the General order form.
for TravelPilot 500, TravelPilot 700
Product Highlights
■ Unlimited navigation through 44
countries of Europe – you can drive
carefree all the way without chang-
ing the map.
■ ~100 % detailed street network
for Western Europe, Czech Repub-
lic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and
■ Starting at your home and arriving
at your exact destination. Door-
to-door guidance is in most of the
countries possible.
■ Enjoy local knowledge everywhere
you go. Count on ~1 500 000 Points
of Interest (POI) such as restaurants,
car parks and petrol stations.
■ Drive smart and safely with speed
limit information and dynamic route
■ Computer compatible with Win-
dows, Linux or Mac OS operating
Country details
Detailed street network House numbers
A Austria ~100 % ~100 %
AL Albania CN – –
AND Andorra ~100 % ~30 % –
B Belgium ~100 % ~100 %
BG Bulgaria ~43 % ~43 % –
BIH Bosnia & Herzegovina CN – –
BY Belarus CN – –
CH Switzerland ~100 % ~100 %
CZ Czech Republic ~100 % ~26 %
D Germany ~100 % ~100 %
DK Denmark ~100 % ~100 %
E Spain ~100 % ~93 %
EST Estonia ~72 % ~72 % –
F France ~100 % ~75 %
FIN Finland ~100 % ~99 %
FL Liechtenstein ~100 % – –
GB Great Britain & Northern
~100 % ~100 % + Belfast –
GBZ Gibraltar ~100 % – –
GR Greece ~54 % ~30 % –
H Hungary ~100 % ~100 % –
HR Croatia ~42 % ~28 % –
I Italy ~100 % ~86 %
IRL Ireland ~100 % ~100 % –
L Luxembourg ~100 % ~100 % –
LT Lithuania ~100 % ~77 % –
LV Latvia ~63 % ~63 % –
MC Monaco ~100 % – –
MD Moldova CN – –
MK Macedonia (FYR) CN – –
MNE Montenegro CN – –
N Norway ~100 % ~100 %
NL The Netherlands ~100 % ~100 %
P Portugal ~100 % ~70 % –
PL Poland ~100 % ~47 % –
RO Romania CN – –
RSM San Marino ~100 % – –
RU Russia ~21 % ~14 % –
S Sweden ~100 % ~97 %
SRB Serbia CN – –
SK Slovakia ~100 % ~45 % –
SLO Slovenia ~47 % ~43 % –
TR Turkey ~47 % ~7 % –
UA Ukraine CN – –
V Vatican City ~100 % – –
Additional information
Points of Interest
~1 500 000 POIs
TravelPilot 500, TravelPilot 700
+ Russia