Table of contents
Use the index (b 159), to find
a certain topic quickly.
Welcome to BMW ........... 1
General information ......... 4
Overview ........................ 7
General view, left
side ................................. 9
General view, right
side ............................... 11
Underneath the seat ...... 13
Handlebar fitting,
left ................................. 14
Handlebar fitting,
right .............................. 15
Instrument cluster ......... 16
Headlight ....................... 17
Status indicators .......... 19
Multifunction display ...... 20
Warning and telltale
lights ............................. 21
Warning indicators ........ 21
ABS warnings ............. 27
Operation ..................... 33
Ignition switch and
steering lock ................. 34
Electronic immobiliser .. 36
Hazard warning
flashers ......................... 37
Odometer and
tripmeters ..................... 37
Clock ............................ 38
Display dimming ........... 39
.................. 39
Cruise control
........... 42
Emergency off
switch (kill switch) ......... 45
Grip heating
.............. 45
Seat heating
............. 46
Handlebar levers .......... 47
Lights ........................... 48
Turn indicators ............. 50
compartment ................ 51
Front and rear seats ..... 52
Helmet holder ............... 54
Mirrors .......................... 55
Windscreen ................... 55
Spring preload .............. 55
Shock absorbers .......... 56
Wheels .......................... 57
Riding ........................... 59
Safety instructions ........ 60
Safety check ................. 62
First time out ................. 62
Before you start ............ 63
Starting ......................... 66
Riding ........................... 69
Running in .................... 69
Engine speed ................ 70
Shifting gear ................. 71
Placing motorcycle
on its side stand ........... 73
Removing motorcycle
from side stand ............. 75
Placing motorcycle on
centre stand ................. 77
Removing motorcycle
from centre stand ......... 79
Fuel ............................... 79
Brake system ................ 80