Avery Berkel TB Series User Instructions

Kitchen scales
User Instructions

This manual is also suitable for

Avery Berkel TB Series is a high-precision electronic balance that offers versatile weighing and counting functions for various applications. With a range of models to choose from, including the TC60, TC61, and TB151, you can find the perfect balance for your specific needs. These balances provide accurate weighing results in grams or various secondary units like pounds, ounces, troy ounces, pennyweight, and more. The dual-unit display allows for easy conversion between units.

Avery Berkel TB Series is a high-precision electronic balance that offers versatile weighing and counting functions for various applications. With a range of models to choose from, including the TC60, TC61, and TB151, you can find the perfect balance for your specific needs. These balances provide accurate weighing results in grams or various secondary units like pounds, ounces, troy ounces, pennyweight, and more. The dual-unit display allows for easy conversion between units.

76101–241 Issue 5 21.07.97
Electronic Top Pan Balances
TB/TC Series
User Instructions
User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
1 Installation 3
1.1 Changing the voltage setting 3
2 Weighing 4
3 Keyboard functions 5
3.1 Using the Dual Units key 6
3.2 Using the Tare key 6
3.3 Using the Weigh/Count key 6
3.4 Using the Print key 7
4 Calibration procedure 8
4.1 Calibrating the balance 8
4.1.1 Unsuccessful calibration 9
5 Setup procedure 10
5.1 Data send 10
5.1.1 ConfIguring data send 10
5.2 Dual weight unit 11
5.2.1 Configuring the dual weight unit 11
6 Counting 13
7 Checkweigher 15
7.1 InstallatIon 15
7.2 Calculating tolerances 15
7.3 Checkweighing 15
7.4 Checkcountlng 17
7.5 General notes 17
8 Output 18
9 Suspended weighing 18
10 Cleaning 18
11 Mains fuse 19
12 Safety precautions 20
2User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
Congratulations – you have now taken delivery of your new
balance. Designed and manufactured to the highest possible
standards, this balance is equally at home in the factory,
laboratory or the classroom. These user instructions describe the
operation of both the two key and four key balances. The
features available with the four key version are clearly identified
and should simply be ignored if you have purchased the two key
TC60Two key version 6000 x 1g
Four key version 6000 x 1g
TC61Two key version 600 x 0.1g
Four key version 600 x 0.1g
Two key version 1500 x 0.1g
Four key version 1500 x 0.1g
1 Installation
User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
1 Installation
1. Place the balance in its chosen position, which should be
free from vibration and draughts for optimum performance.
2. Remove any packing material.
3. Place the pan on the pan support.
4. The balance is factory set to either 110120V or 220240V
50/60 Hz AC supply. Ensure that the voltage on the
rating plate on the rear of the balance corresponds with
the supplied voltage. If not refer to section 1.1.
5. Connect the mains lead to the balance and an AC supply.
6. Turn on the mains switch which is located at the rear of the
The readout displays a row of dashes for a short period,
then all eights, and then zero. The balance is now ready for
weighing since little or no warm up time is required.
1.1 Changing the voltage setting
1. Remove the mains lead from the balance.
2. Prise out the voltage selector/fuse holder.
3. Replace the fuse with one of the correct rating.
New Supply Fuse RatIng
110V 120V 20mm, 500mA, antisurge
220V 240V 20mm, 250mA, antisurge
4. Replace the voltage selector/fuse holder in the correct
2 Weighing
4 User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
2 Weighing
Place the load on the pan. The weight is displayed on the
readout. When the weight is stable the unit symbol appears at the
right hand side of the display.
If you apply a load in excess of the weighing capacity, the reading
blanks and the top row of display segments illuminates until you
remove the overload.
If you remove the pan, the reading blanks and the bottom row of
display segments illuminates.
3 Keyboard functions
User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
3 Keyboard functions
The functions available depend on whether your balance is the
two key version or the four key version.
Two key balance
Dual units key Tare key
Four key balance
Dual units key
Weigh/count key
Print key Tare key
3 Keyboard functions
6 User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
3.1 Using the Dual Units key
g has two functions:
At switch on
During the power up sequence, pressing g
g displays the
various secondary weighing units available, see section 5.2.
Normal weighing
Pressing g
g causes the balance to display the weight either
in grams or converted to the selected secondary weighing unit.
The symbol g denotes a weight in grams. Any other symbol
denotes a converted weight.
3.2 Using the Tare key
T tares off the weight of an empty container, for example.
Place a container on the pan and press T . This causes the
weight display to be zeroed. Any material now added to the
container is displayed as a net weight.
When you remove the container and contents the tare weight is
displayed with a negative sign. The tare may be cancelled by
pressing T again when the pan is empty.
Loads up to full capacity may be tared but the net weighing
capacity is reduced by the amount tared.
3.3 Using the Weigh/Count key
is used when counting components, see section 6.
3 Keyboard functions
User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
3.4 Using the Print key
has two functions:
At switch on
Pressing enables you to configure the balance for either
Continuous data send or Request data send, see section 5.1.
Normal weighing
If the balance is set to Request data send pressing
causes the balance to display centre bars and send the
information displayed to a peripheral such as a tally roll printer or
4 Calibration procedure
8 User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
4 Calibration procedure
You can set the accuracy of calibration either at full load or at
intermediate weight values. Use one of the following weights
during calibration:
TB6l TB151 TC60
200g 500g 2000g
500g 1000g 5000g
600g 1500g 6000g
The weight used should ideally correspond with the operable
weight. If the balance is to be used for general weighing over a
wide range, select the maximum weight.
4.1 Calibrating the balance
1. Ensure that the pan is empty and the display shows zero.
2. Place the required calibration weight centrally on the pan.
3. Press and hold g
g . Press T until the display
shows CAL and then release both keys.
The display shows CAL for a short while and then displays
the value of the calibration weight used. This signifies that
calibration is complete.
4. Wait until calibration is complete and then remove the
weight from the pan.
5. Check that the balance is calibrated accurately by ensuring
that the display shows
Dzero when no weight is on the pan
Dthe correct value when a calibration weight is applied
6. If the balance is not accurately calibrated repeat from
step 1.
4 Calibration procedure
User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
4.1.1 Unsuccessful calibration
Under certain circumstances the message ERROR may appear
during the calibration process. This indicates that calibration has
been unsuccessful due to one of the following reasons:
DThe calibration weight used was not one of the
permitted nominal values.
DThe calibration weight used, though nominally
correct, was outside the permitted tolerance.
DThe pan was not empty and the display did not show
zero before you started.
5 Setup procedure
10 User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
5 Setup procedure
5.1 Data send
You can send data from a four key balance either continuously or
on request. You can send data from a two key balance only
The balance sends data as a continuous message which is
regularly updated as the weight on the balance changes.
Selecting option P2 prints data automatically only when the weight
is stable.
Selecting option P4 prints data automatically at any time.
On request
The balance sends data to a peripheral such as a tally roll printer
or PC when the operator presses .
Selecting option P1 prints data when is pressed only if
the weight is stable.
Selecting option P3 prints data whenever is pressed.
5.1.1 ConfIguring data send
1. Switch on the balance.
2. Press during the power up sequence.
The display shows the option currently selected.
3. Press to display the required option (P1 to P4).
5 Setup procedure
User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
4. To return to normal weighing press T .
5. To configure the g
g key see section 5.2.1.
5.2 Dual weight unit
The balance can display the weight in either grams or one of the
secondary weighing units listed below. The units available and the
relevant symbols are listed below:
Option Unit Displayed
POUND Pounds (Imperial)
Decimal lb
OUNCE Ounces (Imperial) 0z
TROY Troy ounces t0
PENNY Penny weight dt
TAEL 1 Tael (Taiwan) t
TAEL 2 Tael (Hong Kong) t
TAEL 3 Tael (Singapore) t
TAEL 4 Tael (China) t
Hltr Kilogram/hectolitre g/h
NTON Newtons N
GRAIN Grains gr
If a secondary unit is not required set the balance to NONE.
5.2.1 Configuring the dual weight unit
1. Switch on the balance.
2. Press g
g during the power up sequence.
The display shows the option currently selected.
5 Setup procedure
12 User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
3. Press g
g to display the required option.
4. To return to normal weighing press T .
5. To configure data send see section 5.1.1.
Configuring kilogrammes/hectolitre
If H–Itr is selected as the secondary weighing unit (see
section 5.2) the balance calculates kilogrammes per hectolitre.
1. Ensure you are in setup mode.
2. Press g
g to display H–Itr.
3. Place a 500ml volumetric container on the pan and zero the
4. Fill the container with the grain under test, using a
repeatable filling method.
5. Replace the container and contents on the pan.
The display shows the sample weight compared with its
volume expressed as kilogrammes/hectolitre.
6 Counting
User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
6 Counting
You can use the balance to determine the number of identical
components in a batch by first carrying out a sample weighing
If the balance is linked to a peripheral such as a tally roll printer
you can obtain a printed record.
The balance will not sample if the display shows the under weight
lower bars or over weight upper bars.
To count a different component repeat the counting procedure.
1. Either
Ensure that the pan is empty and the display shows zero.
Place an empty container on the pan.
Press T to zero the weight display.
2. Place a number of components on the balance pan.
These components are called the sample size. The sample
size can comprise 5 50 components in steps of 5.
3. Press and hold until the display shows the
required sample size.
The display shows SPLE followed by the sample sizes in
steps of 5. This is the number of components you intend to
use in the initial sample. The scrolling sequence always
starts at the last selected sample size. When you release
the key the display shows the sample size and a small c in
the top right hand corner of the display to designate count is
in operation.
4. Add further components.
The display automatically increments accordingly.
6 Counting
14 User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
5. To resample on a larger number of components press
until the display shows SPLE.
The balance recalculates the piece weight with the new
weight and sample count information. Take care if the step
between the two samples is too large as errors may occur.
6. To obtain a printed record press .
The following information is printed:
COUNT xxxx
WEIGHT xxxx g
PcWt x.xg
7. To return to normal weighing press briefly.
7 Checkweigher
User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
7 Checkweigher
The checkweigher unit (part number 70571644) is a simple
device which indicates if the item being weighed is within two
tolerances. The unit can also be used for checkcounting, see
section 7.4.
7.1 Installation
The unit is simple to install. Just plug the unit into the output port
at the back of the balance and switch on.
Early versions of the TC/TB series cannot be connected to the
checkweigher. Before using a checkweigher with an existing TC
or TB balance check the label on the rear face of the balance.
The balance identity code must contain the numbers 35 or 45, for
example TC0601 35Z.
7.2 Calculating tolerances
The two tolerances are called UNDER and OVER limits. The
UNDER limit is the lowest acceptable number. The OVER limit is
the highest acceptable number. To enter the limits you must place
components on the pan until the required value is reached.
Pressing T enters the value. Pressing g
g clears the
previously entered value. These values are stored in the balance.
To weigh an item to $10% you must first calculate the UNDER
and OVER limits. If an item weighs 100 grams the UNDER value
is 90 grams and the OVER value is 110 grams.
7.3 Checkweighing
1. Switch on the balance with the checkweigher connected.
The balance display shows the last stored UNDER value
and a small u to the right of the display.
2. To accept the UNDER value, press T and go to
step 6.
7 Checkweigher
16 User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
3. To change the UNDER value, press g
g .
The display shows zero.
4. Place components on the pan until the display shows the
required UNDER value.
5. Press T .
The balance display shows the last stored OVER value and
a small o to the right of the display.
6. To accept the OVER value, press T .
The balance is ready for use.
7. To change the OVER value, press g
g .
The display shows zero.
8. Place components on the pan until the display shows the
required OVER value.
9. Press T .
The balance is ready for use.
7 Checkweigher
User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
7.4 Checkcountlng
Checkcounting enables you to use the balance for checking
batches or bundles of items as normal but with the ability to
update the piece weight of the components.
1. Set up the balance for counting by following steps 1. to 3.
on page 13.
2. Switch off the balance.
3. Switch on the balance with the checkweigher connected.
The balance display shows the last stored UNDER value
and a small u to the right of the display.
4. Press g
g to select count.
5. Go to page 15 and follow the instructions for
checkweighing in section 7.3 from step 2. Set the UNDER
and OVER limits by count and not weight.
6. With the same under and over values you can set a new
piece weight by resampling as described in steps 1. to 3.
on page 13.
7.5 General notes
DYou can use g
g and (if fitted) when the
balance is connected to the checkweigher.
DRS232 output is not available when the
checkweigher is connected.
DSwitching the balance off and on again with the
checkweigher connected retains the previously
entered UNDER and OVER limits.
DSwitching the balance off and on again with the
checkweigher disconnected sets the balance to
normal weighing. Previously entered limits are
8 Output
18 User Instructions for TB/TC Series Balances
retained and displayed when the checkweigher is
DThe output port provides RS232 output (see
section 8) if the checkweigher is disconnected.
8 Output
The output from this balance is unidirectional RS232C. The
output socket is at the rear of the balance and is a Plughole Cord
Connector (PCC).
PIN No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Output connector
Further information on this output configuration can be found on
the RS232 applications sheet available from Avery Berkel.
9 Suspended weighing
You can suspend loads beneath the balance from the suspension
eye which is exposed by removing the plastic cover in the
baseplate of the balance.
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Avery Berkel TB Series User Instructions

Kitchen scales
User Instructions
This manual is also suitable for

Avery Berkel TB Series is a high-precision electronic balance that offers versatile weighing and counting functions for various applications. With a range of models to choose from, including the TC60, TC61, and TB151, you can find the perfect balance for your specific needs. These balances provide accurate weighing results in grams or various secondary units like pounds, ounces, troy ounces, pennyweight, and more. The dual-unit display allows for easy conversion between units.

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