1. Click on the Settings button from the IQmanager
main screen and go to the Devices tab.
2. Select the Spirometry Settings button.
3. There are nine tabs at the top of the screen.
Select the Configuration tab, if it is not
already open.
4. Click on the Configuration Profile drop down
arrow located toward the bottom right side of the
5. Select PCP Mode.
6. Click the OK button at the bottom of the screen.
This will save the setting change and return you to the
Configurations Settings screen.
7. Click the Back arrow in the IQmanager
opening screen.
This will take you back to the main IQmanager
8. Select New Patient or search and select a patient
to run a spirometry test.
Please refer to the IQspiro
Operation Manual #3-100-1120 for further details and troubleshooting tips.
Quick Reference Guide
Instructions for putting the IQspiro
in PCP mode