MFJ-414 Instruction Manual Classroom Morse Code Tutor
The random words database is a set of 500 words. When this database is selected for code
practice, the unit will choose randomly from these words for its code transmission. You may
change this set of words by loading a new set from your computer into the Tutor. You may
substitute a completely new set of words or replace only some of the words by editing the existing
database. To edit the database, you may transfer it from the Tutor to your computer, perform the
editing, then transfer the edited database back to the Tutor. The database is stored in non-volatile
memory, so it is preserved even when the power is turned off.
To transfer files to and from the Tutor, use a terminal program that will transfer data in ASCII
format. Configure the program for 1200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity and one stop bit.
To prepare a random words database, use an ASCII text editor on your computer. Valid characters
for the database include all those listed in the chart of page 30, the space and the angle brackets
"<>". The angle brackets are used to build custom prosigns
a custom prosign must begin with
"<", end with ">", and contain at least one non-space character. Examples are <IMI>, <AAA> and
The words in this database may have a maximum of ten characters each. Compound words, such
as "ham radio" and "code tutor" are allowed. Each word or compound word in the database file
must be on a separate line. Leading spaces, blank lines and invalid characters are ignored by the
unit when the file is downloaded. All characters following the first ten valid characters on any line
are also ignored. You may add trailing spaces to insert extra spacing between words.
Transferring a Random Words Database From the Computer
• Go to the Set menu and enter its submenus by pressing Select.
• Go to the Words submenu.
• Press Select and hold it for one second.
will appear on the display.
• Press Previous to begin receiving.
will appear on the display.
• Begin sending the ASCII file from your terminal program. You may stop the transfer at any
time by pressing Select.
• At the end of the transmission, press Select. If you ended your ASCII file of words with a
close square bracket "]", the unit will stop the transfer automatically when the bracket is
received. The unit also will stop the transfer automatically when 500 words have been
received. If your file contains less than 500 words, the unit will replace in its existing
database only the number of words in your file, starting at the beginning of its database. This
will leave the words at the end of the existing database.
• When the transfer is complete, the unit will check the database for errors. If an error is found,
it will display the word number and the word containing the error on the first line and the error
number on the second line. See the list of error messages on page 29.
• Press Select to return to normal operation.
Transferring the Random Words Database to the Computer
• Go to the Set menu and enter its submenus by pressing Select.
• Go to the Words submenu.