Each Atom Really Counts:
Protect Your Samples Prior to FIB Processing
Focused ion beam technology has
become an indispensable tool for site-
specific TEM sample preparation. It
allows to extract electron transparent
specimens with nanometer precision
using a focused Ga+-ion beam. The
application of a Pt-based protection layer
is often a first and critical step in order to
protect the surface from incurring FIB
induced damage. Such protection layers
are mainly deposited by means of IBID
(ion-beam induced deposition) and EBID
(electron-beam induced deposition).
Although the latter CVD process is known
to be less harmful, damage to the surface
and superficial layers of the specimen
can never be eliminated.
An efficient way to protect any sample is
to deposit an interstitial carbon
protection layer with a uniform density
and thickness. Conventional carbon rod
evaporation will impart a considerable
amount of heat on the sample causing
damage. Adaptive carbon thread
evaporation, on the other hand, will form
a strong and conductive layer while
maintaining the pristine characteristics
of the sample. This new evaporation
mode which was already well received
by the scientific community is
characterized by its superior flexibility
and high reproducibility. It enables its
users to deposit a uniform and conductive
carbon layer with minimal impact on the
sample. Moreover, its low sputter rate
and absolute absence of grain structures
allows an optimal protection and a
decrease of curtaining effects
respectively. Thıs application note
discusses protective coatings and shows
the most optimal route to protect your
samples and rule out any doubts
concerning the fine structure of the
surface up to the atomic level.
Figure 1. Examples of FIB-induced damage in TEM lamellas.
(A) Inter-atomic mixing and etching. (B) Severe curtaining
artefacts due to combination of granular EBID layer and
low-kV milling during final thinning of the lamella. (C)
High-Z EBID coating adjacent to region of interest
hampering EELS data acquisition.
Permanent marker deposition was suggested as a
mean to protect samples against focused ion
beam damage by simply drawing a line on the
sample using a black-colored permanent marker.
Although very fast and cheap, such layers are not
reproducible and thick layers often obscure a clear
visualization of the sample surface prior to FIB
milling. Hence, they hamper a fast localization of
the correct region of interest. Moreover, it is often
unclear how these layers will react once exposed
to high probe currents often used during atomic
resolution STEM imaging or prolonged EELS data
acquisitions. The resin used in the permanent
marker ink can outgas and be a potential source of
contamination, especially when performing
atomic resolution imaging or spectroscopy. The
applied layers are also rather polymeric and are
considerably less conductive.