Mc 1: This knob controls the macro controller 1. Two parameters which are frequent-
ly assigned to this controller are the amplitude of the oscillators and the input gain
(drive) of the wave-shaper unit.
Mc 2: This knob controls the macro controller 2. Two parameters which are frequently
assigned to this controller are the cutoff frequency and resonance of the internal lter.
Mc 3: This knob controls the macro controller 3. Two parameters which are frequent-
ly assigned to this controller are the amount of signal feedback to the input of the
Ringmod/Filters section and the dry/wet mix of the cabinet saturator unit.
velocity: When the lF vel Button is activated, this knob sets the center value around
which the LFO modulates the velocity parameter of the instrument.
lFo rate: The macro controllers can be controlled by an LFO if the lFM Button (see
below) is turned on for that particular controller. The lFo rate knoB sets the fre-
quency of the LFO.
PhaSe: Determines the phase of the LFO. Read about the t Sync and k Sync Parameters
below for more information on the effect of the PhaSe knoB.
cliP: Sets the amount of clipping to the LFO signal.
aMount: Determines the amplitude of the LFO and with it the amount of modulation
to the macro controller parameters.
lFM1: If activated, the macro controller 1 parameter is modulated by the LFO.
lFM2: If activated, the macro controller 2 parameter is modulated by the LFO.
lFM3: If activated, the macro controller 3 parameter is modulated by the LFO.
lF v
: The velocity events received from the keyboard or sequencer are overridden if the
lF vel Button is on and replaced by the LFO modulated value set by the velocity knoB.
t Sync: If activated, the LFO is synchronized to the global tempo assigned determined
by KORE. If the t Sync Button is activated and the k Sync Button deactivated, the
LFO phase is also synchronized with the song position. The phase of the LFO at the
beginning of the song is set by the PhaSe knoB.
k Sync: With k Sync activated, the LFO is restarted every time a note is played. The
phase at which the LFO restarts is set by the PhaSe knoB.
The particular effect of the macro
controllers differs between KORE
SOUNDS, as the instrument parameters
which they have been assigned to were
carefully chosen by the sound designer to
suit the particular KORE SOUND.
The particular effect of the macro
controllers differs between KORE
SOUNDS, as the instrument parameters
which they have been assigned to were
carefully chosen by the sound designer to
suit the particular KORE SOUND.