Sparky TV 4040 User manual

Power chainsaws
User manual

This manual is also suitable for
© 2012 SPARKY 1201R01
51 – 67
Istruzioni originali
68 – 85
Instrucciones de uso originales
86 – 102
Instrukcja oryginalna
1 – 15
Original instructions
33 – 50
Notice originale
Оригинальная инструкция по эксплуатации
Оригинална инструкция за използване
16 – 32
We declare under our sole responsibility that this product is in conformity with the provisions of the following directives and the corresponding harmonized standards:
2006/42/EC; 2004/108/EC; 2000/14/EC amended by 2005/88/EC; 97/68/EC amended by 2004/26/EC, EN ISO 11681-1; EN 55012; EN ISO 14982; EN ISO 22868.
2006/42/EC: Certicate №: BM 50219817 0001. Notied body: TÜV Reinland LGA Product GmbH -Tillystraβe 2-90431 Nürnberg, Germany
2000/14/EC: Conformity assessment procedure according to Annex V. Equipment category: 6
Measured sound power level on an equipment representative for TV 3540 -101,6dB (A); TV 4040 – 104,1 dB (A)
Guaranteed sound power level for this equipment - L
does not exceed 108 dB (A)
Technical le is stored at SPARKY ELTOS AG, Koubrat Str. 9, 5500 Lovetch, Bulgaria.
Hiermit versichern wir unsere persönliche Haftung, daß dieses Erzeugnis den Anordnungen folgender Richtlinien und entsprechender harmonisierten Standards
entspricht: 2006/42/EC; 2004/108/EC; 2000/14/EC (2005/88/EC); 97/68/EC (2004/26/EC), EN ISO 11681-1; EN 55012; EN ISO 14982; EN ISO 22868.
2006/42/EC: Zertikat №: BM 50219817 0001. Zertizierungsstelle: V Reinland LGA Product GmbH -Tillystraβe 2-90431 Nürnberg, Germany
2000/14/EC: Bewertungsverfahren der Konformität gemäß Anhang V. Produktkategorie: 6
Der bewertete Schalleistungspegel eines Musters ist: TV 3540 -101,6dB (A); TV 4040 – 104,1 dB (A)
Der garantierte Schalleistungspegel L
des Produkts übersteigt nicht 108 dB (A)
Die technischen Unterlagen werden bei SPARKY ELTOS AG, Kubrat Str.9, 5500 Lovetch, Bulgarien, aufbewahrt.
Nous déclarons sous notre propre responsabilité que ce produit est conformé aux directives, respectivement les standards harmonisés: 2006/42/EC; 2004/108/EC;
2000/14/EC (2005/88/EC); 97/68/EC (2004/26/EC), EN ISO 11681-1; EN 55012; EN ISO 14982; EN ISO 22868.
2006/42/EC: Certicat №: BM 50219817 0001. Organe notié: TÜV Reinland LGA Product GmbH -Tillystraβe 2-90431 Nürnberg, Germany
2000/14/EC: Procédures d’évaluation de la conformité conformément à l’annexe V. Catégorie des produits : 6
Niveau mesuré de la puissance sonore de l’échantillon représentatif: TV 3540 -101,6dB (A); TV 4040 – 104,1 dB (A)
Niveau garanti de la puissance sonore de l’échantillon représentatif: 108 dB (A)
Le dossier technique est conserpar SPARKY ELTOS AD, 9, rue Kubrat, Lovech, Bulgarie.
Noi dichiariamo la nostra personale responsabilità, affermando che questo prodotto è in conformità delle seguenti direttive, rispettivamente norme armonizzate:
2006/42/EC; 2004/108/EC; 2000/14/EC (2005/88/EC); 97/68/EC (2004/26/EC), EN ISO 11681-1; EN 55012; EN ISO 14982; EN ISO 22868.
2006/42/EC: Certicato №: BM 50219817 0001. Organo noticato: TÜV Reinland LGA Product GmbH -Tillystraβe 2-90431 Nürnberg, Germany
2000/14/EC: Procedimento di valutazione della conformità secondo appendice V. Categoria di prodotto: 6
Livello di potenza sonora ponderata di un campione rappresentativo: TV 3540 – 101,6dB (A); TV 4040 – 104,1 dB (A)
Livello garantito di potenza sonora del prodotto - L
non supera i 108 dB (A)
Il fascicolo tecnico viene custodito presso la SPARKY ELTOS, 5500 Lovech, via Kubrat n. 9, Bulgaria
Declaramos bajo nuestra exclusiva responsabilidad que este producto cumple con lo estipulado en las siguientes directrices y en las correspondientes normas
armonizadas: 2006/42/EC; 2004/108/EC; 2000/14/EC (2005/88/EC); 97/68/EC (2004/26/EC), EN ISO 11681-1; EN 55012; EN ISO 14982; EN ISO 22868.
2006/42/EC: Certicado №: BM 50219817 0001. Organismo noticado: TÜV Reinland LGA Product GmbH -Tillystraβe 2-90431 Nürnberg, Germany
2000/14/EC: Procedimiento para evaluación de la conformidad según anexo V. Categoría de producto: 6
Nivel de potencia acústica medido del tipo de una sola máquina representativa de su tipo: TV 3540 -101,6dB (A); TV 4040 – 104,1 dB (A)
Nivel de potencia acústica garantizado de la máquina: L
no supera 108 dB (A)
El expediente técnico está archivado en SPARKY ELTOS SA, C/ Kubrat, 9, 5500 Lovech, Bulgaria.
Niniejszym deklarujemy naszą osobistą odpowiedzialnością za to, że ten wyrób jest zgodny z rozporządzeniami następujących dyrektyw i odpowiednich
harmonizowanych standardów: 2006/42/EC; 2004/108/EC; 2000/14/EC (2005/88/EC); 97/68/EC (2004/26/EC), EN ISO 11681-1; EN 55012; EN ISO 14982;
EN ISO 22868.
2006/42/EC: Certykat №: BM 50219817 0001. Jednostka notykowana: TÜV Reinland LGA Product GmbH -Tillystraβe 2-90431 Nürnberg, Germany
2000/14/EC: Sposób oceny zgodności wg załącznika V. Kategoria produktów: 6
Zmierzony poziom mocy akustycznej dla urządzenia reprezentacyjnego dla tego typu: TV 3540 -101,6dB (A); TV 4040 – 104,1 dB (A)
Gwarantowany poziom mocy akustycznej L
nie przekracza 108 dB (A)
Teczka techniczna przechowywana jest w SPARKY ELTOS AG, Kubrat Str.9, 5500 Lovetch, Bułgaria
Мы заявляем нашу личную ответственность за соответствие данного изделия нижеперечисленным директивам и соответствующим унифицированным
стандартам: 2006/42/EC; 2004/108/EC; 2000/14/EC (2005/88/EC); 97/68/EC (2004/26/EC), EN ISO 11681-1; EN 55012; EN ISO 14982; EN ISO 22868.
2006/42/EC: Сертификат №: BM 50219817 0001. Нотифицированный орган: TÜV Reinland LGA Product GmbH -Tillystraβe 2-90431 rnberg, Germany
2000/14/EC: Процедура оценки соответствия согласно приложения V. Категория продукта: 6
Замеренный уровень звуковой мощности представленного образца: TV 3540 -101,6dB (A); TV 4040 – 104,1 dB (A)
Гарантированный уровень звуковой мощности изделия - L
не превышает 108 dB (A)
Техническое досье хранится в СПАРКИ ЕЛТОС АД, ул. Кубрат №9, 5500 Ловеч, Болгария.
Ние декларираме нашата лична отговорност, че това изделие е в съответствие с разпоредбите на следните директиви, съответно хармонизирани
стандарти: 2006/42/EC; 2004/108/EC; 2000/14/EC (2005/88/EC); 97/68/EC (2004/26/EC), EN ISO 11681-1; EN 55012; EN ISO 14982; EN ISO 22868.
2006/42/EC: Сертификат №: BM 50219817 0001. Нотифициран орган TÜV Reinland LGA Product GmbH -Tillystraβe 2-90431 Nürnberg, Germany
2000/14/EC: Процедура за оценка на съответствието съгласно приложение V. Категория на продукта: 6
Измерено ниво на звукова мощност на представителен образец : TV 3540 -101,6dB (A); TV 4040 – 104,1 dB (A)
Гарантираното ниво на звукова мощност на изделието L
не надвишава 108 dB (A)
Техническото досие се съхранява в СПАРКИ ЕЛТОС АД, ул. Кубрат №9, 5500 Ловеч, България.
SPARKY Power Tools GmbH
Leipziger Str. 20
10117 Berlin, GERMANY
Signature of authorized person
A. Ivanov
Technical director of SPARKY ELTOS AG19.01.2012
40 cm
35 cm
TV 4040
TV 3540
Original instructions
This product has been tested at a computed kickback angle (CKA) of no greater than 45 degrees.
CKA 45°
I - Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1
II - Technicalspecications .................................................................................................................. 3
III - Safety instructions for work with gas chain saws ........................................................................ 4
IV - Know your product .......................................................................................................................... 6
V - Assembly instructions ..................................................................................................................... 6
VI - Fuel and lubrication ......................................................................................................................... 8
VII - Operating instructions ..................................................................................................................... 9
VIII - General cutting instructions .......................................................................................................... 10
IX - Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................11
X - Warranty ......................................................................................................................................... 15
WARNING! This tool is designed only for use by one operator and intended for forest work. This tool is designed only to be
operated with the right hand on the rear handle and the left hand on the front handle. The operator must read and understand
the safety requirements in the instruction handbook and use the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) before
operating this tool.
This tool is not designed for cutting unintended material, such as plastics, masonry or wood not clear of foreign objects.
Due to modern mass production techniques, it is unlikely that your gas chain saw is faulty or that a part is missing. If you
do so could result in serious personal injury.
This SPARKY gas chain saw is packed assembled. Prior to initial operation of the gas chain saw you have to assemble
the guide bar and chain, included in the kit, following the instructions below.
I - Introduction
Your new SPARKY gas chain saw will more than satisfy your expectations. It has been manufactured under stringent SPARKY
with proper care, it will give you many years of dependable service.
Carefully read through this entire Instruction Manual before using your new SPARKY gas chain saw. Take
special care to heed the Cautions and Warnings. Your SPARKY gas chain saw has many features that will
make your job faster and easier. Safety, performance, and dependability have been given top priority in the
development of this tool, making it easy to maintain and operate.
Do not dispose of electrical products together with household waste!
Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities
exist. Check with your local authority or retailer for recycling advice.
Environmental protection
The machine, accessories and packaging should be sorted for environmental-friendly recycling. The plastic
components are labelled for categorised recycling.
safety, please read and follow the safety precautions in this manual before attempting
to operate your chain saw. Improper use can cause serious injury.
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TV 3540 • TV 4040
Read the Original Instruction before using the machine.
Use safety equipment.
Wear safety goggles.
Wear hearing protection.
Wear a dust mask.
Wear a safety helmet where there is a risk of falling objects.
Wear safety gloves.
Wear safety boots.
Warning! Danger!
Primer bulb.
Make sure the chain brake is disengaged! Pull hand guard/chain brake back to run.
Acoustic power level L
in accordance with Directive 2000/14/EC.
Conforms to the requirements of Russian standards.
Conforms to relevant European safety standards.
Conforms to the requirements of Ukrainian standards.
Production period, where the variable symbols are:
YY- last two digits of the year of manufacture, ww - calendar week number
There are symbols marked on your tool. They represent important information about the product or in-
structions on its use.
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Original instructions
II - Technical specications
Model TV 3540 TV 4040
Engine displacement 35 cm
40 cm
Maximum shaft brake power 1,44 kW 1,52 kW
Usable cutting length 37 cm 37 cm
Cutting length 40 cm 40 cm
Chain pitch 9,53 mm (3/8”) 9,53 mm (3/8”)
Chain gauge 1,27 mm (0,05”) 1,27 mm (0,05”)
Idle speed (max.) 3300 min
3300 min
Speed at max power 13500 min
12500 min
Fuel tank capacity 250 cm
250 cm
Fuel consumption 519,3 g/kWh 530,15 g/kWh
Oil tank capacity 150 cm
150 cm
Anti vibration yes yes
Sprocket tip bar 6 teeth 6 teeth
Easy start yes yes
Chain brake yes yes
Clutch yes yes
Automatic chain oiler yes yes
Low kick-back chain, type Oregon
type Carlton
Guide bar, type Oregon
type Carlton
Max. braking time 0,12 s 0,12 s
Net weight (Without guide bar and chain) 4,7 kg 4,8 kg
Sound pressure level at ear
(EN ISO 11681-1) (K=1,5)
103 dB (A) 99 dB (A)
Sound power level
105 dB (A) 105 dB (A)
Guaranteed sound power level
108 dB (A) 108 dB (A)
Vibration level (K=1,5) 15 m/s
15 m/s
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TV 3540 • TV 4040
III - Safety instructions for
work with gas chain
WARNING: This machine generates
with active or passive medical implants. To
reduce the risk of serious or fatal injury, we
recommend persons with medical implants to
consult their physician and the medical implant
manufacturer before operating this machine.
WARNING: When using gas tools,
basic safety precautions, including the
following, should always be followed to
reduce the risk of serious personal injury
and/or damage to the unit. Read all these
instructions before operating this product and
save these instructions.
1. Do not operate a chain saw with one hand!
Serious injury to the operator, helpers, by-
standers, or any combination of these per-
sons may result from one-handed operation.
A chain saw is intended for two-handed use.
2. Do not operate a chain saw when you are fa-
or medication.
3. Use safety footwear, snug-tting clothing,
protective gloves, and eye, hearing and head
protection devices.
4. Use caution when handling fuel. Move the
chain saw at least 3 m from the fuelling point
before starting the engine.
5. Do not allow other persons to be near when
starting or cutting with the chain saw. Keep
bystanders and animals out of the work area.
6. Do not start cutting until you have a clear work
area, secure footing, and a planned retreat
path from the falling tree.
7. Keep all parts of your body away from the saw
chain when the engine is running.
8. Before you start the engine, make sure that
the saw chain is not contacting anything.
9. Carry the chain saw with the engine stopped,
the guide bar and saw chain to the rear, and
10. Do not operate a chain saw that is damaged,
improperly adjusted, or not completely and
securely assembled. Be sure that the saw
chain stops moving when the throttle control
trigger is released.
11. Shut off the engine before setting the chain
saw down.
12. Use extreme caution when cutting small size
brush and saplings because slender material
may catch the saw chain and be whipped to
ward you or pull you off balance.
13. When cutting a limb that is under tension, be
alert for spring back so that you will not be
14. Keep the handles dry, clean, and free of oil or
fuel mixture.
15. Operate the chain saw only in well-ventilated
16. Do not operate a chain saw in a tree unless
17. All chain saw service, other than the items
listed in the user manual safety and mainte-
nance instructions should be performed by
competent chain saw SPARKY service per-
18. When transporting your chain saw, use the
appropriate guide bar scabbard.
19. Do not operate your chain saw near or around
20. Do not tank fuel, oil or lubrication when the
engine of chain saw is running.
21. Use the right tool: Cut wood only. Do not use
the chain saw for purposes for which it was
not intended. For example, do not use the
chain saw for cutting plastic, masonry, or non-
building materials.
22. Thersttime usershould have practical in-
struction in the use of chainsaw (VIII -General
cutting instructions) and the protective equip-
ment from an experienced operator.
23. Do not attempt to hold the saw with one hand
only. You cannot control reactive forces and
you may lose control of the saw, which can
result in the skating or bouncing of the bar and
chain along the limb or log.
24. Never run the chainsaw indoors. Your chain-
saw produces poisonous exhaust as soon
as the combustible engine is started, which
may be colourless and odourless. To use this
product can generate dust, mists and fumes
containing chemicals known to cause repro-
ductive harm. Be aware of harmful dust, mist
(such as saw dust or oil mist from chain lubri-
cation) and protect your self properly.
25. Wear gloves and keep your hand warm.
Despite the fact that the gas chain saw is
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Original instructions
equipped with anti-vibration system, the ex-
cessively prolonged continuous operation
may cause circulatory or neurological prob-
lems in the operator’s hands due to vibration.
If any of the symptoms appear (like tingling,
oration or manual dexterity) seek medical ad-
vice immediately. Symptoms worsen in cold
26. Prior to performing a cut, check wood for
presence of foreign objects (wedges, nails,
stones, etc.).
27. Drive in the spiked bumper of the chain saw
directly behind the intended hinge and pivot
the saw around this point. The spiked bumper
rolls against the trunk.
28. The user is permitted to replace 3 parts only -
chain, bar and spark plug and they must be
herewith. Type for the plug is NGK CMR7H. If
other components beyond these 3 parts are
defective, take your chain saw to the nearest
authorised SPARKY service centre.
29. Underage individuals are not allowed to oper-
ate the saw. This prohibition does not concern
persons over 16 years, operating the machine
under supervision of professionals.
NOTE: This appendix is intended primarily for
the consumer or occasional user. These models
are intended for infrequent use by homeowners,
cottagers, and campers, and for such general ap-
etc. They are not intended for prolonged use. If
the intended use involves prolonged periods of
operation, this may cause circulatory problems in
the users hands due to vibration.
KICKBACK may occur when the NOSE or TIP
of the guide bar touches an object, or when the
wood closes in and pinches the saw chain in the
cut. If the bar tip contacts, it may cause a lightning-
fast reverse reaction, kicking the guide bar up and
back towards the operator.
Pinching the saw chain along the bottom of the
guide bar may pull the saw forward away from the
operator. Pinching the saw chain along the top of
the guide bar may push the guide bar rapidly back
toward the operator.
Either of these reactions may cause you to lose
control of the saw, which could result in serious
personal injury. Do not rely exclusively upon the
safety devices built into your saw. As a chain saw
user, you should take several steps to keep your
cutting jobs free from accident or injury.
1. With a basic understanding of kickback, you
can reduce or eliminate the element of sur-
prise. Sudden surprise contributes to acci-
2. Keepagoodrmgriponthesawwithboth
hands, the right hand on the rear handle, and
the left hand on the front handle, when the en-
gine isrunning.Usearmgrip withthumbs
maintain control of the saw. Don’t let go.
3. Make sure that the area in which you are cut-
ting is free from obstructions. Do not let the
nose of the guide bar contact a log, branch, or
any other obstruction which could be hit while
you are operating the saw.
4. Cut at high engine speeds.
5. Do not overreach or cut above shoulder
6. Follow manufacturer’s sharpening and main-
tenance instructions for the saw chain.
7. Only use replacement bars and chains speci-
NOTE: Low-kickback saw chain is chain that has
met the kickback performance.
WARNING: Kickback can lead to dan-
gerous loss of control of the chain saw and
result in serious or even fatal injury to the saw
operator or to anyone standing close by. Always
be alert. Rotational kickback and pinch-kick-
back are major chain saw operational dangers
and the leading cause of most accidents.
(Fig. 1B)
A = Kickback path A = Pull
B = Kickback reaction
B = Solid objects
C = Push
Kickback may occur when the nose or tip of the
guide bar touches an object, or when the wood
closes in and pinches the saw chain in the cut.
Tip contact in some cases may cause a lightning-
fast reverse reaction, kicking the guide bar up and
back toward the operator.
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TV 3540 • TV 4040
Pinching the saw chain along the bottom of the
guide bar may pull the saw forward away from the
Pinching the saw chain along the top of the guide
bar may push the guide bar rapidly back toward
the operator.
Any of these reactions may cause you to lose
control of the saw, which could result in serious
personal injury.
Your SPARKY chain saw is provided with a safety
label located on the chain brake lever/hand guard.
This label, along with the safety instructions on
these pages, should be carefully read before at-
tempting to operate this unit.
How to read symbols and colours: (Fig. 2)
Used to warn that an unsafe procedure should not
be performed.
Recommended cutting procedure.
1. Beware of kickback.
2. Do not attempt to hold saw with one hand.
3. Avoid bar nose contact.
4. Hold saw properly with both hands
IV - Know your product
1. Saw chain
2. Guide bar
3. Spark arrester screen
4. Chain brake lever/ Hand guard
5. Front handle
6. Starter handle
7. ON/OFF switch
8. Safety trigger
9. Rear handle
10. Oil tank cap
11. Fuel tank cap
12. Starter cover
13. Spiked bumper
14. Bar retaining nuts
16. Spark plug
17. Air cleaner cover
18. Choke lever
19. Throttle latch
20. Primer bulb
21. Throttle trigger
22. Saw chain adjustment screw
23. Chain catcher
24. Guide bar cover
Numbers preceding the descriptions correspond
with the numbers on this page to help you locate
the safety feature.
1. Low kickback saw chainhelpssignicantly
reduce kickback or the intensity of kickback,
due to specially designed depth gauges and
guard links.
3. Spark arrester screen retains carbon and
4. Chain brake lever / Hand guard protects the
operator’s left hand in the event it slips off the
front handle while saw is running.
4. Chain brake is a safety feature designed to
reduce the possibility of injury due to kickback
by stopping a moving saw chain in millisec-
onds. It is activated by the chain brake lever.
7. Stop switch immediately stops the engine
when tripped. Stop switch must be pushed to
ON position to start or restart engine.
8. Safety trigger prevents accidental accelera-
tion of the engine. Throttle trigger (20) cannot
be squeezed unless the safety latch is de-
13. Spiked bumper is used for your personal
safety and ease of cutting. The spiked bump-
er will increase your stability while performing
vertical cutting.
23. Chain catcher reduces the danger of injury in
the event saw chain breaks or derails during
operation. The chain catcher is designed to
intercept a whipping chain.
NOTE: Study your chain saw and get familiar with
its parts.
V - Assembly instructions
You will need these tools to assemble your chain
1. Combination wrench-screwdriver (contained
in your users kit).
2. Heavy duty work gloves (user supplied).
Prior to initial operation your new gas chain saw
will require guide bar and chain assembly, adjust-
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Original instructions
WARNING: Do not start saw engine
until unit is properly prepared!
Read the entire user manual before attempting
to operate your unit. Pay particular attention to all
safety precautions.
Your user manual is both a reference guide and
handbook provided to furnish you with general in-
formation to assemble, operate and maintain your
chain saw.
WARNING: Always wear protective
gloves when handling chain.
CAUTION: To ensure that the bar and
chain receive oil; use only the original style
bar with the oil passage hole (A) as illustrated
(Fig. 3A).
Guide bar installation
1. Make sure the chain brake lever is pulled back
into the disengaged position (Fig.3B).
2. Remove the bar retaining nuts (B). Remove
the chain cover (C) pulling it out forcefully
(Fig. 3C).
NOTE: Discard the two plastic washers. They are
only used for shipping the chain saw.
3. Using a screwdriver, run the adjustment
screw (D) counter clockwise until the tang
(E) (projecting prong) is to the end of its travel
(Fig. 3D).
4. Place the slotted end of the guide bar over
the 2 bar bolts (F). Slide the guide bar behind
the clutch drum (G) until the guide bar stops
(Fig. 3E).
To install saw chain:
WARNING: Always wear protective
gloves when handling chain.
1. Spread the chain out in a loop with cutting
edges (A) pointing clockwise around loop
(Fig. 4A).
2. Slip the chain around the sprocket (B) behind
the sprocket teeth (Fig. 4B).
3. Guide the drive links into the groove (D) and
around the end of the bar (Fig. 4B).
NOTE: The saw chain may droop slightly on the
lower part of bar. This is normal.
4. Pull guide bar forward until chain is snug. En-
sure all drive links are in the bar groove.
5. Install the clutch cover making sure the tang
is positioned in the lower hole in the guide bar.
Make sure the chain does not slip off of the
bar. Install the bar retaining nuts hand tight
and follow tension adjustment instructions in
NOTE: The guide bar retaining nuts are installed
only hand tight at this point because saw chain ad-
justment is required. Follow instructions in Section
Proper tension of saw chain is extremely impor-
tant and must be checked before starting, as well
as during any cutting operation.
Taking the time to make needed adjustments to
the saw chain will result in improved cutting per-
formance and prolonged chain life.
WARNING: Always wear heavy duty
gloves when handling saw chain or making saw
chain adjustments.
To adjust saw chain:
1. Hold the nose of guide bar up and turn the
adjustment screw (A) clockwise to increase
chain tension. Turning the screw counter
clockwise will decrease the amount of tension
way around the guide bar (Fig. 5).
2. After making adjustment, and while still hold-
ing nose of bar in the uppermost position,
tighten the bar retaining nuts securely. The
chain is properly tensioned when it has a
by gloved hand.
NOTE: Ifthechainisdifculttorotateonguidebar
or if it binds, too much tension has been applied.
This requires minor adjustment as follows:
A. Loosen the bar retaining nuts so they are
the bar adjustment screw counter clockwise
slowly. Move the chain back and forth on
bar. Continue to adjust until the chain starts
tension by turning the bar adjustment screw
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TV 3540 • TV 4040
B. When the saw chain has proper tension, hold
nose of bar in the uppermost position and
tighten the 2 bar retaining nuts securely.
CAUTION: A new saw chain stretches,
requiring adjustment after as few as 5 cuts. This
is normal with a new chain, and the interval be-
tween future adjustments will lengthen quickly.
CAUTION: If the saw chain is too loose
or too tight, the sprocket, bar, chain, and crank-
shaft bearings will wear more rapidly. Study
Fig. 6 for information concerning correct cold
tension (A), correct warm tension (B), and as
a guide for when saw chain needs adjustment
Your chain saw is equipped with a chain brake that
reduces possibility of injury due to kickback. The
brake is activated if pressure is applied against
brake lever when, as in the event of kickback, op-
erator’s hand strikes the lever. When the brake is
actuated, chain movement stops abruptly.
WARNING: The purpose of the chain
brake is to reduce the possibility of injury due
to kickback; however, it cannot provide the in-
tended measure of protection if the saw is op-
erated carelessly. Always test the chain brake
before using your saw and periodically while on
the job.
To test the chain brake:
1. The chain brake is disengaged (chain can
move) when the brake lever is pulled back and
locked (Fig. 7A).
2. The chain brake is engaged (chain is stopped)
when the brake lever is in forward position.
You should not be able to move the chain
(Fig. 7B).
NOTE: The brake lever should snap into both po-
sitions. If strong resistance is felt, or lever does
not move into either position, do not use your
saw. Take it immediately to SPARKY professional
service centre for repair.
VI - Fuel and lubrication
Use regular grade unleaded gasoline mixed with
SPARKY 40:1 custom 2-cycle engine oil for best
results. Use mixing ratios in section FUEL MIXING
WARNING: Never use straight gasoline
in your unit. This will cause permanent engine
damage and void the manufacturers warranty
for that product. Never use a fuel mixture that
has been stored for over 90 days.
WARNING: If 2-cycle lubricant other
than SPARKY Custom Lubricant is to be used,
it must be premium grade oil for 2-cycle air
cooled engines mixed at a 40:1 ratio. Do not
use any 2-cycle oil product with a recommend-
edmixing ratioof100:1.Ifinsufcientlubrica-
tion is the cause of engine damage, it voids the
manufacturers engine warranty for that occur-
Mix fuel with SPARKY brand 2 cycle oil in an ap-
proved container. Refer to the Fuel mixing table
for correct ratio of fuel to oil. Shake container to
ensure thorough mix.
WARNING: Lack of lubrication voids
engine warranty.
Gasoline and Oil Mix
Oil Only
Gasoline SPARKY Custom Lubricant
Litres Litres cm
1 0,025 25
2 0,050 50
3 0,075 75
5 0,125 125
10 0,250 250
Mixing Proportion 40 parts gasoline to 1 part
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Original instructions
Some conventional petrol brands are being blend-
ed with oxygenates such as alcohol or ether com-
pound to meet clean air standards. Your SPARKY
engine is designed to operate satisfactorily on any
gasoline intended for automotive use including
oxygenated petrol.
tankisrelled.We recommendusingSPARKY
Chain, Bar and Sprocket Oil, which contains ad-
ditives to reduce friction and wear and to assist in
the prevention of pitch formation on the bar and
VII - Operating
WARNING: Never start or operate the
saw unless the bar and chain are properly in-
1. Fill the fuel tank (A) with the correct fuel mix-
ture (Fig. 8).
2. Fill the oil tank (B) with the correct chain and
bar oil (Fig. 8).
3. Ensure the chain brake (C) is disengaged be-
fore starting the unit (Fig. 8).
1. To start the motor, push the ON/OFF switch
upwards to the ON (I) position (Fig. 9A).
2. Pull out the choke (A) to the point where it
latches in place (Fig. 9B).
3. Push the primer bulb (B) 10 times (Fig. 9C).
4. Latch throttle advance: depress latch and
hold (C), squeeze throttle trigger (D), release
trigger and then the latch (Fig. 9D).
5. Place the saw ona rm and level surface.
Hold the saw securely with your foot as il-
lustrated. Tug sharply on the starter 4 times.
Watch the chain in case it runs (Fig. 9E).
NOTE: If the engine sounds as if it wants to start
before the 4th tug, end the tugging of the start-
er and proceed as described in the next step.
(TV 3540 only)
NOTE: The Easy Start feature signicantly re-
duces the effort required to start the engine. You
must pull the starter rope out far enough to hear
the engine attempt to start. There is no need to
pull the rope briskly - there is no harsh resistance
when pulling. Be aware that this starting method is
vastly different from (and much easier than) what
you may be used to.
6. Push in the choke (E) as far it will go
(Fig. 9F).
7. Hold the saw securely and tug sharply on the
starter 4 times. The engine should start.
8. Let the engine run for 10 seconds to warm
up. Press the trigger (H) and put it into IDLE
(Fig. 9G).
9. If the engine does not start up, repeat the
above steps.
1. Make sure the ON/OFF switch is in the “I” po-
2. Depress the primer bulb 10 times.
3. Set the throttle latch. Latch throttle advance:
depress latch and hold squeeze throttle trig-
ger, release the trigger and then the latch.
4. Pull the starter rope rapidly 4 times. The en-
gine should start.
5. Release the throttle latch. The throttle latch
will be released while you press the trigger.
6. If the engine still can not start, follow the step
in section “To start engine”.
1. Release the trigger and allow engine to return
to idle speed.
2. Press STOP switch down to stop engine.
(Fig. 9H)
NOTE: For emergency stopping, simply acti-
vate the chain brake and move the STOP switch
Test the chain brake periodically to ensure proper
Perform a chain brake test prior to initial cutting,
followingextensivecutting,anddenitely follow-
ing any chain brake service.
To test chain brake:
1. Placethesawonaclean,rm,atsurface.
2. Start the engine.
3. Grasp the rear handle (A) with your right hand
(Fig. 10).
4. With your left hand, hold the front handle
(Fig. 10).
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TV 3540 • TV 4040
5. Squeeze the throttle trigger to 1/3 throttle,
then immediately activate the chain brake le-
ver (C) (Fig. 10).
WARNING: Activate the chain brake
slowly and deliberately. Keep the chain from
touching anything; do not let the saw tip for-
6. The chain should stop abruptly. When it does,
immediately release the throttle trigger.
WARNING: If the chain does not stop,
turn the engine off and take your unit to the
nearest SPARKY authorised service centre for
7. If the chain brake functions properly, turn the
engine off and return the chain brake to the
disengaged position.
Adequate lubrication of the saw chain is essential
at all times to minimize friction with the guide bar.
Never starve the bar and chain of oil. Running
ciency, shorten saw chain life, cause rapid dulling
of chain, and cause excessive wear of bar from
overheating. Too little oil is evidenced by smoke,
bar discoloration or pitch build-up.
NOTE: Saw chain stretches during use, particu-
larly when it is new, and it will occasionally be
necessary to adjust and tighten it. New chain will
require adjustment after about 5 minutes of opera-
Your chain saw is equipped with an automatic gear
driven oiler system. The oiler automatically deliv-
ers the proper amount of oil to the bar and chain.
As the engine speed increases, so does the oil
The oil reservoir will run out at approximately the
same time as the fuel supply runs out.
WARNING: Do not put pressure on
the saw when reaching the end of the cut. The
pressure may cause the bar and chain to rotate.
If the rotating chain strikes some other object, a
reactive force may cause the moving chain to
strike the operator.
VIII - General cutting
Felling is the term for cutting down a tree. Small
trees up to 1518 cm in diameter are usually cut in
a single cut. Larger trees require notch cuts. Notch
cuts determine the direction the tree will fall.
WARNING: A retreat path (A) should
be planned and cleared as necessary before
cuts are started. The retreat path should extend
back and diagonally to the rear of the expected
line of fall, as illustrated on Fig. 11A.
CAUTION: If felling a tree on sloping ground, the
chain saw operator should keep on the uphill side
of the terrain, as the tree is likely to roll or slide
downhill after it is felled.
NOTE: Direction of fall (B) is controlled by the
notching cut. Before any cuts are made, consider
the location of larger branches and natural lean of
the tree to determine the way the tree will fall.
WARNING: Do not cut down a tree dur-
ing high or changing winds or if there is a dan-
ger to property. Consult a tree professional. Do
not cut down a tree if there is a danger of strik-
ing utility wires; notify the utility company before
making any cuts.
General guidelines for felling trees:
Normally felling consists of 2 main cutting opera-
tions, notching (C) and making the felling cut (D).
Start making the upper notch cut (C) on the side of
the tree facing the felling direction (E). Be sure you
dont make the lower cut too deep into the trunk.
The notch (C) should be deep enough to create
ahinge(F)ofsufcientwidthand strength.The
notch should be wide enough to direct the fall of
the tree for as long as possible.
WARNING: Never walk in front of a tree
that has been notched.
Make the felling cut (D) from the other side of the
tree and 3–5 cm above the edge of the notch (C)
(Fig. 11B).
Never saw completely through the trunk. Always
leave a hinge (F). The hinge prevents untimely
fall of the tree and guides the tree. If the trunk is
pages-TV 3540-4040.indd 10 14.10.2011 г. 10:34:38
Original instructions
completely cut through, control over the felling di-
rection is lost.
Insert a wedge or felling lever in the cut well before
the tree becomes unstable and starts to move.
This will prevent the guide bar from binding in the
felling cut if you have misjudged the falling direc-
tion. Make sure no bystanders have entered the
range of the falling tree before you push it over.
WARNING: Before making the nal
cut, always recheck the area for bystanders,
animals or obstacles.
Felling cut:
1. Use wooden or plastic wedges (G) to prevent
binding the bar or chain (H) in the cut. Wedg-
es also control felling (Fig.11C).
2. When the diameter of wood being cut is great-
er than the bar length, make 2 cuts as shown
(Fig. 11D).
WARNING: As the felling cut gets close
to the hinge, the tree should begin to fall. When
the tree begins to fall, remove the saw from the
cut, stop the engine, put the chain saw down,
and leave area along the retreat path (Fig. 1A).
Limbing a tree is the process of removing the
branches from a fallen tree. Do not remove sup-
porting limbs (A) until after the log is bucked (cut)
into lengths (Fig. 12).
Branches under tension should be cut from the
bottom up to avoid binding the chain saw.
WARNING: Never cut tree limbs while
standing on tree trunk.
Bucking is cutting a fallen log into lengths. Make
sure you have a good footing and stand uphill of
the log when cutting on sloping ground. If possi-
ble, the log should be supported so that the end
to be cut off is not resting on the ground. If the log
is supported at both ends and you must cut in the
middle, make a downward cut halfway through the
log and then make the undercut. This will prevent
the log from pinching the bar and chain. Be careful
that the chain does not cut into the ground when
bucking as this causes rapid dulling of the chain.
When bucking on a slope, always stand on the
uphill side.
1. Log supported along entire length: Cut from
top (over buck), being careful to avoid cutting
into the ground (Fig. 13A).
2. Log supported on one end: First, cut from bot-
tom (under buck) 1/3 diameter of log to avoid
splintering. Second, cut from above (over
buck) to meet rst cut and avoid pinching
(Fig. 13B).
3. Log supported on both ends: First, over buck
1/3 diameter of log to avoid splintering. Sec-
pinching (Fig. 13C).
NOTE: The best way to hold a log while bucking is
to use a sawhorse. When this is not possible, the
log should be raised and supported by the limb
stumps or by using supporting logs. Be sure the
log being cut is securely supported.
For personal safety and ease of cutting, the cor-
rect position for vertical bucking is essential
(Fig. 14).
A. Holdthesawrmlywithbothhandsandkeep
the saw to the right of your body while cut-
B. Keep the left arm as straight as possible.
C. Keep balance on both feet.
CAUTION: While the saw is cutting, be sure the
chain and bar are being properly lubricated.
IX - Maintenance
All chain saw service, other than items listed here
in your user manual maintenance instructions,
must be accomplished by authorised persons in
authorised service centres for warranty and post-
warranty servicing of SPARKY tools.
A good preventive maintenance program of regu-
lar inspection and care will increase life and im-
prove performance of your SPARKY chain saw.
This maintenance checklist is a guide for such a
Cleaning, adjustment, and parts replacement may
be required, under certain conditions, at more fre-
quent intervals than those indicated.
pages-TV 3540-4040.indd 11 14.10.2011 г. 10:34:39
TV 3540 • TV 4040
Maintenance Checklist
Hours Of
10 20
Screws/Nuts/Bolts Inspect/Tighten
Air Filter Clean or replace
Fuel Filter / Oil
Spark Plug
Spark Arrester
Fuel Hoses
Replace as
Chain Brake
Replace as
CAUTION: Never operate the saw without the air
1. Remove the plastics knob (A) holding the air
by loosening the cover retaining screws. Cov-
er will lift off. (Fig. 15A)
2. Lift the air lter (C) out of the air-box (D)
(Fig. 15B).
3. Cleantheairlter.Washlterinclean,warm,
soapy water. Rinse in clear, cool water. Air dry
NOTE: It is advisable to have a supply of spare
4. Installtheairlter.Installtheengine/airlter
cover. Make sure that the latch (E), latch (F)
and covertproperly. Tighten the cover re-
taining knob securely. (Fig. 15C, Fig.15D)
WARNING: Never perform maintenance when
the engine is hot, to avoid any chance of burning
CAUTION: Never operate your saw without a fuel
20 hours of use. Drain fuel tank completely before
1. Remove the fuel tank cap.
2. Bend a piece of soft wire.
3. Reach into fuel tank opening and hook fuel
line. Carefully pull the fuel line toward the
opening untilyoucanreach it with your n-
NOTE: Do not pull the hose completely out of the
4. Liftthelter(A)outofthetank(Fig. 16).
5. Pullthe lteroff witha twistingmotion. Dis-
6. Installanewlter.Inserttheendoflterinto
in the bottom corner of the tank. Use a long
7. Fill tank with fresh fuel / oil mixture. See Sec-
tion FUEL AND LUBRICATION. Install fuel
NOTE: A clogged spark arrester screen will dra-
matically reduce engine performance.
1. Removethe2bolts(A)andpullmuferout.
(Fig. 17A)
2. Remove the 2 screws that hold the cover (C).
(Fig. 17B)
3. Discard the used spark arrester screen (D)
and replace it with a new one.
4. Reassemblethemufercomponentsandin-
ers securely..
NOTE: For efcient operation of saw engine,
the spark plug must be kept clean and properly
1. Push the STOP switch down.
2. Remove knob (A) holding air lter cover in
place; remove the top cover (B) by loosening
the cover retaining screws. Cover will lift off.
(Fig. 18A)
3. Disconnect the wire connector (C) from the
spark plug (D) by pulling and twisting at the
same time (Fig. 18B).
4. Remove the spark plug with a spark plug
socket wrench. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER
5. Check the electrode gap with wire feeler
gauge and set gap to 0,635mm if necessary.
6. Reinstall a new spark plug.
NOTE: A resistor spark plug must be used for re-
NOTE: This spark ignition system meets all re-
quirements of the Electromagnetic compatibility
The carburettor was pre-set at the factory for op-
timum performance. If further adjustments are
necessary, please take your unit to the nearest
authorised service centre.
pages-TV 3540-4040.indd 12 14.10.2011 г. 10:34:39
Original instructions
Storing a chain saw for longer than 30 days re-
quires storage maintenance. Unless the storage
instructions are followed, fuel remaining in the
carburettor will evaporate, leaving gum-like de-
sult in costly repairs.
CAUTION: Never store a chain saw for
longer than 30 days without performing the fol-
lowing procedures.
1. Remove the fuel tank cap slowly to release
any pressure in tank. Carefully drain the fuel
2. Start the engine and let it run until the unit
stops to remove fuel from carburettor.
3. Allow the engine to cool (approx. 5 minutes).
4. Using a spark plug wrench, remove the spark
5. Pour 1 teaspoon of clean 2-cycle oil into the
combustion chamber. Pull starter rope slowly
several times to coat internal components.
Replace spark plug (Fig. 19).
NOTE: Store the unit in a dry place and away from
possible sources of ignition such as a furnace, gas
hot water heater, gas dryer, etc.
1. Remove the spark plug.
2. Pull the starter rope briskly to clear excess oil
from the combustion chamber.
3. Clean and gap the spark plug or install a new
spark plug with proper gap.
4. Prepare the unit for operation.
5. Fill the fuel tank with proper fuel / oil mixture.
Frequent lubrication of the guide bar (railed bar
which supports and carries the saw chain) sprock-
et tip is required. Proper maintenance of the guide
bar, as explained in this section, is essential to
keep your saw in good working condition.
CAUTION: The sprocket tip on your
new saw has been pre-lubricated at the factory.
Failure to lubricate the guide bar sprocket tip as
explained below will result in poor performance
and seizure, voiding the manufacturer’s war-
Lubrication of the sprocket tip is recommended
after 10 hours of use or once a week, which ever
occurs rst. Always thoroughly clean guide bar
sprocket tip before lubrication.
Tools for lubrication:
The lube gun (not included in the kit) is recom-
mended for applying grease to the guide bar
sprocket tip. The lube gun is equipped with a nee-
dle nose tipwhich isnecessary for the efcient
application of grease to the sprocket tip.
WARNING: Wear heavy duty work
gloves when handling the bar and chain.
1. Move the STOP switch down.
NOTE: It is not necessary to remove the saw
chain to lubricate the guide bar sprocket tip. Lubri-
cation can be done on the job.
2. Clean the guide bar sprocket tip.
3. Using the lube gun (not included in the kit): In-
sert the needle nose into the lubrication hole
and inject grease until it appears at the out-
side edge of the sprocket tip (Fig. 20).
4. Rotate the saw chain by hand. Repeat lubri-
cation procedure until the entire sprocket tip
has been greased.
Most guide bar problems can be prevented merely
by keeping the chain saw well maintained.
saw with chain that is too tight will contribute to
rapid bar wear.
To help minimize bar wear, the following guide bar
maintenance procedures are recommended.
WARNING: Wear heavy duty work
gloves when handling the bar and chain.
Chain sharpening:
Chain sharpening requires special tools to ensure
that cutters are sharpened at the correct angle
and depth. For the inexperienced chain saw user,
we recommend that the saw chain be profession-
ally sharpened by the nearest SPARKY service
centre. If you feel comfortable sharpening your
own saw chain, special tools are available from
SPARKY service centers.
WARNING: A wrong sharpened chain
may increase the danger of kickback.
pages-TV 3540-4040.indd 13 14.10.2011 г. 10:34:39
TV 3540 • TV 4040
1. To sharpen the saw chain, use suitable sharp-
ening tools:
- File leading
- Chain measuring calibre.
These tools can be purchased in any specialised
2. To gain well shaped chips, use sharp chain.
When the saw chain starts producing wooden
dust – it is time to sharpen the chain.
WARNING: All cutting teeth must be
similarly long. Different length of the teeth can
cause rough run of the chain or its rupture, as
3. Minimum length of the teeth must be 4mm. If
they are shorter, dispose of the saw chain.
4. Angles, which the teeth are under, must be
5. To sharpen the chain basically, make 2 to 3
WARNING: After every 3-4 sharpening
of the cutting teeth, have the saw chain sharp-
ened in any authorised service. They will sharp-
en the depth limiter as well, which provides the
The chain pitch (Fig. 21)is9,53mmх1,27mm
(3/8” LoPro x 0,50”).
Sharpen the chain using protective gloves and
Always sharpen the cutters only with outward
strokes (Fig.22) observing the values given in
Fig. 21.
After sharpening, all cutting links must have the
same width and length.
WARNING: A sharp chain produces
produce wooden dust, it is time to sharpen.
After every 3-4 times the cutters have been sharp-
ened you need to check the height of the depth
round off the front corner. (Fig. 23)
WARNING: Proper adjustment of the
depth gauge is just as important as proper
sharpening of the chain.
Guide bar
The bar should be reversed every 8 working hours
to ensure uniform wear.
Keep the bar groove and lubrication hole clean
using a bar groove cleaner (not included in the
kit). (Fig. 24)
Check the bar rails frequently for wear and, if nec-
essary, remove the burs and square-up the rails
usingaatle(notincludedinthekit)(Fig. 25).
WARNING: Never mount a new chain
on a worn sprocket or self-aligning ring.
Bar wear - Turn guide bar frequently at regular in-
tervals (for example, after 5 hours of use), to ensure
even wear of the bar top and bottom.
Oil passages - Oil passages on the bar should be
cleaned to ensure proper lubrication of the bar and
chain during operation.
NOTE: The condition of the oil passages can be
easily checked. If the passages are clear, the chain
will automatically give off a spray of oil within sec-
onds of starting the saw. Your saw is equipped with
an automatic oiler system.
Chain tension:
Check the chain tension frequently and adjust it
as often as necessary to keep the chain snug on
the bar, but loose enough to be pulled around by
Breaking-in a new saw chain:
A new chain and bar will need chain readjustment
after each 5 cuts. This is normal during the break-
in period, and the interval between future adjust-
ments will begin to lengthen quickly.
WARNING: Never have more than 3
links removed from a loop of chain. This could
cause damage to the sprocket.
Chain lubrication:
Always make sure the automatic oiler system
SPARKY chain, bar and sprocket oil.
Adequate lubrication of the bar and chain during
cutting operations is essential to minimize friction
with the guide bar.
Never starve the bar and chain of lubricating oil.
Running the saw dry or with too little oil will de-
cause rapid dulling of chain, and lead to excessive
pages-TV 3540-4040.indd 14 14.10.2011 г. 10:34:39
Original instructions
wear of bar due to overheating. Too little oil is evi-
denced by smoke or bar discoloration.
Carefully read the entire Instruction Manual be-
fore using this product.
With continuing product development changes
may have occurred which render the product
received slightly different to that shown in this in-
struction manual. The manufacturer reserves the
X - Warranty
The guarantee period for SPARKY gas chain
saws is determined in the guarantee card.
Faults due to normal wear, overloading or improp-
er handling will be excluded from the guarantee.
Faults due to defective materials implemented as
well as defects in workmanship will be corrected
free of charge through replacement or repair.
The complaints for defective SPARKY gas chain
saws will be recognized if the machine is sent
back to the dealer or is presented to the author-
ised warranty service centre undismantled, in its
initial condition.
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Sparky TV 4040 User manual

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