Optyma iCO2

Danfoss Optyma iCO2 Installation guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Danfoss Optyma iCO2 Service Guide. This document provides detailed information on the installation, setup, and operation of the condensing unit including instructions on electrical wiring, refrigerant charging, and controller configurations. I can help answer your questions about the Optyma iCO2 based on the information found in this service guide. Feel free to ask about any part of the document or specific steps.
  • What is the maximum pipe length for connection?
    How many evaporators can be connected?
    What is the correct setting for the low pressure cut-out?
    How to activate the crankcase heater?
Service Guide
Optyma™ iCO2
Service Guide | Optyma iCO2
2 | AX451923145808en-000101 © Danfoss | Climate Solutions | 2023.06
1. Transport (Page 7) ............................................................................................................................ 3
2. Mechanical installation (Page 7-11) ................................................................................................ 3
3. Remove lower front- and backside panels ..................................................................................... 3
4. Module Controller installation (Page 22-23) .................................................................................. 3
5. Leak detection (Page 12-13) ............................................................................................................ 4
6. Vacuum dehydration (Page 13-17) .................................................................................................. 4
7. Refrigerant charge (Page 17-20; 23) ............................................................................................... 5
8. Controller setting (Page 23-29) ....................................................................................................... 5
9. See more informative info in instructions ...................................................................................... 7
10. Notes................................................................................................................................................ 8
* Page references in brackets are pointing to instructions file AN405821998738
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1. Transport (Page 7)
Move the condensing unit to its nal destination and if possible, unpack the unit once in position to avoid transport damage.
2. Mechanical installation (Page 7-11)
Provide sucient space around the condensing unit and x the unit in position. Connect the suction/liquid pipe and insulate both.
Install the supplied liquid line lter dryer. Connect to max. 8 evaporators with AK-CC55 controls, software version ≥1.7. Max. total 100m
pipe length.
Max. height dierence evaporator(s) above condensing unit 5m.
Max. height dierence evaporator(s) below condensing unit 22m.
Note. When using more than one evaporator – DO NOT install them above and below the condensing unit.
3. Remove lower front- and backside panels
Electrical installation (Page 21-23): Provide proper power supply from grid via earth leakage breaker (≥30A type B 30mA), circuit
breaker (25A class C, contact gap cat.3), main switch and supply cable 5G10mm² and connect it to provided terminals (L1, L2, L3, N) and
grounding screw (PE). Switch ON the power supply and leave the control switch (CNS2) OFF, to active the crankcase heater for at least
Modbus terminal
Power supply
Interface board PCB
Control switch (CNS2)
4. Module Controller installation (Page 22-23)
Install the Module controller (MC) metal bracket beside the unit controller electrical box with self-tapping crews and install the Module
Controller electrical box on this bracket.
Make the following connections for the Module controller:
Provided MC power supply cable with unit controller power supply terminals L1 and N.
Provided MC Modbus cable RS485-2 with the unit controller Modbus PCB terminals A+ to A+ and B- to B-.
MC Modbus terminals RS485-3 (terminated) in series with Modbus AK-CC55 evaporator controllers and terminate the last one.
Option if AK-SM800(A) installed: MC Modbus terminals RS485-1 (terminated) with System manager AK-SM800(A).
Module Controller
Power supply to CDU
Short-circuit proof cable
2 x 1,5mm²
1,2m (in PVC sleeve)
Communication to CDU
Twisted pair, shielded cable
1 x 2 x 0.22
to evaporator
to System Manager
+V -V
4 additional knock-outs
(M20) are available
Internal wires are 1,5mm²
Power supply to CDU
230V AC 1,2m cable for this is included.
Caution: IF the cable needs to be
replaced, it must be either be short-
circuit proof or it must be proctected
by a fuse on the other end
RS485-2 Modbus interface for
connection to the CDU, 1,2 m cable for
this is included
RS485-1 Modbus interface for
connection to the system manager
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5. Leak detection (Page 12-13)
Open valves for pressure equalization, if no power supply with a special magnet on solenoid valve SV-INJ, or with power supply open
stepper and solenoid valves via following procedure
Unit power supply switched OFF
Move DIP-switch 5-7 from OFF to ON position
Turn power ON to open the stepper valves
Test the system with 80bar Nitrogen - only charge nitrogen from the medium/high pressure service ports.
You can check all the pressure points in the system on the module controller by reading the U parameters – all should read the same
if system is equalised in pressure.
Close the stop valve (connected to the safety valve) during air tightness test. THE PRV set point is 80 bar. After these test/charge
process, ensure to open the stop valve and seal it with appropriate material to secure the unit.
The condensing unit is pressure tested from the factory.
Be sure to test the eld piping / evaporates at the correct pressure depending on evaporator M.W.P 60 or 80 bar.
Always increase pressure slowly
6. Vacuum dehydration (Page 13-17)
Valves are still open from leak detection step before.
Evacuate the system from suction port with a vacuum pump down to 0,67mbar (abs).
Note: 7 segment display only shows positive pressure so during vacuum will display 0
Before oil charging, if no power supply, open additionally the hot gas bypass and oil return solenoid valves with a special magnet
DIP-switch 5-7
Solenoid valve for hot
gas bypass (SV-HG)
of middle
Receiver inlet
High pressure side service
Middle pressure side service
Oil service port
Solenoid valve for
middle pressure
injection (SV-INJ)
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Stop valve
Safety valve
Low pressure side
service port Accumulator
Subcooled coil
Filter dryier
Suction pipe
Liquid pipe
Calculate additional oil charge with provided Excel table or formula provided in instructions and charge it from oil service port.
Conrm correct oil level if unit controller par. C32 shows 110 (oil level sucient). See page 7, how to operate unit controller display.
Charge additional oil slowly if par. C32 shows continuous 010 (oil level low), or alarm code oPE88-1 or error code E88-1 appears from
continuous low oil level during operation. Consider max. oil charge!
7. Refrigerant charge (Page 17-20; 23)
Calculate refrigerant charge with provided Excel table or formula in instructions. Consider calculated max. refrigerant charge! Never
Unit power supply switched OFF
Move DIP-switch 5-7 from ON to OFF position
Change dip switch 5-6 to on (This will completely open the electromagnetic solenoid valves and electronic expansion valves except
for EEV-LB and SV-INJ not to charge liquid refrigerant to the compressor)
Turn power ON to open the stepper valves
You can double check with 7 segment PCB display to check situation of control valves open/close as required
Break the vacuum with refrigerant in gas phase
Charge in the middle pressure connection port
Charge vapour until 7 bar to be sure to be above triple point (dry ice)
Then charge 90% of calculated mass in liquid phase
Charge additional refrigerant later in gas phase from suction port, while unit is running.
Indication of sucient charge while running ≥ 5min.:
Sub-cooling degree par. C46-C15 shall be ≤ 0 Kelvin (recommend 1…3 Kelvin).
Subcooling expansion valve EEVSC par. C23 shall be fully open at 470 steps
No bubbles visible on sight-glass, mounted directly before last evap. expansion valve.
During charging the evaporator controllers need to be operating
Once charging is complete, power down the condensing unit and Change dip switch 5-6 from ON to OFF position.
8. Controller setting (Page 23-29)
a) Condensing unit controller operation: The standard unit controller display shows rotating the low-, medium- and high-pressure
data in MPa. Other parameters can be displayed and conrmed by the "unit control PCB" 7-segment display, LED’s and operating
The display operation is performed by push buttons "SW7" to "SW9".
SW9: Code display - tens digit setting button: Jump from parameter “C0x" to “C1x”“C9x", “P0x" … “P9x by pressing SW9 repeatedly.
SW8: Code display - ones digit setting button: Jump from parameter “Cx0", ”Cx1”“Cx9"or “Px0" … “Px9” by pressing SW8 repeatedly.
SW7: Data erase/write button:
- Select the parameter to change via SW8/9.
- Press SW7 for 3 seconds to activate erase / write mode. The display starts ashing 2Hz.
- Press SW9 and/or SW8 to change the data.
Solenoid valve for hot
gas bypass (SV-HG)
of middle
Receiver inlet
High pressure side service
Middle pressure side service
Oil service port
Solenoid valve for
middle pressure
injection (SV-INJ)
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- Press SW7 for 3 seconds or more to store the changed data to EEPROM, and
jump from data erase/write mode back to display mode.
- The CDU is controlled from now on with the new parameter content. The
recorded content is retained even after the power is turned back on.
Remark: The data erase/write mode will be terminated, if no switch input for 10
Following types of identication alphabets of the code display unit exist:
“C”: C00 … C99 Sensor-, Actuator-, Unit-, Control-, Error-counter information
“P”: P00 … P99 User- and Service-settings
“E”: E00 … E99 Error code information
„oPx“ or oPE-X“: Caution display
See full parameter lists with descriptions for inspection and servicing in
instructions booklet and pasted on the e-box cover.
Alarm/Error code reset*:
Press SW8 and SW9 will change display to “P20”
Press SW7 for > 3seconds, 7-Segment display will start ashing
Press SW8 to change alarm/error from 1 to 0
*: Error reset can be done also via digital input (CNS3) activated with P08 = 3
b) Low pressure cut-out setting (page 36-37):
Low pressure cut-out (pump-down) setting via DIP switches SW4-7 and SW4-8 located on unit controller, depend on Low Pressure Set
Point (LPSP) according below table
c) Module Controller operation:
temp. to set
(Tens place)
(Ones place)
5°C 75
-5°C 0 5
-10°C 1 0
-40°C 4 0
Insert tip of at head
(precision) screwdriver
in this slot, and adjust
at a number.
Tens place
Ones place
Insert tip of at
head (precision)
screwdriver in this
slot, and adjust at a
Low pressure setting OFF value "X"
29.45 bar > LPSP LPSP ≥ 29.45 bar
OFF OFF 13.3 bar 13.3 bar
ON OFF Pressure equivalent to “Evaporation temperature (setting value) -5 °C” 25.47 bar
OFF ON Pressure equivalent to “Evaporation temperature (setting value) -10 °C” 21.89 bar
ON ON Pressure equivalent to “Evaporation temperature (setting value) -15 °C” 18.68 bar
Low pressure control setting pressure (LPSP) Low pressure setting OFF value
LPSP 18.7 bar X bar
18.7 bar > LPSP 13.3 bar 9.0 bar
13.3 bar > LPSP 6.0 bar
Note: Low pressure error cut-out at LP ≤ 5,8 bar
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The Module Controller 3.5 digit 7-segment MMILDS display shows the saturated suction temperature Ts in °C. The display operation is
performed by three push buttons, upper, middle, and lower.
Press upper button ~ 5 seconds to move from standard display to the 1st parameter r01
Press upper or lower button to select other parameters
Press middle button to display parameter value
Press upper or lower button to modify a parameter
Press middle button to conrm the modied value.
After 10 seconds without any action on push buttons jumps it back to standard display.
d) Required Controller settings during commissioning:
The compressor frequency is suction pressure controlled, measured by the suction pressure transmitter. The suction pressure reference
is set with two parameters, the upper and lower setpoint in bar(g). The arithmetic middle of those two values is the reference setpoint.
Following Module Controller parameters need to be set during commissioning:
Set Par. r28 to 1 to activate the Module Controller as the reference setpoint device.
Modify Par. r01 for the correct lower setpoint in bar(g)
Modify Par. r02 for the correct upper setpoint in bar(g)
The condensing unit requires communication to evaporator controllers for a proper oil return, which needs to be established from the
Module Controller.
Scan for connected evaporator controllers with Par. n01 set to 1
Check Modbus address of all connected evaporator controllers with par. Io01, Io02, Io03 … all need to be visible!
Start the condensing unit:
Set condensing unit ON/OFF-switch to ON and Module controller par. or12 to 1
Remark: You will nd a complete Parameter and Error code list with short explanation on instructions page 26-29, and on a sticker
pasted on the e-box cover.
9. See more informative info in instructions
Detailed explanation of CDU control (page 30-34):
Checks before turning ON power supply (page 35-36):
Trouble shooting / error codes (page 42-43):
External Input installation (page 46):
External output installation (page 47):
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10. Notes
Settings as delivered from factory
- Main switch on PCB board will be 0 (CNS2)
- Module controller will be R12 = 0
- The unit controller is factory congured on parameter r28 to 1 which means the evaporating temperature can be set by the display
on the module controller with parameters r01 & r02
A joint (Reducer) to install on the service valve is included in the accessories
Pressures displayed in unit controller in Mpa (1MPa = 10 bar)
Pressures displayed in module controller in bar
If the unit will only start by setting in the module controller (r12 = -1) it will not start & no alarms visible on either unit controller or
module controller
When operating with CO2, set MOP on case controller, and set to lowest room / cabinet temperature – it is useful to reduce liquid
ood back to the compressor when all valves are opening.
Do not overcharge with CO2 – risk of liquid ood back – check suction superheat by measuring return gas temperature on the
suction strainer on the side of the compressor.
U parameters on module controller
Read discharge pressure u01 Pc
Read gascooler outlet temp. u05 Sgc
Read receiver pressure u08 Prec
Read receiver pressure in temperature u09 Trec
Read discharge pressure in temperature u22 Tc
Read suction pressure u23 Po
Read suction pressure in temperature u24 To
Read discharge temperature u26 Sd
Read suction temperature u27 Ss
Read controller software version u99
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