Spin-Digger® Screw-Post Installation Instructions
Spin-Digger® Screw-Post is fast and easy to install—or relocate—in any soil. No digging,
concrete, or tools needed. Simply use the Spin-Digger rebar twist-tool included in the packaging.
1. Remove Spin-Digger® Screw-Post from its packaging.
2. Outdoors, remove the endcap from Spin-Digger, and tip Spin-Digger upside-down safely
over grass away from feet and pets. The rebar twist-tool will slide out. Set twist-tool
3. Firmly replace endcap on the top of Spin-Digger.
4. In the exact location you want to install Spin-Digger, thrust its screw-tip straight down
into the ground. Use the wall of a building as a reference to verify that the Screw-Post is
perpendicular to the ground. Adjust as needed.
• If ground is dry or otherwise resistant, add water to soften ground or use end of
rebar twist-tool, and a hammer if needed, to hand drill a cone-shaped hole four to
five inches deep. Then continue as indicated in point 4.
5. Twist Spin-Digger clockwise with your hands until you feel resistance.
6. Slide the rebar twist-tool through the two holes located two-thirds the way up the Screw-
Post, until the twist-tool forms a set of handles the same length on each side of the post.
7. While applying downward pressure on both handles, rotate the twist-tool clockwise until
the silver-gray screw-tip is fully embedded in the ground and is no longer visible.
Your Spin-Digger® Screw-Post is now installed. Customize your decorative post with whichever
attachable products suit your needs or enhance your home’s curb appeal.