090.510-O (DECEMBER 12)
Page 8
AcuAir® Operator Interface Touch Screen
General Description
This optional user interface has been designed to allow
an operator to effi ciently access, control and monitor the
operation of all Frick AcuAir® units from a single access
point, when all units are connected through a common
Ethernet network. The touch screen control panel is used
for graphic displays. By touching an active area of the dis-
play, a data entry box will appear, allowing the operator
to enter different setpoint values, via a keyboard overlay,
that will appear on the screen. The Operator Interface
panel provides a platform to easily navigate between all
networked control systems, as well as a remote access
point which is reachable from any desktop web browser.
Remote access provides users with the ability to connect
to Frick control systems from both home and offi ce, or
any other location providing Internet access.
Touch Screen Calibration
When the panel completes it boot sequence, the user will
be presented with a message box which requests the user
to touch the screen to enter calibration mode. If the user
touches the message box before the 3-second timer ex-
pires, the screen will change, presenting the user with
four orange targets. These targets permit the user to cali-
brate the touch screen’s mouse pointer location. If these
points are not properly set, the mouse pointer will not
appear where the user’s fi nger makes contact with the
screen. Once the screen’s calibration target appear, it is
best to use a dull pointed object to touch each of the four
targets, as a fi nger makes contact with an area too large
to provide accurate calibration.
Browser and Keyboard
Both the browser and keyboard should appear on the
screen once the panel has fi nished its startup sequence.
Each panel is equipped with a program which will restart
the keyboard and browser if either application is closed.
The browser has a small icon in the center of the top tool
bar, which permits the user to return to the panel Home
Page at any time. From the panel Home Page, the Key-
board button can be used to restart the on-screen key-
board should it disappear.
The keyboard can be used to enter text into any fi eld ap-
pearing within a web page. To enter text into a fi eld,
simply touch the desired fi eld in the web browser. If the
fi eld is properly selected, a cursor should appear within
the text fi eld. The user can also drag his/her fi nger over a
segment of text in the fi eld to “select” it. Any key strokes
from the keyboard will then replace the highlighted text.
If the keyboard fails to transmit characters into the de-
sired text fi eld, there could be one of two problems. First,
be sure the text fi eld is selected. Typically the cursor is a
good indicator that focus has shifted to the desired text
fi eld. The second problem involves a keyboard loss of
focus. To resolve this problem, fi rst touch the desired text
fi eld, then touch the [Focus] button on the bottom right-
hand corner of the keyboard, fi nally touch the desired
text fi eld a second time. After this sequence, characters
should be directed to the correct location. This three-step
sequence should be used whenever the keyboard appears
Keyboard Overlay
Home Page
The panel Home Page displays all the units accessible
through the Operator Interface Panel. Any confi gured
units will appear with an icon and a descriptive label. If an
icon is touched, the web browser will be directed to the
Quantum LX control page. To return to the Operator In-
terface Panel’s Home Page simply touch the “Home” icon
on the browser’s toolbar.
Admin Home Page
The Operator Interface Panel is equipped with the Ad-
min Home Page to handle various confi guration functions.
This area can be accessed by pressing the Admin button
on the panel’s Home Page. As user name and password
are required to access this area (Username: admin, Pass-
word: 2staycold).
Upon entering the admin area, the user will be presented
with the list of all registered units (nothing will be dis-
played here if no units are registered). If any registered