Safety ............................iii
Chapter 1. Introduction ......................1
The IBM Documentation CD ....................2
Hardware and software requirements ................2
Using the Documentation Browser .................2
Specifications ..........................4
Internal circuit configuration.....................6
Notices and statements in this document................6
Chapter 2. Installing the uninterruptible power supply .........7
Inventory checklist ........................7
Front view of the uninterruptible power supply ..............7
Rear view of the uninterruptible power supply ..............8
1000 VA LCD tower uninterruptible power supply (100 V).........8
1000 VA LCD tower uninterruptible power supply (120 V).........9
1000 VA LCD tower uninterruptible power supply (230 V).........9
1500 VA LCD tower uninterruptible power supply (100 V) ........10
1500 VA LCD tower uninterruptible power supply (120 V) ........10
1500 VA LCD tower uninterruptible power supply (230 V) ........11
Connecting the internal battery ...................12
Completing the installation.....................14
Installing the remote emergency power-off ...............15
Uninterruptible power supply initial startup ...............17
Chapter 3. Operating the uninterruptible power supply .........19
Control panel .........................19
Operating modes ........................20
Normal mode ........................20
Battery mode ........................20
Standby mode ........................20
Turning on the uninterruptible power supply ..............20
Starting the uninterruptible power supply on battery ...........21
Turning off the uninterruptible power supply ..............21
Display functions ........................21
System status ........................22
Alarm history ........................22
Meters ...........................22
Control screens........................23
Model information .......................23
Configuration ........................24
Retrieving the alarm history ....................25
Behavior on overload ......................26
Configuring load segments ....................26
Controlling load segments through the display ............26
Configuring automatic start delay .................26
Configuring automatic on battery shutdown .............27
Configuring battery settings ....................28
Running automatic battery tests..................28
Configuring automatic battery tests ................28
Configuring automatic restart....................28
Chapter 4. Additional uninterruptible power supply features .......29
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