Barco MUIP-2112 User guide

User guide
User Guide
12.5 LCD User Interface
Registered office: Barco NV
President Kennedypark 35, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Barco NV
Beneluxpark 21, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
3K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-2112
1 Welcome!.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 What's in the box ................................................................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Product overview................................................................................................................................................................................6
2 Installatie...........................................................................................................................................................................................................9
2.1 Kabelaansluitingen.........................................................................................................................................................................10
2.2 Kabelgeleiding.................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Installatie bureausteun (optioneel)........................................................................................................................................12
3 Onderhoud...................................................................................................................................................................................................15
3.1 Gepland onderhoud.......................................................................................................................................................................16
3.2 Reinigen...............................................................................................................................................................................................16
4 Important information.........................................................................................................................................................................17
4.1 Safety information...........................................................................................................................................................................18
4.2 Informatie over het milieu ...........................................................................................................................................................21
4.3 Biologische gevaren en terugname......................................................................................................................................23
4.4 Regulatory information.................................................................................................................................................................23
4.5 EMC-kennisgeving.........................................................................................................................................................................24
4.6 Verklaring van de symbolen......................................................................................................................................................27
4.7 Juridische disclaimer.....................................................................................................................................................................30
4.8 Technical specifications...............................................................................................................................................................30
K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-21124
5K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-2112
The MUIP-2112 computing Touch Screen Module is a smart 12.5 display. it is released with or without
Windows OS (the units provided with Windows OS have the sticker license applied on to the rear side). Its
ruggedized design, compact size and touch-screen interface makes it suitable for system control applications.
The MUIP-2112 is not intended to be a portable device. The internal battery (if present) is foreseen mainly to
prevent the operative-system from crashing in case of momentary drop of the mains power. The internal
battery capacity could maintain the unit to work for a time of about one hour, maximum. In the normal
application of MUIP-2112 installed in a system on a VESA-arm or a desktop-support with power-supply and
LAN-cables connected, the internal battery is constantly maintained at full-charge, and is not submitted to
frequent charge-discharge cycles.
Waarschuwingen, voorzorgsmaatregelen, opmerkingen en tips
Er zijn vier niveaus voor voorzorgsmaatregelen of adviezen die in deze gebruikershandleiding worden
gebruikt. In afnemende volgorde van belang zijn dat:
WAARSCHUWING: Beschrijft een gevaar dat kan resulteren in persoonlijk letsel of de dood.
OPGELET: Beschrijft een gevaar dat het product kan beschadigen.
Geeft extra informatie over het beschreven onderwerp.
Geeft extra advies over het beschreven onderwerp.
Welcome! 1
K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-21126
1.1 What's in the box
MUIP-2112 12.5 Computing Touchscreen Module
Power supply 19V 65W AC-DC external unit (depending on model)
Two mains power cords (EU and US versions) (depending on model)
1 x user guide
Bewaar de oorspronkelijke verpakking goed. Ze werd speciaal voor dit beeldscherm ontworpen en
vormt de ideale bescherming tijdens transport en bewaring.
1.2 Product overview
13 2
Afbeelding 11
1. MUIP-2112
2. Power Button:
Push short to turn the equipment ON/OFF.
3. Desktop support (optional)
7K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-2112
43 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Afbeelding 12
1. Rear cover fixation screw holes (2x)
2. Rear cover (standard open / optional closed version)
3. Reset Button (activation with the aid of a pin/staple)
4. Audio Microphone Input Jack
5. Audio Line Output stereo jack
6. Video Output mini DP++ interface (for connecting an external DP or HDMI monitor)
7. 1 x USB 2.0 port Type A connector
8. 1 x USB 3.0 port Type A connector
9. Gigabit Ethernet Connector (LAN1)
10.Gigabit Ethernet Connector (LAN2)
11. Power jack input connector (range 1224Vdc, nominal 19Vdc)
12.VESA 75 mm mounting screw holes (4x)
13.Strain-relief cable (depending on model designed according to customer specifications)
K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-21128
9K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-2112
WAARSCHUWING: Lees alle belangrijke veiligheidsinformatie alvorens uw monitor te installeren
en te bedienen. Zie het relevante hoofdstuk in deze gebruikershandleiding.
WAARSCHUWING: Om deze apparatuur te installeren is voldoende expertise vereist. Alle
apparaten en de volledige configuratie moeten worden getest voor ze in gebruik worden genomen.
OPGELET: Wanneer het beeldscherm wordt gemonteerd in een medisch systeem, besteed dan de
nodige aandacht aan de bevestiging van alle kabels om te voorkomen dat ze ongewenst los komen
te zitten.
OPGELET: De apparatuur is niet bedoeld om te worden gesteriliseerd.
Installatie 2
K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-211210
2.1 Kabelaansluitingen
Openen en sluiten van de achterklep
1. Verwijder de twee rubberen doppen die de bevestigingsschroeven afdekken.
2. Verwijder de twee bevestigingsschroeven en verwijder de achterklep van de MUIP-2112.
Afbeelding 21
3. Om de achterklep goed te sluiten, dient u eerst de kabels goed te geleiden, zoals omschreven staat in
Kabelgeleiding, pagina 11. Plaats de achterklep en volg bovenstaande stappen in omgekeerde volgorde.
Stroom- en LAN-aansluiting
De MUIP-2112 computer-touchscreenmodule die als een intelligente gebruikersinterface functioneert, wordt
meestal op het systeem aangesloten via een Ethernet LAN-aansluiting en/of USB-interface-aansluiting.
1. Steek de stroomstekker in de stroomstekkerhouder.
Afbeelding 22
2. Steek de LAN-stekker in de LAN-stekkerhouder.
Afbeelding 23
11K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-2112
Andere kabelaansluitingen voorbeeld (alleen de uitvoering met de open achterklep)
1. Sluit de USB 3.0-stekker aan op de USB 3.0-stekkerhouder.
Afbeelding 24
2.2 Kabelgeleiding
Uitvoering open achterklep
De kabels kunnen op twee manieren gerouteerd worden:
1. Routeer de kabels recht omlaag (zoals hieronder afgebeeld).
Afbeelding 25
2. Routeer de kabels achter de pin (zoals hieronder afgebeeld).
K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-211212
Afbeelding 26
Deze manier van routeren kan alleen bij maximaal drie kabels.
Uitvoering gesloten achterklep (optioneel)
1. Omdat de LAN- en de stroomkabels beide omsloten worden door de trekontlastingkabel, die gerouteerd is
door het vierkante gat in de gesloten achterklap, is geen specifieke routering nodig.
Afbeelding 27
2.3 Installatie bureausteun (optioneel)
In de verpakking van de MUIP-2112 W00 kan een bureausteun inbegrepen zijn. Deze steun kan in twee
richtingen gemonteerd worden, zodat het scherm in verschillende hoeken geplaatst kan worden.
13K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-2112
Afbeelding 28
1. Plaats de bureausteun in de gewenste richting.
2. Monteer de MUIP-2112 op de bureausteun in liggende richting.
3. Plaats de vier VESA 75 mm montageschroeven en schroef ze vast.
Afbeelding 29
K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-211214
Afbeelding 210
15K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-2112
Onderhoud 3
K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-211216
3.1 Gepland onderhoud
De MUIP-2112 vergt geen gepland onderhoud of kalibratie. Neem in geval van onduidelijkheid contact op met
Barco Healthcare.
3.2 Reinigen
WAARSCHUWING: Trek de stroomkabel uit de voedingsingang voor u het beeldscherm reinigt.
OPGELET: Let erop dat u het voorglas of LCD niet beschadigt of krast. Wees voorzichtig met
ringen of andere juwelen en oefen geen overmatige druk uit op het voorglas of LCD.
OPGELET: Breng vloeistof niet rechtstreeks aan op het beeldscherm, want overtollige vloeistof kan
schade veroorzaken aan de inwendige elektronica. Breng de vloeistof aan op een reinigingsdoek.
Het beeldscherm reinigen
Reinig het beeldscherm met een spons, reinigingsdoek of zacht papieren doekje, licht bevochtigd met een
erkend reinigingsproduct voor medische apparatuur. Lees en volg alle labelinstructies op het
reinigingsproduct. Gebruik bij twijfel over een bepaald reinigingsproduct gewoon water.
Mogelijke reinigingsoplossingen:
70 % isopropylalcohol
1.6 % waterige ammoniak
Cidex® (2.4 % glutaaraldehyde-oplossing)
Natriumhypochloriet (bleekwater) 10 %
"Groene zeep" (USP)
0.5 % chloorhexidine in 70 % isopropylalcohol
Like Cleansafe® optische reinigingsvloeistof
Gebruik de volgende producten niet:
Alcohol/oplosmiddelen in een concentratie > 70%
Sterke alkalische logen, sterke oplosmiddelen
Detergenten met fluoride
Detergenten met ammoniak met een concentratie van > 1.6 %
Detergenten met schurende middelen
Spons met schurende middelen
Stalen messen
Doek met staaldraad
17K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-2112
K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-211218
4.1 Safety information
Algemene aanbevelingen
Lees de veiligheids- en bedieningsinstructies grondig voor u het apparaat bedient.
Bewaar de veiligheids- en bedieningsinstructies, zodat u later nog iets kunt opzoeken.
Leef alle waarschuwingen op de apparatuur en in de instructiehandleiding na.
Volg alle instructies voor bediening en gebruik.
Gevaar voor elektrische schokken of brand
Om elektrische schokken of brandgevaar te voorkomen, mag u de behuizing niet verwijderen.
In het toestel zitten geen onderdelen die moeten worden bediend. Laat onderhoudswerken over aan
gekwalificeerd personeel.
Stel dit apparaat niet bloot aan regen of vocht.
Wijzigingen aan de eenheid
Wijzig deze apparatuur niet zonder toestemming van de fabrikant.
Type of protection (electrical):
Monitor provided with external power supply: Class II equipment.
Monitor provided without external power supply: Class I or II, depending from the Class of the external power
supply used.
Degree of safety (flammable anesthetic mixture):
Equipment not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anesthetic mixture with air or with oxygen or
nitrous oxide.
The equipment is not operable if the air oxygen content is above 25%.
Non-patient care equipment
Equipment primarily for use in a health care facility, including the patient area.
The equipment should not be used with life support equipment.
The user should not touch the signal input ports (SIP) / signal output ports (SOP) and the patient at the
same time. The rear cover must be kept closed and screwed.
Mission critical applications
We strongly recommend to immediately have a replacement display available in mission critical applications.
Use of electrical surgical knives
Provide as much distance as possible between the electrosurgical generator and other electronic equipment
(such as monitors). An activated electrosurgical generator may cause interference with this equipment and
can disrupt the functionality of the display.
Power connection
Power requirements: The equipment must be powered using medical approved AC/DC power supply .
The medical approved AC/DC power supply must be powered by the AC mains voltage.
The power supply is specified as a part of the ME equipment or combination is specified as an ME system.
The equipment should be installed near an easily accessible wall socket.
To disconnect the main power, unplug the AC adapter.
The equipment is intended for continuous operation.
The compliance of the equipment with the Medical Safety and EMC requirements has been evaluated with
the provided medical grade power supply. If a different power supply is used, further investigation for
Safety and EMC requirements have to be performed at system level.
Important information
19K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-2112
Do not use the supplied AC adapter for powering other devices.
Do not move the equipment while the power cord and connection cables are connected. Otherwise,
damage to the equipment, power cord and connection cables, fire or an electric shock may result.
Transient over-voltage
To fully disengage the power from the device, please disconnect the power cord from the AC inlet.
Any external connection with other peripherals must follow the requirements of clause 16 of IEC60601-1 3rd.
Ed. or Table BBB.201 of IEC 60601-1-1 for the medical electrical systems.
To maintain compliance with EMC Regulation, use only shielded interface cables for the connection to
peripheral devices.
Power cords:
Please use the power cord provided with this equipment. If a power cord is not supplied with this
equipment, please contact your supplier. For all other cases, please use a power cord that matches the AC
voltage of the power outlet and has been approved by and complies with the safety standard of your
particular country.
Do not overload wall sockets and extension cords as this may result in fire or electric shock.
Mains lead protection: Power cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked upon or
pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs and
The power supply cord should be replaced by the designated operator only, at all time.
Liquids and moisture
Never expose the equipment to liquids or moisture.
Never use the equipment near water - e.g. near a bathtub, washbasin, swimming pool, kitchen sink, laundry
tub or in a wet basement.
The equipment is IPx3 compliant. The power supply is IPx0.
Moisture condensation
Do not use the equipment under rapidly changing temperature and humidity conditions or avoid direct contact
with cold air from air-conditioning outlet.
Moisture may condense on the surface or inside of the equipment, or create a mist residue inside the
protection plate. This is not a malfunction of the product itself, although it may cause damage to the
If condensation exists, leave the equipment unplugged until there is no condensation.
When installing the device in a cupboard or another enclosed location, heed the necessary space between the
set and the sides of the cupboard.
The LCD panel becomes warm during operation. This is not a malfunction. Allow adequate air circulation to
reduce the temperature of the equipment.
Place the equipment on a flat, solid and stable surface that can support the weight of at least 3 units. If you
use an unstable cart or stand, the equipment may fall, causing serious injury to a child or adult and/or
serious damage to the equipment.
Do not allow to climb or rest on the equipment.
When the equipment is attached to an arm, do not use the equipment as a handle or grip in order to move
the equipment. Please refer to the instruction manual of the arm for instructions on how to move the arm
with the equipment.
Provide full attention to safety during installation, periodic maintenance and examination of this equipment.
Important information
K5902132 (451920612534) /03 MUIP-211220
Sufficient expertise is required for installing this equipment, especially to determine the strength of the wall,
arm or ceiling suspension for withstanding the displays weight. Be sure to entrust the attachment of this
equipment to the wall to a duly skilled technician and pay adequate attention to safety during the
installation and usage.
The manufacturer is not liable for any damage or injury caused by mishandling or improper installation.
When the display is assembled in the medical system, take care of unwanted detachment.
The equipment should be installed near an easily accessible place. Do not install or leave the unit in places
subject to extreme temperatures, near a radiator, heating vent, or in places subject to mechanical vibration
or shock. Subjecting the LCD display to extreme temperatures, could cause deformations of the casing or
Avoid to place the unit near any equipment that generates a strong electro-magnetic field, such as surgical
knife or other medical appliances.
Avoid places subject to inordinate amounts of dust, dirt, or sand, for example near an open window or an
outdoor exit.
If setting up temporarily in an outdoor environment, be sure to take adequate precautions against airborne
dust and dirt. Otherwise unrecoverable malfunctions could occur.
Do not press on or scratch the front protection screen. Do not place a heavy object on the equipment.
If the equipment is used in a cold place, a residual image may appear in the screen. This is not a malfunction.
The screen returns to normal as the temperature rises to a normal operating level.
If a still picture is displayed for a long time, a residual image may appear for a while. The residual image will
eventually disappear.
Disconnect the cable from the equipment when transporting.
When you transport the equipment, hold it firmly in both hands. If you drop the equipment, you may be injured
or the equipment may be damaged.
When you transport the equipment for repair or shipment, use the original cardboard box and packing
This device uses an RTC battery (Mod. CR-2032) and a Lithium Ion battery pack (Mod. BN2012350-
001LPA-01). Both batteries are not user-replaceable. Do not attempt to replace them, contact Barco
authorized repair facilities.
Batteries used with this equipment have been tested for compatibility and should only be replaced with
approved parts.
The batteries are not designed to be charged by any other electrical source. Charging could generate gas
and internal short-circuiting, leading to distortion, leakage, overheating, explosion, or fire.
Connection of PEMS by network/data coupling to other equipment
Connection of the PEMS to a network/data coupling that includes other equipment could result in
previously unidentified risks to patients, operators or third parties.
The responsible organization should identify, analyze, evaluate and control these risks.
Subsequent changes to the network/data coupling could introduce new RISKS and require additional
Changes to the NETWORK/DATA COUPLING include:
- Changes in NETWORK/DATA COUPLING configuration;
- Connection of additional items to the NETWORK/DATA COUPLING;
- Disconnecting items from the NETWORK/DATA COUPLING;
- Update of equipment connected to the NETWORK/DATA COUPLING;
- Upgrade of equipment connected to the NETWORK/DATA COUPLING.
General warnings
All devices and complete setup must be tested and validated before taking into operation.
At end user application level, it is necessary to foresee a backup unit in case the equipment fails.
Important information
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Barco MUIP-2112 User guide

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