Subsection 04 (STORAGE)
Disconnect battery cables.
Battery BLACK negative cable must be dis-
connected FIRST.
Disconnect vent tube from battery.
Unfasten battery support.
Using battery strap, remove battery.
For battery cleaning and storage, refer to CHARG-
ING SYSTEM in the Shop Manual.
Refer to STORAGE in the Shop Manual.
In cool regions (where freezing point may be en-
countered), cooling system should be filled with
pure antifreeze.
CAUTION: Antifreeze must be fed in cool-
ing system. Otherwise remaining water will
freeze. If antifreezing is not performed ad-
equately engine/exhaust system may freeze
and cause severe damage. Always use ethy-
lene glycol antifreeze containing corrosion
inhibitors specifically recommended for alu-
minum engines.
CAUTION: Use only undiluted antifreeze (100%
concentration). The pre-mixed antifreeze
available from Bombardier Recreational Prod-
ucts Inc. is not suitable for this particular appli-
cation. Its concentration will be reduced when
mixed with remaining water trapped in water
jackets. Always use ethylene glycol antifreeze
containing corrosion inhibitors specifically
recommended for aluminum engines. Never
use antifreeze for RV (recreational vehicles).
NOTE: When available, it is recommended to
use biodegradable antifreeze compatible with
internal combustion aluminum engines. This will
contribute to protect the environment.
NOTE: Theenginewillnothavetorunduringthis
operation but should have been ran before, to ex-
haust as much water as possible, from cooling
system components.
NOTE: This procedure requires approximately
2.5 L (2.6 U.S. qt) of antifreeze.
Engine and Tuned Pipe
Remove rear access panel and engine cover. Lock
steering pole in upright position with the holder.
Always install steering pole holder while
working in the engine compartment.
Install hose pinchers and disconnect hoses at the
following locations.
1. Pinch Engine cylinder drain hose
2. Pinch Engine heat exchanger drain hose
1. Disconnect water supply hose
2. Pinch water outlet hose
3. Install a temporary hose to engine fitting
smr2004-3D 7