Intrusion Detection
The firewall allows you to prevent your local area network (LAN) from malicious attacks, for example,
port scan and Denial-of-Service (DoS). The purpose of such attacks is either to consume the
computing resources of your router, or even to bring down the router and network.
The firewall also supports the blacklisting feature to minimize system overhead that could be
consumed in an attack, as well as protecting the network in the meantime. The blacklist is empty when
the firewall is enabled. The initiator of an attack will be blacklisted, that is, will be added to the
blacklist. Whenever the router receives a packet from the Internet, it will check the blacklist first to see
if the initiator is in the list. If it is, the packet will be dropped. A configurable value is associated with
each type of the attack, the initiator will be removed from the list when it times out.
Enable: select True to enable intrusion detection.
Use Blacklist: select True to use blacklist. If enabled, external host addresses will be blacklisted when
the router detects the intrusion from these hosts.
Use Victim Protection: select True to use Victim Protection. If enabled, the router will protect the
internal host (the host is the victim at this moment) from suspicious attacks.
Victim Protection Duration: after the router has detected that an internal host has been attacked (the
host is the victim at this moment), the router will block all access to the host for a set time limit in
order to protect the host.
DoS Attack Block Duration: after a DoS attack is detected, the router will block traffic from the
external host (put the external host to the blacklist) for a set time limit.
Scan Attack Block Duration: after a Scan attack is detected, the router will block traffic from the
external host (put the external host to the blacklist) for a set time limit.
Maximum TCP Open Handshaking Count: set the maximum number of unfinished TCP
handshaking session per second. Once the maximum of unfinished TCP handshaking session per
second is reached, the router will consider the SYN flood attack.