The uPath PD-L1 (SP263) image analysis for NSCLC algorithm is
designed to work for VENTANA PD-L1 (SP263) Assay. The test
results are only as good as the quality and accuracy of the IHC
slide that is imaged, and the subsequent image that is analyzed.
The pathologist must validate the VENTANA PD-L1 (SP263)
Assay staining run by manual microscopic examination of the
PD-L1 control slides to verify that the expected results have been
obtained before images of slides are accessioned onto the uPath
enterprise software for analysis.
Use the manufacturer's recommendations for the VENTANA
PD-L1 (SP263) Assay, including all positive and negative quality
control materials for each staining run. If the control slides are
not acceptable with manual microscopic examination, restain the
tissue with acceptable results.
The pathologist must follow the recommendations for VENTANA
PD-L1 (SP263) Assay interpretation.
Refer to the VENTANA PD-L1 (SP263) Assay method sheet (P/N
1014258EN) and interpretation guide (P/N 1015317EN) (available
The uPath PD-L1 (SP263) image analysis for NSCLC algorithm
is designed for use by a qualified pathologist in conjunction
with histological examination, relevant clinical information, and
proper controls. It is not designed to be a standalone tool, and
requires competent human intervention throughout the analysis
The uPath PD-L1 (SP263) image analysis for NSCLC algorithm
may generate incorrect scores if the captured images have
abnormal staining (nuclear, cytoplasm, etc.).
The uPath PD-L1 (SP263) image analysis for NSCLC algorithm
will reject tumor nuclei that are elongated regardless of the
overall shape of the cell. For this reason, tumors containing large
numbers of cells with elongated nuclei may need to be evaluated
The uPath PD-L1 (SP263) image analysis for NSCLC algorithm
has been trained, developed, and validated on NSCLC tissue
The uPath PD-L1 (SP263) image analysis for NSCLC algorithm
has not been tested, or its safety and effectiveness validated,
when used with a personal computer (PC) from home.
The uPath PD-L1 SP263 image analysis algorithm is indicated for
use as an aid in identifying patients with NSCLC for treatment
with therapies with the 50% PD-L1 TC positivity cutoff in
accordance with the approved therapeutic product labeling.
The uPath PD-L1 (SP263) image analysis for NSCLC algorithm
may misidentify cells due to the presence of weak cytoplasmic
and/or membranous staining, strong immune cell staining
overlapping with tumor cell staining where there is significant
intermixed inflammation, TC with cytoplasmic blush, and non-
target staining. This may result in misidentification of TC as non-
TC, and of non-TC as positive TC.
Although it is required for macrophages to be excluded from
the region of analysis, it is not always possible to exclude all
macrophages. As a result, the score generated by the uPath
PD-L1 (SP263) image analysis for NSCLC algorithm may be
influenced by the macrophages in the ROI being analyzed. This is
critical when a patient score is close to the cutoff of 50%.
Cytoplasmic staining is generally diffuse with some cases
displaying a fine granular quality. Rare cases have shown a
perinuclear dot-like body staining with variable intensity. The
total percentage of tumor membrane signal intensities is visually
estimated and used to generate the PD-L1 expression level.
Tumor cell cytoplasmic staining is disregarded for determining
PD-L1 expression. An isotype matched negative control antibody
is used to evaluate the presence of background in test samples
and establish a staining intensity baseline.
6 uPath PD-L1 (SP263) image analysis for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Algorithm Guide