Quick Reference of the Parameters
Parameter Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting
Proprieties Pg.
P281 Digital Output O5 Function 0 = Internal Use
1 = Ladder
2 = Fieldbus
3 = Alarm/Fault Signal (NO)
4 = Trip/Error Signal (NO)
5 = Trip/Error Signal (NC)
6 = Check back (NO) Signal
1 = Ladder Sys, CFG 5-6
P282 Digital Output O6 Function 0 = Internal Use
1 = Ladder
2 = Fieldbus
3 = Alarm/Fault Signal (NO)
4 = Trip/Error Signal (NO)
5 = Trip/Error Signal (NC)
6 = Check back (NO) Signal
1 = Ladder Sys, CFG 5-6
P283 Digital Output O7 Function 0 = Internal Use
1 = Ladder
2 = Fieldbus
3 = Alarm/Fault Signal (NO)
4 = Trip/Error Signal (NO)
5 = Trip/Error Signal (NC)
6 = Check back (NO) Signal
1 = Ladder Sys, CFG 5-6
P284 Digital Output O8 Function 0 = Internal Use
1 = Ladder
2 = Fieldbus
3 = Alarm/Fault Signal (NO)
4 = Trip/Error Signal (NO)
5 = Trip/Error Signal (NC)
6 = Check back (NO) Signal
1 = Ladder Sys, CFG 5-6
P294 Expansion Digital Unit (EDU) 0 = EDU not used
1 = EDU used
0 = EDU not
Sys, CFG 3-12
P295 Currente and/or Voltage
Measurement Unit (UMC/UMCT)
0 = UMC0/UMCT0 (0.25 – 2.5 A)
1 = UMC1/UMCT1 (0.5 - 5 A)
2 = UMC2/UMCT2 (1.25 -12.5 A)
3 = UMC3/UMCT3 (2.5 – 25 A)
4 = UMC4/UMCT4 (12.5 - 125 A)
5 = UMC5/UMCT5 (42 – 420 A)
6 = UMC6/UMCT6 (84 – 840 A)
7 = UMC1/UMCT1 + External CT
1 = UMC1/
(0.5 - 5 A)
Sys, CFG 5-30
P296 Number of turns through the UMC/
1 to 10 1 Sys, CFG 5-30
P297 Motor Type 0 = Three-phase
1 = Single-phase
0 = Three-phase Sys, CFG 5-31
P298 External CT Primary Current 1 to 5000 A 1 A Sys, CFG 5-31
P299 External CT Secondary Current 0 = 1 A
1 = 5 A
0 = 1 A Sys, CFG 5-31
P310 Configuration of the Serial Interface
0 = 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
1 = 8 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit
2 = 8 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit
3 = 8 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bit
4 = 8 data bits, even parity, 2 stop bit
5 = 8 data bits, odd parity, 2 stop bit
3 = 8 data bits,
no parity, 2 stop
Sys, CFG 5-35
P311 Action for HMI Communication Error 0 = Only fault indication
1 = The motor is turned off
0 = Only fault
Sys, rw 5-4
P312 Action for EDU Communication Error 0 = Only fault indication
1 = The motor is turned off
0 = Only fault
Sys, rw 3-13
P313 Action in Case of Communication
0 = Only fault indication
1 = The motor is turned off
2 = The motor is turned off and
the commands are reset
3 = It changes to Local
0 = Only fault
Sys, rw 5-34
P314 Serial Watchdog 0.0 to 999.0 s 0.0 s Sys, CFG 5-35
P315 Action in the Local/Remote Transition 0 = Keep Motor Status
1 = The motor is turned off
0 = Keep Motor
Sys, CFG 5-3
P400 Motor Nominal Voltage 0 to 1000 V 380 V Sys, CFG 5-32
P401 Motor Nominal Current 1 0.0 to 5000.0 A 0.5 A Sys, CFG 5-33