7KDAB, Version 2.0, 19-Aug-2007
Vyex LLC, 2003-2007
Limited Hardware Warranty
Vyex LLC warrants that its products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from
the date of shipment.
This warranty does not cover damage caused by any of the following:
• Physical damage of any kind.
• Improper installation or connection.
• Electro-static discharge damage caused by improper product handling.
• Lightning.
• Any product in which the customer has attempted to make field repairs or modifications.
During the term of the warranty, Vyex LLC will cover the cost of product repair including parts, labor and return shipping.
Vyex LLC may not support all third party manufacture’s Multi-Media Cards as viable storage devices for use with this
Vyex LLC reserves the right to refund the purchase price as its exclusive warranty remedy.
For service contact Vyex at 262.513.0150
Any product return must include a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number on the outside of the package.
Copyright Notice and Limited Software Warranty
The product software and associated audio files represent copyrighted materials, an original work of Vyex LLC.
Vyex LLC retains all right, title, and interest in and to the Software, and any rights not granted to you herein are reserved
by Vyex LLC. You may not reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, or translate the Software, or otherwise attempt to
derive the source code of the Software, except to the extent allowed under any applicable law. If applicable law permits
such activities, any information so discovered must be promptly disclosed to Vyex LLC and shall be deemed to be the
confidential proprietary information of Vyex LLC.
Vyex LLC provides the following End-User License Agreements with respect to the software it distributes. An End-User
License Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Vyex LLC for a Vyex
LLC software product. Such software product includes computer software and may include associated media, printed
materials, and "online" or electronic documentation ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT"). By installing, copying, or otherwise using
the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of the End-User License Agreement. If you do not agree
to the terms of the agreement, do not install or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT; you may, however, return it to your place
of purchase for a full refund.
You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this End-User License Agreement, provided the recipient agrees to
the terms of this End-User License Agreement.
All title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT (including but not limited to any images, photographs, audio,
and text, incorporated into the SOFTWARE PRODUCT), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT are owned by Vyex LLC or its suppliers. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright
laws and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE PRODUCT like any other copyrighted
Vyex LLC expressly disclaims any warranty for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT and any
related documentation is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without
limitation, the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement. The entire risk
arising out of use or performance of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT remains with you.