IBA ibaPDA Owner's manual

  • Hello! I am a chat assistant and I've read the user manual for ibaPDA Data Storage. This document provides extensive details on how to configure and manage data storage within the ibaPDA system, including different storage types, recording profiles, trigger modes, and data file management. I am prepared to answer your questions about data storage and its configuration according to this manual. Ready to learn more about a specific feature?
  • What types of data storage does ibaPDA support?
    What is the purpose of recording profiles?
    How can I protect data files from unauthorized access?
Data Storage
Manual Part5
Issue 8.5
Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy
iba AG
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Unless explicitly stated to the contrary, it is not permied to pass on or copy this document, nor
to make use of its contents or disclose its contents. Infringements are liable for compensaon.
© iba AG 2023, All rights reserved.
The content of this publicaon has been checked for compliance with the described hardware
and soware. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be ruled out, and we do not provide guaran-
tee for complete conformity. However, the informaon furnished in this publicaon is updated
regularly. Required correcons are contained in the following regulaons or can be downloaded
on the Internet.
The current version is available for download on our web site www.iba-ag.com.
Version Date Revision Author Version SW
8.5 12-2023 New default base directories rm 8.5.0
Windows® is a brand and registered trademark of Microso Corporaon. Other product and
company names menoned in this manual can be labels or registered trademarks of the corre-
sponding owners.
Issue 8.5 3
ibaPDA Contents
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon ................................................................................................5
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge ..................................................................... 5
1.2 Notaons .................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Used symbols ............................................................................................. ...............6
1.4 Documentaon structure ......................................................................................... 7
2 Introducon ...................................................................................................................... 8
3 Types of data storage ........................................................................................................9
4 Datastoreconguraontoolbar ......................................................................................12
5 Datarecordingproles .................................................................................................... 13
5.1 General ................................................................................................................... 13
5.2 Storage prole types ............................................................................................. .. 14
5.3 Add and manage data recording proles ................................................................ 14
5.4 "Time" prole .........................................................................................................15
5.5 "Time, not equidistant" prole ............................................................................... 17
5.6 "Time, DB/cloud" prole......................................................................................... 20
5.7 "Time/length" prole ..............................................................................................22
5.8 "Length" prole ...................................................................................................... 23
6 Conguringdatastorage ................................................................................................. 25
6.1 Add a data storage ..................................................................................................26
6.2 Basic sengs for data storage ................................................................................ 26
6.3 Trigger mode ........................................................................................................... 29
6.3.1 Maximum le me .................................................................................................29
6.3.2 Start trigger............................................................................................................. 30
6.3.3 Stop trigger ............................................................................................................. 35
6.3.4 Trigger pool ............................................................................................. ................ 36
6.3.5 Advanced ................................................................................................................ 38
6.4 Signal selecon ....................................................................................................... 39
6.4.1 Assigning a signal to a storage prole ..................................................................... 40
6.4.2 Checking the prole assignment ............................................................................ 41
6.4.3 Disabling the prole assignment ............................................................................ 41
4 Issue 8.5
Contents ibaPDA
6.5 Video triggers .........................................................................................................42
6.6 Image trigger ..........................................................................................................43
6.7 Data le informaon ............................................................................................... 44
6.7.1 Data le name ........................................................................................................ 45
6.7.2 Data le locaon ............................................................................................. ........47
6.7.3 Subdirectory organizaon ....................................................................................... 49
6.7.4 Files - Info elds ...................................................................................................... 50
6.7.5 Data les - Cleanup strategy ................................................................................... 51
6.7.6 Post-processing ....................................................................................................... 53
6.8 Apply new data storage conguraon .................................................................... 53
6.9 Conguraon le of data storage ........................................................................... 54
6.10 Loading a backup conguraon le ........................................................................ 56
7 Diagnoscsfordatastores ..............................................................................................57
8 Stopprevenon ..............................................................................................................60
9 Cercates ...................................................................................................................... 62
10 Support and contact ........................................................................................................ 63
Issue 8.5 5
ibaPDA About this documentaon
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon
This documentaon describes the funcon and applicaon of the soware
1.1 Targetgroupandpreviousknowledge
This documentaon is aimed at qualied professionals who are familiar with handling electrical
and electronic modules as well as communicaon and measurement technology. A person is
regarded as professional if he/she is capable of assessing safety and recognizing possible con-
sequences and risks on the basis of his/her specialist training, knowledge and experience and
knowledge of the standard regulaons.
1.2 Notaons
In this manual, the following notaons are used:
Acon Notaon
Menu command Menu Logic diagram
Calling the menu command Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x
Select the menu Logic diagram – Add – New funcon
Keys <Key name>
Example: <Alt>; <F1>
Press the keys simultaneously <Key name> + <Key name>
Example: <Alt> + <Ctrl>
Buons <Key name>
Example: <OK>; <Cancel>
Filenames, paths Filename, Path
Example: Test.docx
6 Issue 8.5
About this documentaon ibaPDA
1.3 Usedsymbols
If safety instrucons or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
of death or severe injury:
■ Observe the specied measures.
death or severe injury!
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures
A note species special requirements or acons to be observed.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider p to make the work a lile bit easier.
Reference to addional documentaon or further reading.
Issue 8.5 7
ibaPDA About this documentaon
1.4 Documentaonstructure
This documentaon fully describes the funconality of the ibaPDA system. It is designed both as
a tutorial as well as a reference document. The secons and chapters essenally follow the pro-
cedure for conguring the system.
In addion to this documentaon, you can examine the version history in the main menu, Help
– Version history (le versions.htm) for the latest informaon about the installed version of
the program. This le not only lists the bugs that have been eliminated, but also refers to exten-
sions of the system in note form.
In addion, special "NewFeatures…" documentaon comes with any soware update that in-
cludes signicant new features, which provides a more detailed descripon of the new features.
The state of the soware to which the respecve part of this documentaon refers is listed in
the revision table on page 2.
The ibaPDA system documentaon (PDF and printed version) is divided into seven separate
parts. Each part has its own secon and page numbering beginning at 1, and is updated inde-
Part 1 Introducon and installaon General notes, license policy and add-ons
Installaon and program start
User interface, system architecture, client server
User management, prinng
Part 2 I/O Manager Basic informaon about the I/O Manager, general
Groups and vector signals, text signals, outputs,
conguraon les
Part 3 Data interfaces and mod-
Interfaces for the measurement data acquision
Standard interfaces, ibaFOB, Ethernet-based inter-
faces and more. For interfaces for which there are
separate manuals, these are referred to.
Part 4 Expression builder All funcons for calculang virtual signals
Part 5 Data storage Types of data recording, recording proles, signal
Part 6 Data visualizaon All display modes for live data, their operaon and
Part 7 Appendix Various addions, error lisngs, etc.
8 Issue 8.5
Introducon ibaPDA
2 Introducon
Besides the display of data, the storage of measured data is one of the main features of ibaP-
DA. If the measured data are stored and available as data les (*.dat), you can view, analyze or
post-process the data conveniently with ibaAnalyzer.
The data les generated by ibaPDA have a special signature that prevents the measured data
being read or post-processed using third-party soware. To maintain calculaon accuracy, data
types such as 32-bit integers or 64-bit oang points (double) are stored in the data le un-
changed so that calculaons can be carried out in ibaAnalyzer with full resoluon. The datatype
64-bit oang point is also supported for virtual signals as results of calculaons in ibaPDA.
The data storage management of ibaPDA oers a variety of opons which enable you to cus-
tomize the data storage according to your needs in order to get the maximum benet.
The dialog for data storage conguraon can be opened in the Conguraon – data storage
main menu or by clicking on the buon in the main tool bar.
Issue 8.5 9
ibaPDA Types of data storage
3 Types of data storage
Depending on the licenses registered in the dongle or so license, dierent types of data stor-
age are available for conguraon in the dialog.
Time-based data store
The data storage occurs with this type in the form of data les (*.dat), which can be evaluated
with the program ibaAnalyzer. The data les generated in this way can be protected from unau-
thorized opening via password.
Usually, a (me-based) data storage and a blue link "Add data store" are shown in the data stor-
age tree. With the basic version of ibaPDA, you can add one addional data store. You can pur-
chase addional licenses if you should need more data storage:
■ ibaPDA-Data-Store
This license allows you to add 2 addional data stores per license.
■ ibaPDA-Ultra-Data-Store
This license allows you to congure up to 255 data stores with an average number of up to
20 signals or less per data store. If required you can congure data stores with more than
20 signals. In this case the number of remaining data stores will be reduced accordingly. For
example, if you congure a data store with 110 signals the number of remaining data stores
will be reduced by 6.
ibaHD data store
The ibaHD data store is a special type of data storage for recording and visualizing historical
data. For this purpose, you need the license and soware for ibaHD-Server.
For the HD data storage, you can choose between
■ ibaHD me-based data store,
■ ibaHD event-based data store
■ ibaHD length-based data store
In case of a me-based HD data store you can addionally dene HD me periods if the con-
nected ibaHD-Server supports this feature (ibaHD-Server v3.1 or higher). Furthermore, HD
me-based data stores can be triggered, e.g. in order to record data only when it makes sense
(ibaHD-Server v3.2 or higher). You can use signals, me periods or system me for trigger.
In case of an event-based HD data store you'll have to dene the events here.
In case of a lenght-based HD data store you'll have to dene the measuring locaons here.
In a basic version of ibaHD-Server, you will be able to set up 2 ibaHD stores. Licenses for addi-
onal ibaHD stores are available.
For more informaon about ibaHD data storage, please refer to the ibaHD-Server
10 Issue 8.5
Types of data storage ibaPDA
ibaQDR data store
If you use an ibaQDR system or have a corresponding license registered, the type ibaQDR data
store will also be displayed in the "Add data store" dialog. Only one ibaQDR data store per sys-
tem is possible.
A special property of an ibaQDR data store is the me and length-based storage of measured
For more informaon about ibaQDR data store, refer to the manual for
If you have a license for a database or cloud memory, such as ibaPDA-DataStore-SQL-Server,
then you can use this form of data storage. iba oers dierent licenses graded by the number of
The measured values are wrien (streamed) directly into a suitable database or cloud. The data
is always wrien in a me-based manner.
The following database/cloud systems are supported: Oracle, SQL-Server, MySql, PostgreSQL,
SAP-HANA, Azure SQL and MariaDB.
You will nd addional informaon about DB/cloud data store in the manual on
the corresponding product, such as ibaPDA-Data-Store-SQL-Server-xxx.
If you have a license ibaPDA-DataStore-Kaa, then you can use this form of data storage. iba
oers dierent licenses graded by the number of signals.
The measured values are wrien (streamed) directly into an Apache Kaa cluster. The data is
always wrien me-based.
You will nd addional informaon about Kaa cluster data store in the manual
on the product ibaPDA-Data-Store-Kaa-xxxx.
If you have a license ibaPDA-DataStore-MindSphere , then you can use this form of data storage.
iba oers dierent licenses graded by the number of signals.
Issue 8.5 11
ibaPDA Types of data storage
The measured values are wrien (streamed) directly into a Siemens MindSphere. The data is
always wrien in a me-based manner.
You will nd addional informaon about MindSphere data store in the manual
on the product ibaPDA-Data-Store-MindSphere-xxxx.
If you have a license ibaPDA-DataStore-MQTT , then you can use this form of data storage. iba
oers dierent licenses graded by the number of signals.
The measured values are wrien (streamed) directly to an MQTT broker. The data is always writ-
ten in a me-based manner.
You will nd addional informaon about MQTT data store in the manual on the
product ibaPDA-Data-Store-MQTT-xxxx.
If you have a license ibaPDA-DataStore-InuxDB , then you can use this form of data storage. iba
oers dierent licenses graded by the number of signals.
The measured values are wrien (streamed) directly to an InuxDB server. The data is always
wrien in a me-based manner.
You will nd addional informaon about InuxDB data store in the manual on
the product ibaPDA-Data-Store-InuxDB-xxxx.
Whenever you have changed the conguraon of one or more data stores you
should close the conguraon dialog with the <OK> buon. At this me, the re-
cording of data stores which were subject to change will be stopped and closed.
Other, unchanged data stores will connue to record. The recording of the
changed data stores will restart automacally with the new conguraon.
Important: Changes in the data storage conguraon will not aect the data
acquision of the server. The server connues the data acquision even if the
recordings are stopped and restarted.
12 Issue 8.5
Datastore conguraon toolbar ibaPDA
4 Datastoreconguraontoolbar
Symbol Descripon
New conguraon; then choose whether an empty conguraon (without data-
store, prole As is only) or a new default conguraon should be created.
The default conguraon consists of a pre-congured mebased datastore (data
le). All signals in the I/O conguraon will be selected and assigned to the prole
As is.
Opens an exisng conguraon le (XML-le .ds or .zip).
Opens an exisng conguraon le (.ds or .zip) in simulaon mode. The loaded
conguraon is not aligned with the current licenses an cannot be applied. The
simulaon mode only provides for display of any datastore conguraon.
Opens access to the automacally saved backups of the datastore conguraon
in the path %ProgramData%iba\ibaPDA\Backup on the ibaPDA-Server
computer. In a dialog window you can select and load the desired backup. Further-
more, you can use the dialog to delete a backup.
Saves the current, full datastore conguraon in an XML-le. You can select or
enter the path and lename in the following dialog. The le extension .ds is added
These buons are disabled, unless you can move selected datastores. Move the
selected datastore by one posion up or down in the tree.
Go forward/backward buons: Navigate to the previous or following step in the
Issue 8.5 13
ibaPDA Data recording proles
5 Datarecordingproles
The data recording proles are used to determine how the data should be recorded. There are
dierent opons depending on the type of data recording (me-based, length-based, DB/Cloud,
etc.). Basically, you should rst congure the proles for your planned data stores. Then link the
signals to the desired prole.
5.1 General
The recording prole funcon primarily serves to reduce data volumes for me- and length-
based data stores. Even when the process phases relevant for the recording have been nar-
rowed down with the trigger sengs, sll a large number of values is generated that can quickly
ll up the storage media. Parcularly with general long-term data storage, it is not oen neces-
sary when using measured values that they will be available at a later point in me at a high-res-
oluon sampling speed, e.g., 1 millisecond. Addionally, the signal type also determines wheth-
er it must be recorded at high or low cycle rates. Rapidly changing signals like currents or forces
are usually recorded with a smaller me base than slow-changing signals like temperatures.
Since each signal can be individually linked to a recording prole, it is also possible to dierently
record signals coming from the same module.
All prole types except the non-equidistant recording have the opon of a stascal lter. If the
signals are acquired much faster than recorded according to the prole seng, you can use the
lter to determine which value (actual value, maximum, minimum or average value) should be
saved in relaon to the values acquired in the recording interval.
For DB/Cloud data stores, the prole is primarily used to match the target database for ID and
value columns.
The following gure shows a typical me-based prole.
14 Issue 8.5
Data recording proles ibaPDA
Click on the Proles branch in the tree structure at the le of the conguraon dialog. In the
right-hand part, you can now see a list of available proles (at least "As is"). Next to the list, you
will nd more informaon on the prole you have selected in the list. Below the list, you see for
which data storage the selected prole is used and how many signals are assigned to it.
Any number of storage proles can be dened. Each prole is stored with a unique name as-
signed by the user, so that the allocaon of proles to the signals is very clear and comprehensi-
5.2 Storageproletypes
ibaPDA oers dierent recording proles for the dierent types of data store. The icon behind
the prole name indicates the data store type, which can use this prole.
Prole type Symbol
Type of data store Symbol
data store
Time me-based data store
(ibaPDA data le)
ibaHD me-based data store
Kaa cluster me-based data store
MindSphere me-based data store
InuxDB me-based data store
MQTT me-based data store
Time, not equidistant me-based data store
(ibaPDA data le)
Time, DB/cloud DB/cloud me-based data store (e.g.
Time/length me and length-based data store
(ibaQDR data le)
Length ibaHD length-based data store
Table 1: Prole types and appropriate types of data store
5.3 Addandmanagedatarecordingproles
In order to add a new prole, select the Proles branch in the tree structure of the data storage
conguraon dialog.
In the right window, you will nd an <Add> buon. An icon on the buon indicates the prole
type that would be added upon click. If the icon matches the prole type you wish to add, click
the <Add> buon. If you are not sure about the prole type, just click on the dropdown-list icon
on the buon in order to show all prole types available.
Issue 8.5 15
ibaPDA Data recording proles
Select the desired prole type from the dropdown list.
A new prole is added to the proles list.
The new prole is highlighted with a yellow background.
Then you should dene the prole properes (see further below).
Next to the prole list, there are buons with the following funcons:
Move the selected prole up in the sequence. The icon is not available (gray) if the
operaon is not possible.
Move the selected prole down in the sequence. The icon is not available (gray) if
the operaon is not possible. The "As is" prole is always at the top of the list.
Delete the selected prole.
5.4 "Time"prole
As the name says, this prole type is used for general me-based recording. The prole stores
measured data with equidistant samples. The type is available by default and can be used for
the following types of data store:
■ Time-based data store
■ ibaHD me-based data store
■ Kaa cluster me-based data store
■ MindSphere me-based data store
■ MQTT me-based data store
■ InuxDB me-based data store
16 Issue 8.5
Data recording proles ibaPDA
Display of the prole type with the appropriate types of data store (symbols)
Enter an unambiguous and understandable name here.
Time base
Choose whether you like to record the acquired data with the original me base (as congured
under General sengs in the I/O Manager) or with another me base (absolute me base). If
you select Absolute me base, please dene the desired me base in the eld, given in millisec-
Upper limit value is 214748 (approx. 3.58 min.)
If you decide to use a Relave mebase, enter or set an integer factor to get a mulple of the
original mebase. Upper limit is 100,000.
Select the signal value to be stored with reference to the me base set above.
■ None: The actual value will be stored
■ Average: The arithmec average of all measured values, which were acquired in the interval
(according to the me base, such as 10 ms or 100 ms) is formed and saved.
■ Min: Only the smallest value of all samples measured within the dened interval will be
■ Max: Only the largest measured value of all measured values acquired within the dened
interval will be stored.
Compression with precision
Use this opon to achieve a further reducon in data. Method:
every value is subtracted from the previous one. The (absolute) dierence is compared to the
accuracy value dened in the eld nearby. The new sample will only be stored if the dierence
exceeds the accuracy value (based on the physical unit of the signal). If the dierence is equal
or less than the accuracy value, an internal counter in the data le will be incremented and the
sample will not be stored. Storage space can be saved thereby.
Usually, this method is suitable for signals with a general noise or for sensors with less accuracy.
The accuracy value indicates the absolute range given in physical units in which a signal sample
can vary without being stored as a new value.
Issue 8.5 17
ibaPDA Data recording proles
5.5 "Time,notequidistant"prole
This prole type has been developed for specic requirements. It is suitable for situaons with
an controlled irregular occurrence of measurement data, depending on the process event. It is
also suitable, for instance, if you just want “snapshots” of the process data to be triggered by a
control signal.
Display of the prole type with the appropriate types of data store (symbols)
Enter an unambiguous and understandable name here.
Select a signal from the dropdown list to be used as trigger for wring samples in the data le.
Every me the value of the trigger signal changes, a new sample will be stored.
If you use an analog value for triggering, samples are with high probability recorded connu-
ously unless the analog value remains 100 % constant over periods where no sample should
be stored. Using a digital signal as trigger will store samples with every rising/falling edge, as
shown in the gure below.
18 Issue 8.5
Data recording proles ibaPDA
The trigger dead me determines the minimum period between the samples. Trigger events
that occur during the trigger dead me are ignored.
If the trigger signal and source signal have dierent me bases, you can choose which me-
stamps to use for the non-equidistant signal. “Source signal” is every signal assigned to this pro-
The screenshot below shows another example of the dierence between the two opons.
The blue signal is the source signal. The green digital signal is the trigger signal. The source sig-
nal is sampled at 10 ms. The trigger signal is sampled at 1 ms. You can see that the trigger value
changes at a me that does not correspond with the sample of the source signal.
The red signal is the non-equidistant signal that uses the mestamps from the source signal. You
can see that the sample points of the red signal correspond with the sample points of the origi-
nal signal. If you choose source signal mestamps, the mestamp will be smaller or equal to the
trigger mestamp.
The brown signal is the non-equidistant signal that uses the mestamps of the trigger signal.
You can see that the sample points of the brown signal correspond with the sample points of
the original signal moved to the trigger mestamps.
Both opons have advantages as well as disadvantages.
The advantage of source mestamps is that the original samples are used. The disadvantage is
that if you have mulple source signals with dierent me bases, the sample points of the gen-
erated non-equidistant signals will have dierent mestamps. If you subsequently perform cal-
culaons based on these non-equidistant signals, they will be converted to equidistant signals
and the calculaons will be performed on equidistant signals.
Issue 8.5 19
ibaPDA Data recording proles
The disadvantage of trigger mestamps is that the original sample points are moved. The ad-
vantage is that all non-equidistant signals generated by the same prole have the same me-
stamps irrespecve of their original me bases. Calculaons are performed on the non-equidis-
tant signals, and as result, a non-equidistant signal is given.
20 Issue 8.5
Data recording proles ibaPDA
5.6 "Time,DB/cloud"prole
Use this prole if you want to write the measured data in supported databases by means of a
DB/cloud me-based data store.
Display of the type with the appropriate types of data storage (symbols)
Enter an unambiguous and understandable name here.
Select the signal value to be stored with reference to the me base set above.
■ None: The actual value will be stored
■ Average: The arithmec average of all measured values, which were acquired in the interval
(according to the me base, such as 10 ms or 100 ms) is formed and saved.
■ Min: Only the smallest value of all samples measured within the dened interval will be
■ Max: Only the largest measured value of all measured values acquired within the dened
interval will be stored.