Taipei, Taiwan | Fremont, TX | Richardson, TX | Austin, TX | Swindon, UK | China
1.0 System Requirement
This setup program will install the driver for VIA USB 2.0 Host Controller.
This driver can be used either the following operating systems:
z Windows98
z Windows98 Second Edition.
z Windows Millennium.
z Windows 2000.
z Windows XP.
Please be noted that for the USB2.0 CardBus, please use the icon in the status bar to safely
remove device before unplugging it . If you have unplugged the device without stopping it
which can cause your computer to crash and lose valuable data.
2.0 Driver Limitations
Known driver issues and limitations are listed in ReleaseNote.txt. Please check this file for detail.
Please visit VIA web site (http://www.via.com.tw
) to get the latest driver.