Note: Follow all instructions if using the control assembly
kit or the overhaul seal kit. However, if using the
solenoid coil kit, it is only necessary to follow steps
1, 2, 3, 9, and 10.
1. Thoroughly clean external surfaces prior to removal of
the control.
2. Disconnect the external electrical signal connection.
3. Remove the hex nut and solenoid from the control
control cylinder, if equipped.
5. Remove the control valve from the motor housing.
6. Remove O-rings from the valve.
7. Install new O-rings on the control valve.
8. Install the valve into the motor housing and torque to
47 Nm (35 ft lbf ). Do not over torque the control valve.
Over torquing may result in the valve spool sticking.
9. Install the solenoid onto the valve and torque the hex
nut to 5 Nm (44 in lbf). Do not over torque the nut.
11. Connect the external electrical signal connection.
This bulletin is included with several service kits.
• Control assembly kit (1), includes the cartridge valve
assembly, the solenoid coil, the seal kit, and associated
• Solenoid coil kit (2), includes only the solenoid coil
and the associated hardware.
• Overhaul seal kit (3) for the cartridge valve assembly.
Items A and B are included in all kits and should be replaced
when ever service on the control is carried out.
MV Control Components
MV Control Assembly
Electric 2-position
control valve
Note: Remove before removing control.
Install AFTER installing control.
© Danfoss, 2013 BLN-10171 • Rev AA • September 2013 1
Service Kit Instructions
Series 90
Electric motor displacement control valve change