Updating SMART Notebook SE 5
Updating SMART Notebook SE
As with installing SMART Notebook SE, there are two ways to update SMART Notebook SE:
• Download and run an executable (.exe) file on a computer connected to your PDA.
• Download a cabinet (.cab) file and then upload and run it on your PDA.
NOTE: To update SMART Notebook SE on your PDA, you need a computer with Internet
access and Microsoft® ActiveSync® 4.5 software, which you can download from the
Microsoft website
1. On a computer with Internet access and ActiveSync software, download the latest version
of the SMART Notebook SE executable file from www.smarttech.com/downloads
2. Connect your PDA to the computer.
ActiveSync software starts and synchronizes the computer and your PDA.
3. Double-click the executable file you downloaded in step 1.
A message appears stating that the wizard will update SMART Notebook SE to the latest
version and asking if you want to continue.
4. Click Yes.
The SMART Notebook SE wizard appears.
5. Click Next.
A message appears asking if you want to remove the current version of SMART
Notebook SE and replace it with the new version.
6. Click Yes.
A message appears asking if you want to remove the current version of .NET CF 2.0 and
replace it with the new version.
7. Click Yes.
SMART Notebook SE installs on your computer, and a message appears asking you to
refer to your PDA.
8. Click OK, and then click Finish.
A message appears on your PDA asking if you want to remove the current version of
.NET CF 2.0 and replace it with the new version.
9. On your PDA, press OK.
NOTE: If a message appears on your PDA asking if you want to install the SMART
Notebook SE cabinet file, press Yes.
A message appears asking if you want to remove the current version of SMART
Notebook SE and replace it with the new version.
10. Press OK.
SMART Notebook SE installs on your PDA, and a message appears asking you to restart.
11. Press Ok.
Your PDA restarts.
To update SMART Notebook SE using the executable file