POST Beep Codes: OptiPlex GXi
If the monitor cannot display error messages during the POST, the system may emit a series of beeps that identifies the problem or that can help you identify a faulty
component or assembly. The following table lists the beep codes that may be generated during the POST. Most beep codes indicate a fatal error that prevents the
system from completing the boot routine until the indicated condition is corrected.
Disconnected or faulty monitor
Faulty BIOS or defective system board
Programmable interval-timer failure
DMA initialization failure
DMA page register write/read failure
Main-memory refresh verification failure
Faulty or improperly seated DIMM or defective system
No memory installed or faulty or improperly seated DIMM
Chip or data line failure in the first 64 KB of
main memory
Faulty or improperly seated DIMM
Odd/even logic failure in the first 64 KB of
main memory
Faulty or improperly seated DIMM
Address line failure in the first 64 KB of main
Faulty or improperly seated DIMM
Parity failure in the first 64 KB of main
Faulty or improperly seated DIMM
Bit failure in the first 64 KB of main memory
Faulty or improperly seated DIMM
Slave DMA-register failure
Master DMA-register failure
Master interrupt-mask register failure
Slave interrupt-mask register failure
Keyboard-controller test failure
Faulty keyboard controller (defective system board)
Screen initialization failure
Faulty video subsystem (defective system board)
Screen-retrace test failure
Faulty video subsystem (defective system board)
Search for video ROM failed
Faulty video subsystem (defective system board)
Unexpected interrupt in protected mode
Memory failure above address 0FFFFh
Faulty or improperly seated DIMM
Timer-chip counter 2 failure
Time-of-day clock stopped
Bad battery or defective system board
Faulty I/O chip (defective system board)
Parallel-port test failure
Faulty I/O chip (defective system board)
Faulty microprocessor chip or system board
Defective microprocessor or system board