4.2 Heat Pump Leaving Water Temperature (LWT) Selecon
The recommended design LTW ranges for different types of heat emier are:
4.3 Opmizing System Design
Technical manual Heat pumps - Split
Part 1
4.4 Selecon of the buffer tank and DHW tank
4.4.1 Selecon of the buffer tank
6-10 kW ≥25
16 kW ≥40
Cascade ≥40*n
Table 1-2.3: Minimum buffer tank volume
n = number of heat pumps in cascade
4.4.2 Selecon of the DHW tank
6 kW 10 kW 16 kW
DHW tank volume [L] Recommended
Heat exchanger area - stainless
steel coil [m2]
Heat exchanger area - enamel
coil [m2]
Table 1-2.4: Minimum requirements of the DHW tank
DHW tank
The heat pump must be connected to the buffer tank in order to sasfy the minimum amount of water in the system. The
volume of the buffer tank must be selected according to table 1-2.3.
The heat pump can be connected to the DHW tank. The tank can be with or without a built-in electric heater. The electric heater
of the DHW tank must be installed below the tank temperature sensor. The tank temperature sensor must be above the heat
exchangers in the tank. For the correct operaon of the DHW heang system with a heat pump, it is necessary to comply with
the minimum requirements of the DHW tank given in table 1-2.4.
To get the most comfort with the lowest energy consumpon with heat pump, it is important to take account of the following
For floor heang: 30 to 35°C
For fan coil units: 30 to 45°C
For low temperature radiators: 40 to 50°C
Choose heat emiers that allow the heat pump system to operate at as low a hot water temperature as possible whilst sll
providing sufficient heang.
Make sure the correct weather dependency curve is selected to match the installaon environment (building structure,
climate) as well as ender user’s demands.
Connecng room thermostats (field supplied) to the hydronic system helps prevent excessive space heang by stopping
the outdoor unit and circulator pump when the room temperature is above the thermostat set point.