Infocus LP820 Owner's manual

Data projectors
Owner's manual
Command Line Interface on the LP820
Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Message Format ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Write Commands ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Increment Commands.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Decrement Commands................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Read Commands ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Error Handling .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Limitations ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Serial Communications Configuration .................................................................................................. 7
Table Of End User Commands............................................................................................................... 8
This specification defines the serial command line streams for controlling an InFocus projector through
the RS232 connector to the projector. These commands are intended to provide a simple set of
controls to the projector through what InFocus calls the Command Line Interface (CLI). The CLI is
designed for use by what the industry commonly calls boardroom controllers. The CLI will accept
commands via RS232 to control the necessary features used by most boardroom controllers. This CLI
language uses a simple human readable protocol to help facilitate the installers’ time necessary to setup
or diagnose a problem with boardroom control installations. However, the CLI is not a guaranteed
delivery system.
Message Format
As commonly used in math notation, everything is evaluated in the parenthesis first, as the parentheses
are designed to group things together. This same parenthesis nomenclature is used to group a
command and its data together (nested parenthesis are not supported). All commands are three alpha
characters followed by the request. The request can be a “?” symbol that signifies a read request, or a
numerical number represented by 1 to 4 ASCII digits, that signifies a write request. Not all commands
support reading and writing. The command table indicates the commands and requests that are
Write Commands
Write commands have the following format:
(AAA####) where,
( - starts the CLI command
AAA - denotes the CLI function
#### - denotes the value to be written (leading zeros are not necessary)
) - ends the CLI command
Some functions have ranges for settings while others are Boolean. Settings with ranges range from
zero to a maximum number. If a number greater than the maximum is received, it is automatically
limited to the maximum number for that function. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT EACH FUNCTION BE
Boolean settings consider 0 as off and 1-9999 as on. The only exception is the Power command. The
only valid write values that will be accepted will be ‘0’ for turning the power off and ‘1’ for turning the
power on.
Brightness Command (BRT10) Sets the brightness to 10
Volume Command (VOL0000) Set the volume to 0
Freeze Command (FRZ1) Freeze the display
Freeze Command (FRZ9999) Freeze the display
Power Command (PWR0) Turn power off
Power Command (PWR1) Turn power on
Power Command (PWR9999) Command not recognized
Increment Commands
Increment commands have the following format:
(AAA+####) where,
( - starts the CLI command
AAA - denotes the CLI function
+ - denotes Increment command
#### - Is optional and denotes number of steps to be incremented (leading zeros are not
) - ends the CLI command
Brightness Command (BRT+10) Increment brightness 10 steps
Brightness Command (BRT+) Increment brightness 1 step
Decrement Commands
Increment commands have the following format:
(AAA-####) where,
( - starts the CLI command
AAA - denotes the CLI function
- - denotes decrement command
#### - Is optional and denotes number of steps to be decrement (leading zeros are not
) - ends the CLI command
Brightness Command (BRT-10) Decrement brightness 10 steps
Brightness Command (BRT-) Decrement brightness 1 step
Read Commands
Read commands have the following format:
(AAA?) where,
( - starts the CLI command
AAA - denotes the CLI function
? - denotes the read request
) - ends the CLI command
A read command returns the current setting in an ASCII format enclosed in parentheses.
The following Format is defined:
1) Range Format (r-R, V)
2) String Format (S)
Range Format: (r-R, V)
( open parenthesis marks the start of the CLI response
r minimum value of the setting’s range
R maximum value of the setting’s range
V the current value of the setting
) closing parenthesis marks the end of the CLI response
(VOL?) Read the current range and value of the projector’s volume
Returns: (0-127,64)
(BRT?) Read the current range and value of the projector’s brightness
Returns: (0-255,128)
String Format: (S)
( open parenthesis marks the start of the CLI response
S character string
) closing parenthesis marks the end of the CLI response
(VER?) Read the current software version
Returns: (v2.0)
Error Handling
When the closing parenthesis is received, the command is validated before it is processed. If the
received command is determined to be invalid, a question mark character will be returned as a error
(123?) “123” is not a valid CLI command prefix. This read request will return ‘?’
(VOL ?) “VOL” is a valid CLI command prefix, but the spaces between the prefix and the
question mark character invalidates the command. This read request will
return ‘?’.
Not all settings are readable. If an attempt is made to read from a write-only setting, the projector will
return a question mark.
(RST?) If the RST CLI command is write only, this read request will return ‘?’.
A more descriptive error message on the errors can then be queried with the (ERR?)
command. The following message are defined:
(No Error Detected)
(Unknown command)
(Unknown parameter)
(Command not supported by this projector)
(Command only available in Power on)
(Projector not ready to be turned on)
(Command only available with valid input source)
(Command only available with external module)
(Command failed)
(Write only Command)
(Command only available in RGB)
(Command only available in VIDEO)
(Command only available in NTSC)
The CLI cannot respond to commands coming in at a high rate. Therefore, a delay must occur
between commands to ensure that the command is properly executed before the next one is received.
The recommended approach for interfacing to the projector is:
1. Send the read command
2. Receive read response
1. Send the write command
2. Verify that an error response ‘?’ was not received.
Continually query (for a predefined time) the setting until the value has changed
Some settings don’t implement the full range of values in the setting’s defined range. If an attempt is made to change
the setting to an unsupported value, the CLI will round down to the nearest supported value.
The following table describes the serial communication configuration that should be used when interfacing to the CLI via
the serial port. Windows HyperTerminal or ProComm are two tools that can be used to send CLI commands across the
serial port.
Setting Value
Bits per second 19200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow Control None
Table 1 Configuration
NA = Not Available, Src.dep = Source depended use a read request with ? to get current supported range.
Function Command Attribute Range Default
Power PWR R & W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Rear REA R & W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Ceiling CEL R & W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Display Message DMG R & W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Power Save PSV R & W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Auto Power Enable APO R & W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Low Power Enable LPE R & W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Screen Saver SSV R & W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Blank Screen BLK R & W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Blank Screen Color BSC R & W 0 – 2
0 – black
1 – blue
2 – white
Effect Key EFK R & W 0 – 10
0 – Blank
1 – Mute
2 – Mask
3 – Aspect Ratio
4 – Source
5 – Auto Image
6 – Freeze
7 – Zoom
8 – About
9 – PiP
10 – Screen Trigger
Language LAN R & W 0 – 11
0 – English
1 – French
2 – German
3 – Spanish
4 – Chinese Traditional
5 – Japanese
6 – Korean
7 – Portuguese
8 – Russian
9 – Norwegian
10 – Chinese Simplified
11 – Italian
Menu Enable MNU R&W 0 – 1
0 – disable
1 – enable
Menu Navigation NAV R&W 0 – 4
0 – up
1 – down
4 – select
Error Message ERR R ? NA
Table 2 System Commands
Function Command Attribute Range Default
Horizontal Keystone
DKH R & W 0-100 50
Vertical Keystone
DKV R & W 0-100 50
Contrast CON R & W 0-100 50
Brightness BRT R & W 0-100 50
Color CLR R & W 0-100 50
Tint TNT R & W 0-100 50
Aspect ratio ARZ R & W 0–2
0 – native
1 – 16:9
2 – 4:3
Presets PST R & W 0 – 12
0 – Presentation
1 – Photography
2 – Film
10 – User1
11 – User 2
12 – User 3
Freeze Display FRZ R&W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Table 3 Picture
Function Command Attribute Range Default
Sharpness SHP R & W 0–4
0– Softest
1 – Soft
2– Standard
3 – sharp
4 – sharpest
Color Temp User Blue BCG R & W 0-100 50
Color Temp User Green GCG R & W 0-100 50
Color Temp User Red RCG R & W 0-100 50
Color Temp TMP R & W 0–4
0– Coolest
1 – Cool
2 – Warm
3 – Warmest
4 – User
Auto Image AIM W 1 1
Phase MSS R & W 0-100 NA
Tracking MTS R & W Src.dep NA
H Position HPS R & W Src.dep NA
V Position VPS R & W Src.dep NA
Mask MSK R&W 0-1000 0
Table 4 Picture Advance
Function Comm
Attribute Range Default
Source 1 SR1 R & W 0 – 5
0 – Computer1
1 – Computer2
2 – Computer3
3 – Video1
4 – Video2
5 – Video3
6 – Video1Rgb
Source 2 SR2 R & W 0 – 5
0 – Computer1
1 – Computer2
2 – Computer3
3 – Video1
4 – Video2
5 – Video3
6 – Video1Rgb
Source 3 SR3 R & W 0 – 5
0 – Computer1
1 – Computer2
2 – Computer3
3 – Video1
4 – Video2
5 – Video3
6 – Video1Rgb
Source 4 SR4 R & W 0 – 5
0 – Computer1
1 – Computer2
2 – Computer3
3 – Video1
4 – Video2
5 – Video3
6 – Video1Rgb
Power Up Source DSC R & W 0 – 7
0 – Computer1
1 – Computer2
2 – Computer3
3 – Video1
4 – Video2
5 – Video3
6 – Video1Rgb
7 – Last Used
Auto source ASC 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Computer source advance CAD W 1
1 – Perform advance
Video source advance VAD W 1
1 – Perform advance
Source SRC R & W 0 – 5
0 – Computer1
1 – Computer2
2 – Computer3
3 – Video1
4 – Video2
5 – Video3
6 – Video1Rgb
Image Locked and Displayable ILK R 0 – 1
0– Not Locked
1 – Locked and
Save User 1 Settings US1 W 1
1 – Save User 1 Setting
Save User 2 Settings US2 W 1
1 – Save User 2 Setting
Save User 3 Settings US3 W 1
1 – Save User 14Setting
Table 5 Sources
Function Command Attribute Range Default
Factory Reset RST W 1
1 – Perform Factory Reset
Perform lamp hours
1 – Lamp hours Reset
Time lamp 1 lasted
LB1 R 0-100000
Time lamp 2 lasted
LB2 R 0-10000 NA
Time lamp 3 lasted
LB3 R 0-10000 NA
Time lamp 4 lasted
LB4 R 0-10000 NA
Time lamp 5 lasted
LB5 R 0-10000 NA
Lamp Lit LML R 0-1
0 – Lamp not Lit
1 – Lamp Lit
Lamp Time (hours) LMP R 0-10000 NA
Number of lamp
LMR R 0-10000 NA
Lamp total time on for
all bulbs (hours)
LMT R 0-1000000 NA
Table 6 Service
Function Command Attribute Range Default
Treble TRB R&W 0-100 50
Bass BAS R&W 0-100 50
Balance BAL R&W 0-100 50
Volume VOL R&W 0-100 50
Mute MTE R&W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Loudness LOD R&W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Shime ACE R&W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Internal INT R&W 0 – 1
0 – Off
1 – On
Table 7 Audio
Function Command Attribute Range Default
Zoom ZOM R&W 0 - Input Width in pixels 0
Pan Horizontal PNH R&W 0 - Input Width in pixels NA
Pan Vertical PNV R&W 0 - Input Height in pixels NA
Current Status CST R 0 - Standby
1 – Lamp Strike
2 – Lamp on Warming up
3 - Searching
4 – Source detected
5 - Image Locked and Displayable
6 – Lamp off cooling
Status Word STA R ?
Response is the current Status Word
in hex( 0000-FFFF)
Bit D0: Power
Bit D1: Valid Source
Bit D2: Signal Source Change
Bit D3: Module Change
Bit D4: State Change
Bit D5-D7: Reserved
Bit D8: Fan Stop
Bit D9: High Temperature
Bit D10: Lamp Time Expired
Bit D11-D15 Reserved
Table 8 Projector Management
Function Command Attribute Range Default
Ip address byte 1 IP1 R&W 0-255 192
Ip address byte 2 IP2 R&W 0-255 168
Ip address byte 3 IP3 R&W 0-255 0
Ip address byte 4 IP4 R&W 0-255 2
Netmask byte 1 NM1 R&W 0-255 255
Netmask byte 2 NM2 R&W 0-255 255
Netmask byte 3 NM3 R&W 0-255 255
Netmask byte 4 NM4 R&W 0-255 0
Gateway byte 1 GT1 R&W 0-255 192
Gateway byte 2 GT2 R&W 0-255 168
Gateway byte 3 GT3 R&W 0-255 0
Gateway byte 4 GT4 R&W 0-255 1
DHCP DHP R&W 0 – 1
0 – disable
1 – enable
Save & Load1 SVN W 1
1 – Save & Load parameters
Table 9 Network
1 Always us the SVN command to save and load the new settings to the network controller
Function Command Attribute Range Default
IR IRE R&W 0 – 1
0 – disable
1 – enable
Keyboard KBE R&W 0 – 1
0 – disable
1 – enable
Table 10 Misc.
The Misc. commands are not saved in NVRAM and have the following state at Power On:
IRE – Enabled
Keyboard – Enabled
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Infocus LP820 Owner's manual

Data projectors
Owner's manual

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