Loading the W asher:
Separatethe white and coloredclothes.Separateheavyclothesfrom light clothes.
Carefully checkall pocketsandcuffs for small items.
They caneasily slide in to the tub and maydamage the
Pre-treat all stains and heavily soiled areas for bestresults.
Do not overloadyour washer.
When loading wet items,keepwater level high enoughso items
canfloat easily in the water.
Avoid wrapping large itemssuchas bedsheetsaround the agitator.
Closethe door properly after loadingthe clothes.If you keepthe lid
up, the agitationwill not start.
Pr oper Use of Deter gent:
It is goodwashing practiceto addthe detergentto the water
beforeyou addthe clothesso that the detergentcanwork
effectivelyon your clothes.
Note: You canuse less or moredetergentdependingon the size of the load, water
typein your living area, whetherit is soft or hard and whether the clothes
are heavily soiled or lightly soiled.
Fabric Softener Dispenser:
The fabric softenerdispenseris locatedon the top of the agitator.
Dispenser will automaticallyreleaseliquid fabric softenerat proper timeduring
rinse cycle.
Steps to use the dispenser:
1. Pour in liquid fabric softenerinto dispenseras recommended
by themanufacturer.
2. Add water up to its fill level, but do not exceedthe level.
W arning: Never pour fabric softenerdirectly onto clothesbecauseit will stain
your clothesor you mayget spots on your clothes.
Do not stop washer during its first spin or dispenserwill automatically
releasethe softenerin to the wash load.
Do not use powderform of softenerinto dispenserotherwise it will
clogup the dispenser. This dispenseris only designedfor liquid form.
detergent dispenser
fabric softener dispenser