Warning - To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury
to persons _hen using your appliance, follo_ basic
precautions, including the following:
1_ Read aH instructions before using the appJianc÷°
2, Usethisapplianceonly for itsintendedpurposeas described in this useand
3_ Useonly detergentsor softenersas recommendedfor usein thismanualand
keepthemoutof thereachof children,
4. Thisappliance mustbe properly installedin accordancewith theinstallation
instructionsbeforeit isused.
5. Never unplugyour applianceby"pulling on thepower cord. Always graspthe
plug firmly and pull straightout from theoutlet,
& Replaceimmediatelyany worn power cords,looseplugsand poweroutlets.
7. Unplugyour appliance beforecleaningor before makingany repairs.
8, if your old appliance isnot being used,we recommendthatyou removethe
doon ThiswiJJreducethepossibilityof danger to children.
9. Do notoperateyour appliance in thepresenceof explosivefumes.
10_Do notusethisapplianceto wash clothesthat havebeensoaked,spottedor
washedin gasoline,dry cleaningsolventsor any otherexplosiveor flammable
substancesthat may ignite and explode.
11_Clothesor ragsusedto cleanflammableor explosivematerialsshouldnotbe
washedin thisappliance untilall tracesof this material havebeen removed.
12_Do notadd or mix any flammableor explosivesubstancesto thewask
13. Do nottry to removeclotheswhile thetub ismoving_Allow it cometo a
14_Theappliance'sJoding door mustbe dosedwhen thetub isspinning.
15. Do notoperateyour appliancewhen partsare missingor broken.
1& Do not usethisappliance for commercialuses_
17. Do notoperatethis applianceunlessaJJenclosurepanelsare properlyin place.
18. Do nottamper with controls.
19_Toreducethe riskof injury, do notallow childrento play in or on the
appJiance_Closesupervisionof childrenis necessarywhentheapplianceis
usednear chiMren.
20. Thisappliance mustbe connectedto a proper dectricd outletwith thecorrect