Nintendo Bravely Second: End layer Owner's manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the provided user manual for the game and I'm ready to answer any questions you might have about the game's mechanics, features, or controls. This manual covers everything from basic gameplay, like navigating the world map and engaging in battles, to more advanced systems like the Bravely Second ability and the Chompcraft minigame. Feel free to ask me anything about the game!
  • How can I save my game progress?
    How do I use Bravely Second?
    How do I access the Chompcraft minigame?
    What are SP Drinks used for?
1Important Information
Getting Started
2Information-Sharing Precautions
3Online Features
4Parental Controls
6Getting Started
7Title Menu
8Ending Your Adventure
Travel the World
9World Map
10 Towns and Dungeons
11 Town Services
Map Menu
12 Map Menu
13 Rebuilding the Moon
14 Chompcraft
15 Menu Screen
16 Menus (1)
17 Menus (2)
18 Menu (3)
19 Tactics Menu (1)
20 Tactics Menus (2)
21 Tactics Menus (3)
22 Battle Screen
23 Battles
24 Battle Commands
25 Special Commands
26 Bravely Second
27 Other Battle Tips
Sending Data
28 Sending/Receiving Profiles
29 Sending Ba'als
Connecting with Others
30 StreetPass
31 Local Play
32 About Online Interactions
33 SP Drinks
34 Support Information
1Important Information
Please read this manual carefully
before using the software. If the
software will be used by children,
the manual should be read and
explained to them by an adult.
Also, before using this software,
please sele in the HOME Menu
and carefully review content in
"Health and Safety Information." It
contains important information that
will help you enj oy this software.
You should also thoroughly read
your Operations Manual, including
the "Health and Safety Information"
section, before using this software.
Please note that except where
otherwise stated, "Nintendo 3DS"
refers to all devices in the
Nintendo 3DS family, including the
New Nintendo 3DS,
New Nintendo 3DS XL,
Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL,
and Nintendo 2DS™.
© 2016 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All
Rights Reserved.
Trademarks are property of their
respective owners. Nintendo 3DS is
a trademark of Nintendo.
noitamrofnI tnatropmI
.sthgir ruoy dnatsrednu dna ycilop lluf
eht weiv ot yciloppi/moc.odnetnin.www
tisiv esaelp ,degnirfni g
era sthgir ytreporp lautcelletni ruoy
eveileb uoy fI .ytreporp lautcelletni
s'esle enoyna egnirfni
ot sraeppa taht
erawtfos SD3 odnetniN yna ,noitercsid
elos ruo ta dna secnatsmucric
etairporppa ni ,gniv
omer fo ycilop a
detpoda evah ew ,wal elbacilppa rehto
dna ,UE eht ni evitceriD ecremmoC
cinortcelE eht
,SU eht ni tcA thgirypoC
muinnelliM latigiD eht htiw ecnadrocca
nI .emas eht od ot sredivorP
tnetnoC era
wtfos SD3 odnetniN
ksa ew dna ,srehto fo ytreporp
lautcelletni eht stcepser odnetniN
ton era
seipoc "lavihcra" ro "pu-kcaB"
.swal ytreporp lautcelletni lanoitanretni
dna citsemod yb detibihorp
irts si dna lagelli si erawtfos
odnetniN yna fo gniypoc ,dezirohtua
sa tpecxE .yrossecca desnecilnu ro
cived hcus fo esu eht yb desuac ssol
ro egamad yna rof elbisnopser ton si
)rotubirtsid ro eesnecil odne
tniN yna sa
llew sa( odnetniN .secivres detaler dna
metsys SD3 odnetniN ruoy ot egamad
ro/dna seussi ecn
amrofrep esuac yam
dna srehto ro flesruoy ot yrujni ot dael
yam esu hcus ,rehtruF .tnemeergA
resU eht re
dnu snoitagilbo ruoy
fo hcaerb a si dna ,ytnarraw yna sdiov
,lagelli eb yam esu hcuS .yrossecca
nu ro ecived dezirohtuanu yna
htiw esu rof dengised ton era erawtfos
siht dna metsys SD3 odnetniN ruoY
2Information-Sharing Precautions
User-generated content, or UGC, is
content created by users, such as
messages, Mii™ characters, images,
photos, video, audio, etc.
Information-Sharing Precautions
Nintendo bears no responsibility
whatsoever for any problems that
result from the use of the Internet
(for example, the sending of
content over the Internet, or the
sending or receiving of content
with others).
The extent of UGC exchange
depends on the software.
3Online Features
To protect your privacy, do not
give out personal information,
such as last name, phone number,
birth date, age, school, e-mail, or
home address when
communicating with others.
Friend codes are a part of a
system that allows you to play
with people you know. If you
exchange friend codes with
strangers, there is a risk you
could share information with
people you do not know or
exchange messages that contain
offensive language. We therefore
recommend that you do not give
your friend codes to people you
don't know.
Protecting Your Privacy
Refer to your Operations Manual
for information about connecting
your system to the Internet.
You must go through the initial
setup for Miiverse on your system
before you can use Miiverse with
this game.
With this software, you can connect
to the Internet to add friends,
update their profiles, update your
own profile, receive guest profiles,
Ba’als, and other data into your
game (pp. 28, 29, 32, and 33). You
can also access the Nintendo eShop
to purchase SP Drinks.
odnetniN stroppus erawtfos sihT
eht aiv tnetnoc rehto dna
semag yojne
ot sresu selbane
taht ecivres krowten sodnetniN
fo eman eht si krowteN odnetniN
4Parental Controls
You can restrict use of the following
features by adjusting the options in
Parental Controls.
Access to this game (as well as
other games) can also be
restricted through the Software
Rating item in Parental Controls.
Refer to your Operations Manual
for information on how to set up
Parental Controls.
Nintendo 3DS Shopping Services
Restrict the purchasing of SP
Drinks (p. 33).
Friend Registration
Restrict adding friends (p. 31) via
Local Wireless.
Online Interaction
Restrict adding friends and
updating data via the internet (p.
Restrict the distribution of profiles
(p. 30) via StreetPass.
)41 .p( slortnoC tfarcpmohC
tsil yalpsiD
ffo/no snoci elggoT
tuo/ni mooZ
ssaPteertS etadpU
)31 .p(
slortnoC noitcurtsnoceR nooM
no thgir/tfeL
)seiromra ni dna
sunem niatrec no(
syalpsid ro sunem
neewteb h
)neercs unem no(
sretcarahc hctiwS
)neercs unem
no( uneM PS nepO
unem no( sèngA ksA
noitceles a ekaM
slortnoC rehtO
stneve pikS
uneM R yalpsiD
unem yalpsiD
stneve yalpotuA
//txet pu deepS
tahC ytraP pikS
tahC ytr
unem pam yalpsiD
/aera na tixe ro retnE
slortnoC nwoT/paM dlroW
neercs noitceles
cisum dnuorgkcaB
stceffe dnuos nruT
dnuorgkcab egnahC
.neercs tnerruc eh
no desu eb nac slortnoc tahw
kcehc ot pat osla nac uoY
.neercS hcuoT eht
no snoci evitcepser eht gnihc
yb snoitarepo rehto mrofrep
dna ,seitiliba
tuoba noitamrofni
weiv ,stneve piks
,unem pam eht
nepo osla
nac uoY
slortnoC neercS hcuoT
no tfeL
sutats tnerruc
'seimene weiV
no thgiR
tnerruc 'seilla weiV
)snoitca gnikat era
seof ro s
eilla elihw(
deeps noitca egnahC
)meti ro
ytiliba na gnitceles
elihw( sliated weiV
dnoceS ylevarB
liba ro
dnammoc a gnitceles
elihw( noitca
na mrofrep ot semit
ynam woh egnahC
)22 .p( slortnoC elttaB
6Getting Started
Select NEW GAME, and then set
options such as the Difficulty and
Autosave to begin a new game.
You can only transfer this save
data when starting a new game. It
will not be possible to transfer
this data midway through the
You can only bring a maximum of
20 people to your moon base.
If you have save data on your SD
Card from playing through Bravely
Second: The Ballad of the Three
Cavaliers, you can carry over the
population in your moon base
(p. 13) and data for your registered
Friends (p. 19). You will also be
able to receive additional rewards
based upon your progress in the
Select a save file, then select
CONTINUE and you will be able to
resume play from the last point
where you saved your progress.
Menu items appearing as ??? will
become available as you make
progress in the game. Some options
may require that you physically
move your system in order to fully
enjoy them.
game, the title menu
will be displayed o
the lower scree
(p. 7).
eht pu trats uoy nehW
emaG a gniunitnoC
omeD dnoceS ylevarB
eht morf ataD gnirrefsnarT
emaG weN a gnitratS
ybraen ot egamad ro tcudorp eht
ot egamad ,seirujni ot dael dluoc
siht sa ,ecrof evissecxe htiw
metsys eht evom ton oD .sdnah
htob htiw ylmrif metsys eht
dloh dna ,gniyalp erofeb moor
hguone evah uoy
erus ekaM
.dnuora metsys SD3odnetniN
eht evom ot evah yam
uoy ,erawtfos siht gnisu nehW
7Title Menu
from the following three options on
the lower screen by tapping on
To copy data, first select a source
file and then a destination file.
Files cannot be recovered once
they are deleted, so be certain of
what you are doing when you
choose to delete a file.
You can choose to delete your save
file with this option. If you select
DELETE ALL, all save data and
game data will be deleted. SP and
SP Drinks will be deleted as well.
You can receive items by entering
any special codes you may have
received with your game purchase.
stfiG laicepS
esoohc nac uoy ,unem eltit eht morF
8Ending Your Adventure
You can save your
progress from the
Save Menu
(p. 11–12). When
working to rebuild
the Moon (p. 13), your progress in
that task will also be autosaved.
When you enable Autosave at the
beginning of your game, the game
will automatically save your progress
at set points in the game. Your
Autosave settings can also be
changed in the Config menu
(p. 21).
You will se appear in the
upper left-hand corner of the
upper screen when your game is
being automatically saved.
ataD gnivaS
.luferac eb os ,tnenamrep
si noitacifidom ynA .atad evas
fo ssol ro ssergorp ot ytilibani
na ot dael nac
siht sa ,atad
evas ruoy yfidom ot erawtfos ro
seirossecca lanretxe esu ton oD
.ssol atad tnenamrep
tluser dluoc snoitca
esehT .slanimret eht ni trid
teg ot ton erus ekaM .gnivas
elihw metsys eht otni det
drac DS/draC emaG yna evomer
ton oD .slortnoc tcerrocni
tupni yllanoitnetni ro metsys
eht teser yld
etaeper ton oD
9World Map
map to visit different towns and
dungeons and progress through the
The character that you place at the
head of the party with the Order
command (p. 21) will appear on the
world map.
Approach a location and press or
to enter it.
Tap here or press to open the
map menu.
Main scenario location
Side story location
Current location
Tap here or press to open the R
menu, where you can adjust enemy
encounter rates (i.e. how often you
will be drawn into random battles)
and enable or disable autobattle
(p. 23).
uneM R
snoci paM
)21 .p( unem paM
snoegnud dna snwoT
retcarahc ruoY
dlrow eht no dnuora evom nac uoY
emiT fo egassaP ehT
.yad fo emit eht ot gnidrocca
egnahc lliw sgnidnuorrus
ruoy neve dna retnuocne
uoy seimene ehT .
snwad gninrom erofeb thgin
ot no neht dna ksud ot yad morf
sessap emit ,pam dlrow eht nO
10 Towns and Dungeons
change when you enter a town or
dungeon from the world map.
When certain conditions are fulfilled
and this icon appears, you can press
to view a party chat: a special
conversation among your group of
Main scenario location
Side story location
Current location
Adventurer (p. 11)
Approach an area highlighted in blue
and press  or  to enter buildings,
return to the world map, or
otherwise move between areas.
In a dungeon, the appearance of the
lower screen is slightly different.
neercS noegnuD
)aera eulb( tixe ro ecnartnE
snoci paM
tahC ytraP
eman noitacoL
neercS nwoT
lliw ees uoy taht sneercs ehT
You can talk to
people by
approaching them
and pressing  o
This recommendation gives you an
idea of what level you and your
allies should be at to tackle a given
dungeon, if you wish to have a good
chance of making it out again.
Pass through areas highlighted blue
to return to the world map or move
to a new area.
Areas will appear as you explore
)aera eulb( tixe ro ecnartnE
slevel dednemmoceR
snoitasrevnoC pU gnikirtS
11 Town Services
You can recover your HP and MP
(p. 22) by staying at an inn. Any
status ailments (p. 27) will also be
Acquire items at these shops in
exchange for pg.
Acquire and sell weapons, armour,
and accessories here. You can also
change what gear your party
members currently have equipped
(p. 18).
Acquire magic scrolls here. You will
need both magic scrolls and the
appropriate ability (p. 17) in order to
use magic spells.
Speak with the
adventurer and the
following options
will appear:
Talk to a pig to be able to warp
instantly back to other towns you
have previously visited.
)uneM evaS( evaS
rerutnevdA ehT
This option only appears in
dungeons and allows you to restore
HP and MP for a cost. It will also
remove any status conditions.
You can acquire items from the
The available items will increase as
you help rebuild the moon base
(p. 13).
eltit eht ot nruteR
eltiT oT
.tenretni eht
ro sseleriW lacoL
aiv sdneirf ddA
)2313 .p(
sdneirF ddA
yb dessap evah
uoy sreyalp rehto
tuoba noitamrofni
)03 .p(
.atad ruoy
etadpu ot ten
eht ot tcennoC
)23 .p(
ataD etadpU
.ssergorp emag
tnerruc ruoy evaS
)8 .p( evaS
sdneirF IA
.niaga rerutnevda eht htiw kaeps
uoy nehw detadpu eb yam atad
rieht dna )91 .p( sdneirf rehto
yna ekil d
eretsiger era sdneirf IA
esehT .dneirf IA na ot decudortni
eb semitemos yam uoy
,rerutnevda eht ot klat
uoy nehW
smetI yuB
egattoC ni tseR