MAGIC TH6 is a digital Telephone Hybrids for six caller lines. The system is
available as MAGIC TH6 POTS or MAGIC TH6 ISDN. MAGIC TH6 is a DSP
- not PC - based product and provides a highly reliable hardware platform.
MAGIC TH6 POTS incorporates six POTS line interfaces, two analogue Au-
dio inputs and outputs, four digital AES3 inputs and outputs available on two
physical AES3 interfaces and two Handset/Headset interfaces. For control
the unit provides two RS232/RS485 interfaces for the connection of remote
keypads, a LAN interface for the connection of up to four PCs and a GPIO in-
Instead of six POTS interfaces, MAGIC TH6 ISDN incorporates three ISDN
interfaces for six caller lines. All remaining interfaces are identical with
the ones of MAGIC TH6 POTS.
The MAGIC TH6 systems have an integrated 230 V AC power supply with
standard connector, a front keypad with display and eight LEDs on the front
side of the unit.
MAGIC TH6 POTS and MAGIC TH6 ISDN can accept up to six calls and can
provide the caller signals at the Audio outputs as individual Audio signals or
as mixed Audio signals. Caller conferences are possible in Pretalk and in On
Air status. Both MAGIC TH6 systems have integrated echo cancellers for each
individual caller line. A manual level control as well as an Automatic Gain
Control (AGC) for each caller line can be used.
Both systems can be upgraded to Voice over IP Telephone Hybrids with the
Extension for Voice over IP (ID: 430374). It is not necessary to change the
hardware for this upgrade. The extension is simply a software option which
is activated by a password. With the optional HD Voice Upgrade (ID: 430466)
the MAGIC TH6 Telephone Hybrids can even establish and receive calls in 7-
kHz quality in the VoIP operating mode.
Another remarkable feature of the systems is the Pretalk Streaming Upgrade
(ID: 430464). With Pretalk Streaming, the Pretalk Audio signal can be trans-
mitted via LAN from the telephone hybrid to a PC workplace. The user works
with a USB headset and with the MAGIC TH6 PC Software. No additional
Audio cabeling is required. This feature is especially helpful if there are not
enough Audio interfaces available for the application or if the Pretalk location
is far away from the telephone hybrid. Maximum, four Pretalk Streaming li-
cences can be activated in the system.
With the optional DTMF Tone Analyzer Plug-In (ID: 430441) it is possible to
analyze DTMF tones which are received from the callers. Three operating
modes are available: Standard, Game Show and Event Mode.
System Settings
System Settings