You want to apply power to a switch for just long enough so the switch switches.
Once this blue control has been set, the unit will keep using this setting in
applying power to all switches connected to the unit.
The unit comes with the blue dial of the pot, set in its center position. The term
pot is short for potentiometer. It is a variable resistor. Looking at the picture
above, turning the blue dial clockwise decreases the time and counterclockwise
increases the time.
You will discover that there is a screwdriver slot in the center of the control. A
small 1/8 inch flat blade screwdriver is best to use when adjusting this blue dial.
Care must be taken not to turn the blue control too far. It will not turn or rotate
continuously. The unit is shipped with the control in it mid position.
Whenever you make an adjustment to the blue control you must also press the
reset button to cause this new setting to be read by the unit. Adjusting the pot is
largely trial and error. Rotate the pot slightly, press reset and try to control a
switch. When you have found a setting where the switch operates correctly, you
are done.
The unit can control 10 switches. Looking at the unit there are two rows of 10
terminals making 20 screw terminals total. If you examine a switch you will see