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Before you make any changes, it is recommended that you make a copy of the configuration file. To do
this, go into the Channels Configuration Editor and press the “Save As” button on the bottom of the
screen. Change the name by adding today’s date so you can quickly tell when it was copied. After
making a copy, open the old file so that all the changes will be made in the original file. If you need to
bring back the old file, just open the saved file and use “Save As” and change its name back to the
original file.
For all channels except ARC, the Closed Loop Sensitivity must be changed to 0. Write down the current
number so it can be restored when you are finished.
Range Minimum Value: No value for this channel can be entered below this value in the weld program.
This value should not be change during a touch up calibration.
Range Maximum Value: No value for this channel can be entered above this value in the weld program.
This value should not be change during a touch up calibration.
Out Minimum Value: The analog voltage that is put out by the 9900-10 board causing the channel to
operate at the minimum value.
Out Maximum Value: The analog voltage that is put out by the 9900-10 board causing that channel to
operate at the maximum value.
In Minimum Value: The input voltage that comes into the module causing that channel to operate at the
minimum value.
In Maximum Value: The input voltage that comes into that module causing that channel to operate at the
maximum value.
It is best to perform the calibrate program in standard mode. Write a test program that will run each
channel. When you are ready to calibrate a channel, use Dry Run and turn off every channel except the
one that you are testing. For your test program, be sure that ALC is locked out in every segment. Also be
sure to turn off Wait for Arc and Touch Retract, and do not have any pulsing in your program for
To do a complete calibration, you will need to run each channel in the low half of its range and in the
upper half of the range. For travel and wire, the time is important. After each test, measure or watch
what the actual distance or reading was.